Everything posted by Fun_in_my_z
How fast does a Z really go?
Been done b4
Totalled my driver. Pics
With the miles im not going to worry with it. The frame is bent...
Totalled my driver. Pics
I wanted to put a new clip on it and drive it. But my Perents said no. The owner of the car said he could get us both alot more money then the car was worth. Its bent so much it didnt want to go into drive when i moved it out of the street. And besides i want Nissan!
Totalled my driver. Pics
im sure it will hit 25. But im heart broke that you wont trade for such a fine car!
Totalled my driver. Pics
Yeah it was. That car would have made it to 300,000 miles easy...
Forgot how to drive a Z
Oh and i thought it was white stuff...
Forgot how to drive a Z
What is snow?
Totalled my driver. Pics
Totalled my driver. Pics
Here is what happened. Saturday night i was coming home around 11.00 pm. A Home Care medical truck loaded with oxygen bottles ran a stop sign turning the other direction. I was on a 4 lane road with a truck to my right. (i was in the inside lane) He turned and the driver that hit me claimed he didnt see me. Take a look at the seats they are sitting cocheyed The only had 281,276 miles on it. I guess it time to by that fronteir i been wanting.
Forgot how to drive a Z
Itle all come back to you
Basic 240Z vs. Late Model 240Z
Thats the best thing i heard all day!
320 in garage (San Bernardino)
http://www.wreckedexotics.com/newphotos/exotics/z300z_20051002_001.shtml This is the only one i saw for this month
John reunited with a 240z
Anybody need a rust free battery tray area?
I would take it lil. But ive already fabbed a new one and getting ready to cut the old out this afternoon
This is why I speed!
Ill be thinking of one...
Frame up Nov 20 '04 (3)
My 64 320
Evel Knievel's 1971 240Z
I wouldnt bey much
Feeling horny? None for me thanks.
Dang i looked at the name of this thread and had to read it! My horn dont evan work unless you run a wire straight to the battery. Damn wiring
check out these wheels
Ill pass ty. Rewinds for me