Faster240Z---I'm in Largo and my girlfriend and I just bought a 240Z a couple months ago with a streetable drag car in mind. It has a rusted out floor and the frame rails are falling apart, so I want to do a tube frame. I have an Olds 455 that I plan to build for the car. I'm shooting for 500HP and another 200 or so in N2O. I've usually stuck with SBC's, but after reading a writeup about a budget buildup of the Olds BB, I couldn't resist. I also have 2 Mazda RX7's that have V8 swap kits but don't have the conversions done yet, so I may use the Olds in one of them and go with a Chevy in the Z. I'd love to see your car and go for a ride in it... maybe go to the track when you're running, too. I'd also love to pick your brain and maybe get some good sources for affordable chassis work or preferably someone who does it as a hobby and would be willing to "tudor" me and work alongside me to show me how to do it myself. I feel better doing things myself than just paying someone else to do it and leaving it with them, but in this case I know nothing about tube frames. PM me or post here if you'd like to meet up sometime. We're off East Bay in the East Bay Golf Club.