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Everything posted by SteveJ

  1. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Thanks for calling our attention to the video, Carl. I finally had a chance to watch it tonight. It was quite the contrast from the episode of Automobiles on The History Channel 12 or 13 years ago.
  2. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Scopes are relatively cheap if you have a laptop computer to use with them. I picked up one for less than $200.
  3. Did you look at Hybridz? I would be surprised if the topic wasn't covered there.
  4. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Very nice painting, Kats. I can see that you display it proudly. I was going over the thread again, glancing at Carl's attachments and then looking at the painting again. Carl has me convinced. I see the beautiful elegance in the curves in both posts. It certainly gives me a fresh perspective of the design.
  5. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Now I remember you mentioning the leaking. I didn't look at it closely enough to help figure out where the leak could originate. Do any Series I owners out there have insights on stopping leaks in the hatches with the vents? Yep, Jamie, the club meeting is tonight. I even drove the 260Z to work so I could drive it down to the meeting. If you're there, you can even see the seat belt install that we talked about before.
  6. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I think Dave's Google search captures what Jamie is looking for. Jamie, are you going to attempt to bring your car to the club meeting? You could show me what you're talking about if you are.
  7. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Yeah, I don't recall your name coming up, Doug. You better hurry, too. I was suggesting that he put it on eBay.
  8. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    You're welcome, Gary. As soon as Eddie mentioned the dash in the box, I knew I had to post about it here. It's not like you come across those every day.
  9. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Yes, ratcheting crimpers are great to have.
  10. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    I have plugged Vintage Connections in other threads. I just to have a thread so people might find it in a search. Del is a stand-up guy, and he has great products for anybody who is considering doing any electrical work on his/her classic Z. I went whole-hog a few months back and bought a bunch of connectors and lugs from Del. Tonight, I was driving my 260Z home from work and realized that I didn't have any running lights. OOPS! I can't say I hadn't been warned earlier in the day when I picked up the car from Eddie Radatz. (Yes, that was another shameless plug.) When I made it home, I took apart the steering column and replaced the 9 pin plug on the wiring harness. It's so much easier when you have the right parts for the job. The running lights are back to operational.
  11. Three options 1 - Tear it apart & clean it yourself. 2 - Contact Dave Irwin (Zs-ondabrain) and send it off to him to tear apart and clean. 3 - Go to Rockauto.com and buy a new switch. It's less than $200.
  12. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    It is for a 240Z. It would be great for someone restoring a Series 1 car.
  13. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    *Sigh* Seventeen years ago, the guy at the Nissan parts counter told me that a new dash was still available for only $825 or so. Of course, back then, that was like $5,000 to me. Today I was picking up my car from Eddie Radatz's shop in Kennesaw. He's cleaning up his shop some and getting parts ready to sell. Well, he showed me a new dash, 68100-E8800, in the box. He said that a customer got it for a restoration many years ago, but the dash was slightly discolored. The customer arranged to return it to the Nissan dealer for another dash. The dealer couldn't return the dash to the regional warehouse, so it sat around for a while. Finally, the dealership was clearing out some stuff, and gave Eddie the dash. I told Eddie that he should put it on eBay, but he's not computer literate. If you're doing a restoration and need a dash, it could be worth your while to give him a call. Just look up Radatz Motorsports online if you want to contact him.
  14. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    It sounds like the nefarious seatbelt interlock to me. I'll try to remember to look at my FSM when I get home tonight. Meanwhile, look at my links and go to XenonS30. You can download a copy of the FSM and try to verify yourself. If it is the interlock, search on here. I know I posted somewhere about how to bypass it.
  15. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    There are instances where people swap out components due to lack of availability (wiper motors), better quality components (blower motors), better engineering applications (headlight relays), cost, or convenience. For the fusible links in the 280Z, I've read some posts from people talking about the block that holds the links have deteriorated, driving the desire to find an alternative. For the 240Z, I have more of a problem in figuring out a good reason to move away from the fusible link. After all, there is only one. Also, given a lack of documentation on the ACTUAL ampacity of the link when I researched this, I wouldn't be confident about replacing the link with a fuse.
  16. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    In the 74 and later FSMs, the fusible link cross-sectional area for a black link is given as 1.25 mm^2. This translates roughly as 16 AWG. Matching the gauge should get the same fusible link rating. None of the fusible links pictured at the Courtesy site are for a 240Z. However, Banzai Motorworks and MSA both have a 240Z fusible link available. It's not a bad idea to have one or two links handy. They can and will corrode over the years. Heck, most of us carry spare fuses in the car. Why not carry an extra link? Anyway, for the purist, the Banzai & MSA links are probably the best. For others, the part store (Autozone, etc.) links can easily be modified. Just get the 16 AWG links. You'll just have to modify the end. Purchasing the link wire in bulk probably won't ever be cost effective. For people replacing links with maxi-fuses, are you still comfortable with the fuse ratings given what I have managed to dig up? Maybe when I have some extra spending money, I can set up a rig to get a better idea of blow curves on the link wire so maybe we can determine what would be a proper maxi-fuse substitute.
  17. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Interesting, the Narva link lists that guage wire as having a 24 Amp continuous rating.
  18. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    The proper gauge fusible link is available at part stores. It's not that much of an effort to put on the correct lugs, either.
  19. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Well, from what I've read, it could be 21 Amps or it could be 80 Amps. I searched for an hour or two, but I couldn't find a "definitive source". (I wouldn't mind if someone posted a reference that would truly clarify this.) On the other hand, the fusible link gauge is approximately 16AWG. Do you need to get a replacement, or are you just looking for mischief? By the way, I gave Shelia at Eddie's shop your cell number since she didn't get your message. I hope you don't mind.
  20. IMHO... Feedback through the ignition could be correct. Those of us who have upgraded our 70-77 S30s to an internally regulated alternator needed to add the diode. This article gives the details for a 240Z. Also, you could be getting some cross-connections on your ignition switch due to corrosion. It could be a combination of both, too. You could try spraying your ignition switch with something like Caig Deoxit. You might still need to replace the switch.
  21. The combo switch is on the right. That is part of the turn signal switch. I don't think that wire dangling is part of the headlight circuit. What colors are on the wire? I'm thinking that you might have lost the ground at the turn signal switch. That would cause you to lose your headlights. There are turn signal switches available on eBay. Just don't expect a good one to be cheap. You could also try contacting ZBarn to see if Roger might have a good one available. There is this auction: 150520446415. Compare it to your switch.
  22. Yikes! I hate IPOs (Idiot Previous Owners). Of course, IF I ever sell my Zs, I'm sure someone out there will curse me as an IPO, too. If you need any help, keep posting.
  23. Here's the link to the article Ron is talking about.
  24. You'll have to drop the tank at least part of the way down. There are some vapor hoses you'll need to deal with as you drop the tank, too.
  25. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Jamie, I left you a voicemail. Call me back or PM me.

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