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Everything posted by SteveJ

  1. Carfax won't work. It's not a 17 digit VIN.
  2. Your best chance is to talk to the county tag office to see if they can help you with a search. I'm not sure what you mean by "11 of 77 or 78" though. The only "special" factory 280Zs that I'm aware of are black pearls and Zaps.
  3. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    I doubt it would work, but any S30 wiper arm would work. You could call Danny's Datsuns for one. I think if you search, you can find a used Z parts specialist in AZ, too.
  4. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Spark, gas, timing, compression. (We'll assume you don't have anything blocking air flow or exhaust flow.) All four have to be there. Double check your firing order. (Remember that some guides give it going CCW, and the older copies of the Haynes manual are wrong.) Make sure you have a spark. (I like inline spark checkers.) Make sure you have gas flowing into the carbs. We'll assume you don't have problems with compression for now.
  5. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    No Did you try Google? From Emhart Technologies: Heli-Coil® inserts are precision formed screw thread coils of stainless steel wire having a diamond shaped cross section.
  6. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Just remember that if you choose to drill out the bolts, follow the previous poster's advice and also buy some left-handed drill bits (Yes, they DO exist.) Since they work going counter clockwise, sometimes they will grab the bolt and pull it out for you. It has worked for me.
  7. I'm glad you got it running. The fusible link ratings/colors are in the FSM. I'll repeat what I said in an earlier post. If you don't already have a copy of the FSM, download it.
  8. Hopefully you have the FSM. If not, you can download it from Xenon S30. Also if you don't know where the fusible links are, the attached picture should help. Don't forget to check the condition of your grounds, too.
  9. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Parts Swapping
    You could try Danny's Datsuns. You'd be smart to find the correct name for the part. There is a copy of the parts fiche online at Xenon S30.
  10. Don't forget to examine your fusebox, too. If you let corrosion build up there, it can melt down. I've had that happen to me.
  11. Would a translation to English have included "there weren't any spark plugs on the engine"? If that is the case, you might have a much bigger problem than firing order. How long were the plugs out?
  12. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Oh come on, guys. Haven't you heard that Zombieland is about to hit the theaters. That MUST be the reason why all of these dead threads have been coming back to life lately.
  13. It sounds like you could have more than one problem here. Missing data: 1. Age of the old battery 2. Age of the battery that was used as a sub 3. Did ANYTHING work with the old battery such as lights? This is without having the key turned on. You may have meant to say that, but it wasn't clear to me if you did. Now for the random guessing: Dead, dead, dead battery could be from age or a shorted cell in the battery or a bad fusible link. Do you use battery chargers or float chargers on your cars? Huge arc when trying to jump start it could be from having the other end of the jumper cables touching one another (even through another piece of metal or you had your cables crossed. A shorted cell might also cause a spark. Still dead with the new battery says that the new battery is old/shorted or you could have a bad fusible link. Hard starting - Search over on Z Car for Ford solenoid. Tony D, a member on this site, has posted how to use a 6V Ford solenoid to overcome hard starting.
  14. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Just send a PM to the moderators.
  15. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Actually if Nissan used the US style door hardware in all of its 78 model year production run, the doors would only be swappable with a significant effort. That was the reason for Enrique's post in the duplicate thread. Hopefully this thread will be deleted or merged into the other. My suggestion: Don't respond to this thread. Find the other one of the same subject by mattbibbey.
  16. Actually, the parking lights and running lights are on a circuit together, but they are NOT on the same circuit as the headlights. If they were, then he wouldn't have headlights, either. Page BE-15 and BE-17 show a good simplification of how the fuse box handles power distribution and goes out to the parking lights and instrument lights. All of these lights are on the same circuit. Page BE-18 shows the dome light, and BE-20 shows the map light. The dome light and map light are on the same circuit. Both circuits are powered off the same bus in the fusebox. Before tearing apart all of the wiring bundles, it would be prudent to check the fusebox for corrosion. Check the condition of your fusible links, too. There are plenty of posts on this board warning about corrosion in the fusebox and at other points of the wiring harness. It happens with a 30+ year old car. Ohm's Law applies here. You have a 12 volt system and a 10 amp fuse. You would need to draw more than 120 watts of power to blow the fuse in a healthy electrical system. How many watts were the bulbs rated for? Also, did the old bulbs have corrosion at the base? Corrosion causes voltage drops (and sometimes short circuits), and less voltage at the bulb means less light. If you don't have the FSM, go to Xenon S30, find the reference section, and download the FSM. The breakouts in the BE section are probably easier to understand than the wiring diagram. If you're still having problems after that, send me a PM, and I'll give you a phone number to call me so I can talk you through things. Steve P.S.: Search the Electrical section for the word corrosion. It will produce about 3 pages of threads addressing this issue.
  17. Thor, You do realize [your comment is to a] post that is over two years old, don't you?
  18. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Florida? Okay, so you don't count.
  19. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Introductions
    Yeah, which Milton? I work near the one in Georgia, and I make trips up to the one in Ontario for business.
  20. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Are those readings from the gauge in the dash or from a real voltmeter?
  21. Replace it.
  22. I found 3 in 1 oil in 20wt at Ace Hardware.
  23. Motorsport Auto 30-7116 Latch, Male 70-78 [A] - limited availability or not available 30-7117 Latch, Female 70-78 $38.27 1lb.
  24. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Electrical
    Well, I tried again this evening. During the day, I was thinking about what could be the common point. So, I hooked up the battery charger and set it to 10 Amps. I turned the key, and everything worked. I can't remember when I bought the battery, but apparently, it is shorted internally. New battery - $70 and 15 minutes to install. Buttoning up all of the wiring and trim I took apart - 3 hours.
  25. SteveJ posted a post in a topic in Interior
    What's your timeframe? I'd have to talk to She Who Must Be Obeyed (to borrow from Tony D).

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