Everything posted by SteveJ
73 Auto removed
The boot attaches with clips. Look at the Black Dragon catalog. You can find them there.
Backfiring when heated up...Why?
In addition to what the others have said, do you still have the smog pump attached? If not, have you plugged the port going into the exhaust manifold? Either condition could increase the amount of oxygen in the exhaust. Combined with bad timing, mis-adjusted points, etc., this could lead to backfiring.
73 Auto removed
Those are for the reverse switch. If you don't have a copy of the FSM, it would be wise to download the 73 and 77. That way you also have information on your "new" transmission. By the way, since the wires are both female, I would just make a male-to-male jumper and coat it liberally with plasticoat or similar material to prevent corrosion.
73 Auto removed
According to page AT-51, the wires for the inhibitor switch are black with yellow stripes.
can anyone tell me ?
For the record, I have several of the FSMs on my computer for Z cars that I've never owned, and I will look up things for people, especially for the electrical systems. However, I would have to know the year of the car since I don't know the variances between the 280Zs very well. When asking for help we also can't guess what you've tried. Some people don't use the FSM as their first resource, and many don't know they are available in electronic form. That's part of why I put the links that I have in my signature. While I was shocked at your early response. I'm glad you reconsidered. I hope you will become another active member of the forum.
can anyone tell me ?
Have you tried looking in the factory service manual for the year of your Z? Also, I suggest posting the year of your car when asking for help. It helps in identifying variations that happen between different model years.
Replacement Seat Belts
I had issues with the 11 inch end when I replaced the belts in my 240. That's why I opted for the additional hardware kit. I didn't find the need to alter anything by using that.
Turn signals stopped working!
That could be a function of your alternator output. Make sure the alternator belt is tightened to the proper spec and that the engine is idling at the proper speed. Also corrosion in the circuits can rob them of just enough power that thermal flashers don't heat up as quickly, especially at idle speeds. That's a big reason why Fastwoman suggested an electronic flasher. They cost more, but they perform a lot better.
No Battery Voltage @ altenator?
Actually you found a symptom that manifested itself as a loss of voltage. Why did something melt? Have you made any changes to the electrical system that could drive a higher current flow through that circuit?
- Part Needed - does anybody have one?
Stock Wiring Near Battery?
Seeing a quick drop like that is a very good indicator that your voltage regulator is bad. How old is your alternator? It might be about time to replace both.
Leaking Brake Fluid
Did you check the inside of your car for evidence of leakage?
I'm new and need help
Go to the classifieds link at the top. It will take you where you need to go.
I think you'll get a better response from the Z31 tech section at Zcar.com. While some people on this board own Z31s, you'll find S30 and some S130 help here.
73 Center Console/Choke Control/AC Question
There was a thread in the past about mounting the choke lever. Unfortunately, the mounting point was susceptible to cracking. People reinforced the mounting area or fabricated a bracket to mount the lever to the transmission tunnel. I'm not sure what the light could be for. Nothing in the wiring diagram jumped out at me.
Okay, so I found an advantage that the Canadians have...
Heresy! Heresy! There's the proof that while Canadians are nice, they just aren't civilized. I spend much too much time programming to live without that magical concoction. I noticed online that there's a Princess Auto location in Mississauga. It's probably not too far from the electronics stores I have visited on Matheson. Sayal Electronics is nice, but I still prefer Fry's. Fortunately Canadian Customs haven't looked in my trunk to see all of the Diet Dew I've been smuggling in from Buffalo, but I do have to cut back when I'm up there in order to make my supply last. I just make up for it when I get home.
Websites CD? Location
I assure you that this site are working closely with the US Ministry of Finance to closely guard you're banque accont. Just submit you address, banque accont number, and all passwords. The site is legit. Just don't expect a fast turnaround if you place an order. Mike has a busy day job, but he will eventually get the disk to you. HOWEVER...I wasn't paying close attention to your username when I first posted. If you have a ZX, the CD won't do you much good. In that case, you should go to http://www.xenons130.com and look for the microfiche. Does anybody else have a better alternative to that?
Okay, so I found an advantage that the Canadians have...
Jim, I like Canadians. I'd hang out with you guys any time. However, I'm allergic to snow, Diet Mountain Dew isn't available in Canada, and I'm too much of a Type-A person to take the slower pace in stores, etc. That forces me to limit my time in the Great White North. I will say that people in the GTA drive like people in the Northeastern part of the US. I've also noticed that stopping at red lights is optional for many in the GTA. :eek: Driving in the South tends to be more peaceful until you enter a Wal-Mart parking lot. At that point, all driving rules seem to go out the window. Thanks for the heads up on Princess Auto. Hopefully, I'll remember to look for it, provided there's time in my schedule. It won't be as much budget limiting me as the difficulty getting things through customs and weight limitations on luggage. The scary thing for me is that I've been driving around the western part of Toronto enough that when I looked up the store locations, I thought, "I know about where that is." Pretty soon I'll be saying "Eh?" "Maazda" and "prOject". I took some ribbing from a co-worker last year for describing my cars to some Canadian colleagues as a 240 Zed and 260 Zed. Steve
1976 Datsun 280z Chokes PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE help
I suggest you look at Blue's tech tips website. It is linked in my signature. Among other things you'll find is the fuel injection bible. Steve
Okay, so I found an advantage that the Canadians have...
On my most recent trip to Canada, I took some time to wander through the automotive section of Canadian Tire. They carried multiple wire butt connectors (example here) to allow you to branch a circuit. There are a couple of places in the wiring of a Z where you might need such a product if you ever have to do wiring repairs. While you can buy them in quantity online, unless you do a TON of electrical wiring, you'll never go through all of them. So to all of our Canadian members, what parts stores in the GTA might also have some interesting parts that I can look for in my next trip? I'll probably be up near Vaughan in a week or two. Steve
Stock Wiring Near Battery?
I suggest that whether or not you're able to get pictures, you should download a copy of the FSM for your car. That way you can at least duplicate the functionality of the wires. Granted you should probably see out information on stock gauges for wires. The most important thing is to ensure the IPO didn't bypass the fusible links.
73 auto-transmission pedal box
You can find the wiring diagrams for both the automatic and manual transmissions in the 73 FSM. There should only be a couple of circuits that are different between the two. Steve
Replacement Seat Belts
Check out my gallery. You'll see the spacers I used in my 73. For the 260Z, I just used a couple of washers IIRC.
I need everyones input on this one (Combo and T/S switches)
I think Ace Hardware carries a better selection of springs. If you can't find something there, you could look at Grainger (though it's more expensive).
76 280z wiper arms
Try eBay. I see wiper arms coming up there from time to time.