Everything posted by SteveJ
Wrapping up ZCON 2015
I uploaded a lot of photos from ZCON 2015. I hope you had the chance to enjoy them. They will be on my blog/flickr account as long as I can leave them there. I had a great time at ZCON and wrote up my experiences from the past week. It's a little long-winded, but I hope you enjoy it. https://fiddlingwithzcars.wordpress.com/2015/07/20/zcon-2015-epilogue-and-recap/
jfa.series1 & Mike W are GOLDEN! Zup Wins Big!
If you wanted to see happy, you should have seen Jim after the banquet.
- ZCON 2016 Canada Thread
- ZCON 2016 Canada Thread
ZCON 2015 Hookup
Cliff, you were in our group picture, don't you remember? http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/51902-jfaseries1-mike-w-are-golden-zup-wins-big/?p=474174
jfa.series1 & Mike W are GOLDEN! Zup Wins Big!
Here's the group photo minus Mike W. (No one reminded me to get a snapshot of him.) I bet you can't even tell that I don't own photoshop.
jfa.series1 & Mike W are GOLDEN! Zup Wins Big!
I will try to get photos posted tomorrow. The nearly 400 mile drive in the heat took its toll on me today. (That and getting about 4.5 hours sleep before the 8 hour trip.)
- ears burning?
jfa.series1 & Mike W are GOLDEN! Zup Wins Big!
Jim Arnett had one of the biggest 5h!+-eating grins I have ever seen. When I went to shake his hand, he was so excited, he almost crushed by hand like an old beer can.
jfa.series1 & Mike W are GOLDEN! Zup Wins Big!
Matsuo-san was worried about his English. I had no problem understanding him because he was talking about a car he is passionate about.
ZCON 2015 Hookup
And lest I forget, Mike W. also earned GOLD. Jim Daniels (ZUP) is taking home some hardware from ZCON, as well. WAY TO GO, GUYS! (And to think that I got to touch Jim's carburetors today.)
ZCON 2015 Hookup
Breaking news: Jim Arnett wins GOLD and BEST IN SHOW! Not bad for his first time. Now he needs to get another Z car so he has a chance of winning again.
ZCON 2015 Hookup
Today's car show was on Beale Street. I got to hang out with Philip, Bruce, Charles and Jim2. It was still pretty hot in Memphis, but it was a pretty neat setting for a car show. https://fiddlingwithzcars.wordpress.com/2015/07/17/zcon-2015-zs-on-beale-street-103-photos/
ZCON 2015 Hookup
I wasn't planning on taking photos yesterday since I wasn't going out to the autocross. However, some rain storms moved through, and I thought it might make for some interesting photos to get the cars shortly after it rained. I hope you enjoy the photos. https://fiddlingwithzcars.wordpress.com/2015/07/16/zcon-2015-after-the-rain-43-photos/
ZCON 2015 Hookup
That's a little far from Memphis. I bet we can find some ice cream closer to hotel than that.
ZCON 2015 Hookup
Yoshihiko Matsuosan signed a poster for me of two of his assistants working on a clay model of the 240Z. He's a really cool car guy. If you didn't know, he's the one on the left.
ZCON 2015 Hookup
Bruce, if you want to feel how hot Memphis is, you can ride over with me in the 260Z. I'm sure Wendy will want to drive her own car.
ZCON 2015 Hookup
A lot of time, people back away from the cars when I try to set up the picture. Okay, I just scare them.
ZCON 2015 Hookup
Track Day was today: https://fiddlingwithzcars.wordpress.com/2015/07/15/zcon-2015-track-day-168-photos/
ZCON 2015 Hookup
Here are the next two posts on ZCON 2015: https://fiddlingwithzcars.wordpress.com/2015/07/14/zcon-2015-car-wash-40-photos/ https://fiddlingwithzcars.wordpress.com/2015/07/14/zcon-2015-registration/
ZCON 2015 Hookup
Mike, I'll put some in the gallery when I get back. There's only so much bandwidth in the hotel wifi.
ZCON 2015 Hookup
I've posted my first set of photos from ZCON 2015 (Day 0). https://fiddlingwithzcars.wordpress.com/2015/07/13/zcon-2015-night-shots-29-photos/
Just scored a Haltech
Pete Thomas, thomas461, did a nice build with a haltech. His website is http://www.my260z.net. He'd be a good reference for you.
ZCON 2015 Hookup
I made it. The redneck A/C was a bust. Not enough heat exchange. The air coming out the vents in the afternoon was 100+. The dash got up to 148. The 260Z ran like it just came off the showroom floor. I LOVED IT!
Kenmeri coming to USA very soon.
Cool, so how long do you think the process will take?