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Everything posted by SteveJ

  1. EGR Relay
  2. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Why do you think the expansion tank is useless? Be careful about plugging up vent holes. The mechanical fuel pump won't pull well on a vacuum. As for the SU vs downdraft, most of the people who installed the Weber downdraft carburetors did so to work around the issues with the 73/74 flat top carburetors, or they didn't understand how the round top SUs work. No advantage for the Webers over round top SUs in good shape.
  3. After washing the 260Z on Saturday and going to a Georgia Z Club dinner, Wendy and I hopped into the car again today to go to a wine and cheese event at a friend's warehouse. It's always a good day when I get to drive the Z. Of course, visiting the warehouse has me looking forward to Mitty week 2019 at Road Atlanta.
  4. IIRC the 280Z was delayed. This is part of why we talk about early and late 260Zs for the US market. I could have sworn that I read somewhere that the 260Z lasted 15 months in the US market. From that door jamb plate, it looks like it might have been 16 months. Apparently, transitioning the production line to incorporate all of the changes for fuel injection didn't take too long. Besides, CO, Nissan made the 260Z and 280Z at the same time for several years. It's just that they didn't send 260Zs to the US after the 280Zs were online. ?
  5. Consider renting a truck and trailer in SoCal and hauling it back. It's not as much fun as driving a Z, but if something breaks down, the rental company has to fix it. Penske and Budget are better options than U-Haul IMHO.
  6. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Herman, I don't think the people doing the dashboards frequent this forum. You might try contacting Hung Vu via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hungdvu
  7. Pull off the cap and let us see what's underneath.
  8. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    You would have to have a sensitive meter to measure the resistance. While the red link should have about half of the resistance of the brown, the contact of the meter leads on the ends of the fusible links would probably create more resistance.. Here are the AWG approximations of the different fusible link sizes along with the resistance of those wires in milliohm/foot. AWG mm^2 mOhm/ft Black 16 1.31 4.016 Red 19 0.65 8.051 Brown 22 0.33 16.14
  9. The package arrived today. I had to unbox it to take photos.
  10. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    I think you may have been looking at the wrong page in the parts manual. (Note I am basing all of my response on the assumption that you are talking about the 5/77 car listed in your signature.) The wiring diagram in the copy of the 77 FSM downloaded from XenonZCar shows 3 brown and 1 black for the fusible link blocks and 2 green for the fuel injection. The page from the parts manual online for the 77/78 that has the fusible link blocks agrees.
  11. I just received notice that the shipping label has been prepared. The fun will commence soon. ?
  12. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Interior
    You may want to look at the Hybridz thread: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS798US798&ei=H5KCXIr8Kaal_QaB-bXQBA&q="vintage+dashes"+240Z&oq="vintage+dashes"+240Z&gs_l=psy-ab.3..35i39.123747.126306..126496...0.0..
  13. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Are you conflating two different products? This thread is focused on the 280Z. As stated in post #32, they are having mold issues with the 280Z dash. The 240Z dash was the first developed. From your post, it makes me think that they have that one down and have some stock on hand.
  14. https://www.searchtempest.com/search?search_string=240Z&category=8&subcat=cta&hasPic=&srchType=T&minAsk=&maxAsk=1000&autoMake=&autoModel=&minYear=&maxYear=&minAutoMiles=&maxAutoMiles=&cityselect=zip&location=30506&maxDist=50000&region_us=1&region_can=1&region_mex=1&Region=combined&addCities=&subCities=
  15. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    I should add that it's the heat sink that interferes with the stock headlight bracket. The aftermarket headlight brackets I found on ebay do not have the clearance issues.
  16. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    All of the LED headlights I have played with have good sized heat sinks. The LED bulbs I installed in my daily driver have fans. All lights generate heat by nature. With the semiconductors, it's important to prevent the heat from building up too much.
  17. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    H4 lights are your alternative. The problem is that if you have dirty connectors or a dirty switch, light output will be diminished due to the voltage drop. That's why a lot of us have installed relays into our cars.
  18. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Be aware that the MSA headlight relay kit will not work for the 280Z without modifications. Contact @Zs-ondabrain. Dave designed the kit and has modified the kit for 260Z & 280Z owners. The reason for the relays is in my first response in this thread. So far I haven't needed the anti flicker kits for any of the LED headlights I have tried, but I already had relays in the circuit.
  19. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Like I said before the headlight retaining ring (called a headlight bracket in this ebay listing and is 26016-04100 in the carpartsmanual link) makes a difference. The one in the ebay link I provided allows for the cooling fins on the LED headlight.
  20. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Having installed the Black Dragon H4 kit and various LED headlights into a 260Z, I'm not sure what the issue may be. They all fit inside the headlight assembly body like the one pictured. The part number, 26075-E4100, is for the 280Z, and I don't know if it differs in dimension from the 260Z assembly body. I wouldn't think there would be that much of a difference. https://www.carpartsmanual.com/datsun/Z-1969-1978/electrical/head-lamp
  21. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    What do you mean by modify/lengthen? There are lots of 7 inch LED headlights on the market. Thank the Jeep enthusiasts. The stock retaining rings will have an issue with the cooling fins on some of those headlights. I found that replacement retaining rings can work around that issue. The biggest problem is that the S30 switches the ground to go between high and low beam. Most LED headlights assume the positive side is what switches. Since the D in LED stands for diode, that means that the headlight probably won't work right unless you configure the headlight circuit to use relays that switch the positive on the headlights. If this seems confusing, go with H4 headlights.
  22. Loss of signal on the oil pressure switch. Your oil pressure sender has two posts. One goes to the oil pressure gauge. That one will have variable resistance. The other post is linked to a switch. When you have enough oil pressure, the switch closes and provides a path to ground. It's a way of killing the fuel pump if the engine stops running. A bad sender or low oil pressure in the engine could cause the pump to cut out.
  23. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    It seems like it's not too unusual for a rebuilt alternator to test bad. See if they will bench test the next one before you install it. There's no use in wasting time swapping in another bad part. At least they gave you an alternator correct for your car. If you have a trickle charger, put your new battery on that before testing again. The batteries at a parts place can sit there a long time before they are bought.
  24. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    I went back to the top of the thread and saw you have a 78. Are you sure the new alternator is internally regulated? It should have been rated at 60A. If you got a 50A or 40A alternator, it probably doesn't have an internal voltage regulator. If that is the case, your voltage would read low since there is nothing to excite the field on the alternator. Page EE-20 describes how to test. Prior to testing, make sure the battery is fully charged and make sure you have a good ground on your alternator. Do a resistance test from the E terminal (ground) on the alternator to the negative battery post. It should only be about 1 ohm or less.

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