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Everything posted by SteveJ

  1. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    With not knowing much about cars, the best thing you can do is start reading. Read about what a stock 240Z is and what it takes to turbocharge an engine. It is not a simple task to "slap a turbo on" an engine that was not designed by the factory to be turbocharged. Watch some of the videos that come in the last link I provided. You'll see those cars have a lot of modifications. Also, when you start adding power, it's a good way to find out what else isn't working well. You're starting out with a car that is about 45 years old. Many parts are wearing out, and you want to introduce additional stress on those old parts. We're talking about U-joints, half shafts, bearings, differential gears, transmission gears, bushings, tie rods, ball joints, and mounting locations for suspension components, just to name a few. If you truly want to own an old Datsun you may want to do this: Start looking at parts prices. You can find many parts vendors in the links on my blog: http://fiddlingwithzcars.wordpress.com. That will start to give you an idea of what you may need to spend just to get your car in shape. Keep in mind that many parts are no longer available (NLA). Also, this will not include labor. This can help you set a budget. Buy the best body car you can find. Replacing a drivetrain is a LOT easier than making lasting repairs to a rustbucket. You don't want to go too cheap here. Find someone who knows about cars to go shopping with you and have that person be ready to tell you to move on if the car isn't worth it. These cars are prone to rusting, so expect to pay a fair amount to get a solid car. Read and take notes. There is a lot of good information online and in books. Ask questions to clarify issues or to get help to point you in the right direction. People will be more receptive to providing meaningful and detailed answers when you ask meaningful and detailed questions.
  2. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    You might gain some insight from reading threads from this search: https://www.google.com/search?q=turbo+2.4+240Z+site:www.zcar.com&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjRkon4zLrXAhUr1oMKHQaTDA8QrQIIMigEMAA Also it's good to read what you can find on hybridz: https://www.google.com/search?ei=ShEJWsKgCIWDjwSmoLSgCg&q=turbo+2.4+240Z+site%3Ahybridz.org&oq=turbo+2.4+240Z+site%3Ahybridz.org&gs_l=psy-ab.3...362464.366166.0.366323. From what I saw on those threads, be prepared to do a head swap to lower compression before you consider boosting. Also, do you have experience with working on boosted engines? What cars/engines? Are you thinking of keeping the SU carburetors? Have you done any research besides posting your question here? One more Google search for your reading and watching pleasure: https://www.google.com/search?q=turbo+tom+datsun&oq=turbo+tom+datsun&aqs=chrome..69i57.3808j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  3. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Yes, our monitoring indicates that you are.
  4. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Honestly, it's an assumption on my part since I'm guessing he asked you the same thing.
  5. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    He's getting his Christmas card list together.
  6. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Exhaust
    @wil84911 You could bring your car down for ZCON next year, and we could put it up on my lift.
  7. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    It's quite likely the turn signal switch. If you are mechanically inclined: https://fiddlingwithzcars.wordpress.com/2012/12/04/turn-signal-repair/
  8. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
  9. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Here's the vinyl trim from MSA: http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/40-4493
  10. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Most people call the interior color "butterscotch". This thread may be of some use: If you have really deep pockets, this product may help you some, too: https://zcarsource.com/interior-set-w-carpet-vinyl-seat-upholstery-trim-240z-1-71-73-butterscotch-new
  11. I sent a text to a friend with a stock 260Z to see if he can get a photo of the inner part of the belt mounted to the tunnel.
  12. You're welcome. In the future you can look up parts number yourself and support this website at the same time. http://www.classiczcars.com/store/product/27-zcar-microfiche-cd-download/ http://www.classiczcars.com/store/product/11-zcar-microfiche-cd-physical-disc/ It's worth the money.
  13. There are two part numbers: 240Z: 90806-E4601 260Z-280Z: 98812-N3501 I couldn't tell you what the difference is. I'm not sure if the pins are different. The ebay link is probably the "early" hatch emblem. They are NLA from Nissan, so the prices are going crazy.
  14. https://www.ebay.com/itm/DATSUN-240z-280z-HATCH-EMBLEM/382270234961
  15. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Okay. This may help you, too. http://www.carpartsmanual.com/datsun/Z-1969-1978/electrical/wiring/dash-body-(from-aug-76)
  16. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    I posit that you are taking the wrong approach. Troubleshooting would be much easier if you first looked at what could fail. There are four switches that control the circuit and two fuses. Look at these first. 1. Ignition switch 2. Ignition relay (passenger kick panel) 3. Defogger switch 4. Defogger relay (passenger kick panel) Divide and conquer. Take the fuses out and check them for continuity. Turn on the ignition. If the defogger switch lights up, you know the circuit is good up to the defogger relay. If the switch doesn't light up, check for voltage to ground at the blue wire. If it doesn't, you probably have an issue with the ignition relay. However, if other accessories work fine (such as the fan), you can eliminate the accessory relay. If all of that checks out, move to the defogger relay. Check voltage to ground at the blue/white wire and red/white wire. Also make sure there isn't corrosion on the relay body that is insulating it from ground. Have someone operate the defogger switch while you listen closely to the relay. It should click when the switch is operated. If you don't here any clicking, the relay is probably bad. From that relay, the wiring goes along the right side of the car to the back (BE-2). The circuit is grounded in the hatch area.
  17. No tricks here. I just got the videos on a GoPro clone, combined them with Windows Movie Maker, and uploaded the resulting video to Youtube. After I "published" the video, Youtube provided a link to share it. I guess the biggest "trick" is to have a computer with enough horsepower to process the video for editing.
  18. I took the Z to the Georgia Z Club meeting tonight. Here's most of the cars that showed up:
  19. Summit Racing, Jegs, Amazon, RockAuto, Courtesy Nissan, Z specialty vendors. About the only times I go into parts stores anymore are for fluids, batteries, fuses, and wiper blades. I did get a throwout bearing from O'Reillys in February, though. Every rule needs an exception. It just means I have to plan out my work better.
  20. I doubt there is a sane person who likes to drive in Atlanta. With that in mind, we are trying to make it more bearable for visitors. For instance, to get to the autocross and track day events, you'll be driving against traffic. Heck, I'll probably be staying at the hotel (or one nearby) as opposed to driving back and forth from my house each day.
  21. It was my turn to take a drive to enjoy the leaves. I'm working on getting this road included on one of the drives for ZCON 2018.
  22. Did you use a ZX distributor mount?
  23. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Here's a link to the manual: Go to the BE section and start on page 70.
  24. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Go here: http://www.classiczcars.com/files/ Download the FSM for your car. Look in the FE section, usually around page 4. It shows the routing of the hoses.

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