Everything posted by SteveJ
i need part for a 280z
I second what Jim says. I have a bunch of connectors from them sitting in my garage.
i need part for a 280z
Have you tried Roger at ZBarn? You could probably get a complete dash harness for a reasonable price.
Need a Little Help
Jeff, If you REALLY want help, you'll need to say more than "The engind does not want to start." The more details you can give, the better the advice you will receive. As for the clutch, replace the Master & Slave cylinders. Use fresh fluid and bleed. Bleeding a clutch is not like bleeding brakes. Search online for the proper procedure. Download the factory service manual. You can find one on the XenonS30 link in my signature. READ IT! Also, search on here for advice on prepping an engine that has been sitting for a while. As for the fenders and seats...Inexpensive fenders usually mean rusty fenders. You don't state what you think is inexpensive, so no one can truly give you a good ballpark. You have a 38 year old car that needs work. Do your research, develop a gameplan, and get a budget together. Randomly attacking an old car with parts usually gets you an empty wallet and a poorly running car.
easiest and most effective way to clean?
Thanks, I'll pick some up. Steve
easiest and most effective way to clean?
I'm going to use brake cleaner on the greasy ones and then put the hardware in a rock tumbler I just bought.
Speedfest at the Classic Motorsports Mitty 2010
I'm planning on taking pictures. Can you support video on here, too, or are we limited to YouTube embedded files? Also, I need some info on where I can find a good video compression program. My MP4 files are pretty huge from my camera.
Speedfest at the Classic Motorsports Mitty 2010
Phil, Is there something else wrong besides the lack of voltage? We'll probably get that fixed on Sunday. Steve
Opinions wanted - Body Plugs
I'll just have to fly into Buffalo on my next trip up here so I can buy a supply of Diet Dew to take across the border. The trick will be to convince customs that 3 cases is a personal supply for a couple of weeks.
headlight wiring upgrade 260z
Grounding issues are common. So are worn/dirty contacts on the switch. Don't forget to check the integrity of your fuse. Pull it and check it with a meter. Fuses can look good and still be bad.
Opinions wanted - Body Plugs
Ron, I lucked out. I thought I had updated this thread, too. I found the larger plugs for sale by Year One. Ironically, they are about 30-40 minutes from me. I bought the plugs, but I haven't installed them, yet. I appreciate you remembering to look. By the way, why hasn't Canada realized that having Diet Mountain Dew is a key to great life? Heck, it seems like almost every other US product is available up here. Steve
headlight wiring upgrade 260z
Peter, there have been many posts in the past about problems with parking lights/running lights. Please search for those terms to get some ideas of what to test. The parking lights and the flashers are different circuits. You don't state the year of your 260Z, and I'm not sure if Nissan wired Austrailian market cars differently from US cars or if 260Zs later than 74 are wired like US 260Zs or 280Zs.
headlight wiring upgrade 260z
Well, even though the wiring in my 73 has held up 9 years since I first did it, I don't recommend doing the cutting and splicing trick for the headlight relays. On the other hand, you're already cutting into your wires... This is how I did it back then. It hasn't given me any problems over the last 9 years. Steve
Was the site down today?
Mike will take a check, Andrew. I've donated that way before.
Speedfest at the Classic Motorsports Mitty 2010
It's only two more weeks. I'm going to be working fast and furious all of the week before to get my cars ready. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you there. Just be on the lookout for an okay looking 260Z & an ugly 73 240Z parked near each other near the Suzuki Bridge.
Was the site down today?
Considering the amount of information I get from here, it's about time I chipped in again.
Clean parts and remove rust and paint with no chemicals or metal damage
Hmm, if I find a pool and a REALLY big battery, maybe I could get rid of the rust on the whole car all at once... I could be technical since I'm an engineer (and engineers can be real a-holes in that way) and mention that you ARE using several chemicals... Any decent electrolyte would work. Just be sure to rinse thoroughly, preferably with de-ionized water to remove any electrolyte caught in the nooks & crannies & folds.
Electrical odyssey about to begin!
Suggestion #1 - Learn how to read current with a meter. Always start with the highest scale on your meter and work your way down. Otherwise, you'll at least blow the fuse if not the circuit board. If you don't want to break circuits to put in an ammeter (or multimeter with an ammeter function), consider a clamp-on ammeter (higher cost meter). I have used one for work since I'm measuring 40A DC circuits at times and most meters only go up to 10 Amps. I have also used it on a friend's car to diagnose circuits that might be draining the battery. Clamp-on meters help you work faster on circuits since you don't have to disconnect anything, but you give up some on accuracy. Be aware that most clamp-on meters measure AC only, so don't buy one of those expecting it to work on your car's DC circuits.
Rockauto.com Discount Code
Even with some of their shipping costs, RockAuto frequently beats the chain stores. Their parts compatibilities also seem better to me than what the chains have.
Don't laugh at my Flat Tops...Yet
I think that's in part because there are fewer people talking out of their pie holes around here (and the Ignore feature works, too;)).Heck, even Bubbles didn't hang out here long. I have also noticed that we don't get the school break crowd around here.
Don't laugh at my Flat Tops...Yet
Why go over to Zcar.com? You can find Tony D here.
Does a 2+2 window regulator fit a coup?
I checked an old MSA electronic catalog I have. 30-2224 77-78 Coupe, 74-78 2+2, Left [A] 30-2225 77-78 Coupe, 74-78 2+2, Right $143.83 5lbs. It looks like it should work.
Door wont lock
Well, I bought the tubing, so I could do E's fix. However, before that I decided to try something that Roger Schmidt from ZBarn suggested to me. I took out the passenger side mechanism and cleaned it with brake cleaner. I used brake cleaner because it is pressurized in the can, and it evaporates quickly. After getting rid of the grease and grime from 30+ years, I sprayed all moving parts with white grease, again from a pressurized can. (Note - Don't use WD-40 for this. It's NOT a lubricant.) I re-installed, and it closes great. I can get it to close with a gentle push instead of a slam. It might be something you can try.
choke cable firewall grommet - which direction?
I agree with Mitchell. Point it up in the engine bay.
Resistor is heating up and I don't know why?
Alhbln has a good point. Have you checked your dwell? Also, how old is your resistor? Could it be the culprit?
Door wont lock
Roger shipped one to me for $44. While I know shipping would be higher, and possibly duties could be added, too, I guess the best question to ask is this. How much can you afford?