Everything posted by SteveJ
Parking lights and dash lights out blew fuse
If you don't see any evidence around the sockets, pull the cover off of the steering column and inspect the wires around the combo switch. They can and WILL overheat over time as corrosion builds. This can lead to a breakdown in the insulation. If it is in contact with the steering column, it will short.
1973 headlight Help
Do yourself a favor and download a copy of the FSM. (See my signature for a link.) On page BE-5 you'll find a wiring diagram. On the right headlight the red wire is the hot wire. On the left headlight, the red wire with the yellow stripe is hot. The dimmer switch basically changes your path to ground. The red with white stripe is the low beam, and the red with black stripe is the high beam. Since the problem shows itself when you operate the dimmer switch, that is the first place to look. It sounds like the switch is not adjusted properly, so when you change the switch position, it doesn't break the connection going to the high beam contact. It may require disassembly and adjustment. If you know how to use an ohmmeter, you can see if the contacts for the high beam and low beam have continuity when the switch is in the low beam position. Steve
Check those insulators! - Near Catastrophe
Just another example of why people should strongly consider Dave's relay modifications...
ZCON 2010 July 28th-Aug 1st Nashville,TN
Do I understand correctly that next year's convention is in Savannah? Has a date been set? I want to make sure I'm able to take vacation and go. Unfortunately, work got in the way this year.
Seat belt options s30,240z??
The age of the belts in my cars was a huge factor in me looking to purchase replacement belts. Also, I don't know how robust the inertia locks are and whether or not they can be easily replaced/repaired. Steve
Seat belt options s30,240z??
Search on here for my posts on WESCO. They have good products. I prefer what they call roadster style belts. They are easier to use than the kit MSA sells. WESCO also has the hardware included.
Radio antenna causing start problems?
Fully automatic antennas usually have two positive wires. One is wired to a switched circuit, and the other has a constant 12VDC. The switched source is the one that signals when to raise/lower the antenna. It shouldn't be wired to the starter circuit. How old is your battery? What is the voltage when the car is off? If the voltage is dropping from the antenna going up, it might be enough to cause the solenoid not to engage. Also, corrosion in old wiring can amplify the problem. You could use a volt meter to check the voltage at the solenoid while starting the car. Report those readings back here. It will give us a better idea of what is going on. Do the diagnostics first before wasting money/effort to re-wire or swap out parts.
fusible Link 280z
From what I've read (one source only), the blow characteristics on fuses can be different from fusible links. I haven't studied the curves to see how different they are. Also, with fusible links, the length plays a part in the blow characteristic in addition to the rating of the wire. As Jim pointed out, with the moulded case we can't just push the wires out. Given that, the maxifuse mod may be a better solution since there wouldn't be splices involved.
fusible Link 280z
To be honest, I've never tried to take apart a fusible link holder. It shouldn't be too difficult with a reciprocating saw. There is probably a barb on the terminal that locks it into the holder. With a little work, you should be able to push it out.
fusible Link 280z
First, don't forget to put the year of your car in your posts. There are some wiring variances between years. Second, your post doesn't make much sense from an electrical standpoint. A fusible link is a wire. It doesn't make sense that there would be a fusible link screwed to the fender wall since you typically don't want to break the ground on a circuit. That would lead me to guess that you're talking about the holder for the fusible links. (See the attached diagram.) If you are talking about the holder, I haven't tried to glue one back together. You could probably get a used one from Z Barn. Heck, you could also probably talk me into helping you swap it out. You might want to download a copy of the factory service manual. You can find a link to one in my signature. Steve
Car wont stay running
E, I stand corrected. The 73 automatic does have a relay, but it does not have an override button as described by the original poster in this thread. When Tommy said that he had the exact same problem, I was correct in saying it wasn't possible. Of course, you did make me have to get out my own wiring diagram so I could see it in better detail. I'm going to have to read up more on this to satisfy my curiosity.
ZXP Adaptor buyers, Please read and respond!!!
Dave, let me know if you have any ZXP customers with a 73 in the Atlanta area. I have a clamp ammeter that I could use to look for likely suspects for a battery drain.
Car wont stay running
Your profile says you have a 73 240Z. By the way, put that information in your posts, such as in your signature. You'll get better responses that way. If you truly have a 73, then you don't have the same problem. The seatbelt interlock was only on the 74 260Z. I suggest you start a new thread and carefully & thoroughly describe the problem you're having with your car.
Battery Dead Alt Not Charging Fusable Links Have Water In Them
You can get covers from MSA, too.
Coil voltage drops from 10 to 6 when cranking
That would be ridiculously easy to check with an oscilloscope. I have one that uses a computer for the display. It was less than $200. However, I don't have points in my 73. I got rid of them about 12 years ago.
dash cap identification
If there are no cracks, splits, gaps or huge chunks missing, then there is a good possibility it's a cap. Look around the edges, such as the opening of the glove box. You can see where a cap sits on top of the original dash.
Stupid lighting question
Esmit, by all means, share the name of the company. Do they take into account production variations?
Got the car running finally
Yeah, that's for the PCV. You could run it up to your air cleaner. Aren't the PCVs still available?
Got the car running finally
That hose looks like the smog pump hose. Where does the other end of it attach?
Stupid lighting question
I am the one who wrote up that modification 10 years ago. Given the choice, I would use a plug and play option. There are just fewer things to go wrong. Also, Dave does support his product well.
aftermarket ac delco parking brake cable question
Take the end of the spring and start rotating the spring to get the cable inside of the first coil. Keep rotating the spring until all of the coils are around the cable.
fuse link under hood
Well, Jeff put these in his profile: 1977 280z, 1979 280z. So the question might then become, "Which Z?" or "What is a 1979 280Z?" Jeff, you may want to look at the links in my signature to find factory service manuals for your cars. Also, as suggested, put the year and model car in your post.
taillights and dashlights out
Considering how many times this is asked, couldn't we choose one of the better threads and make it a sticky in the electrical section and help section?
sourcing electrical upgrade parts
Are you sure you didn't end up with a loose wire around the steering column or make a wrong connection there? That could cause a dead short.
right rear signal light won't work
My first thoughts are to check the bulb and socket. Verify the bulb is good, and that the socket isn't corroded. Also, check the voltage at the socket. With electrical troubleshooting, pick one end or the other, and work your way across. IMHO, it's easier to start at the bulb. If everything at the back is fine, then consider the switch. Also, don't forget about the plugs in the wiring harness. If you snagged the wire, you could have pulled it loose from the connector or lug, especially if the wire was corroded.