Everything posted by SteveJ
Door window frame weatherstrip (outer)
I have to admit that I just used weatherstripping from JC Whitney. It sealed nice and tight. It won't do if you're restoring to original, but it worked great for me. What were the part numbers on the bags? Were they NOS?
Throttle linkage boot
You ought to come out for a Georgia Z Club meeting sometime. The next one is Dec 2. Go to the website in the links below for details.
Throttle linkage boot
What carburetors are you running? I think this thread might be helpful. Scroll down to where it goes to talking about throttle linkages.
autocrossing engine choice
What rule book do you want to go by? SCCA? NASA? What class are you shooting for? When you say you have a car being built to race vintage, again, by what rules? Be specific or you can't get good recommendations. Also what type vintage racing?
Blessing or Curse
Step #2 Buy a good quality multimeter that will measure up to 10 Amps of current. (I suggest looking at Fluke meters.) If you don't know how to use a multimeter, research it online. There are plenty of websites that will tell you how to use one. A good meter can help you determine whether or not the electrical system is messed up and how bad off it is. The wiring diagram from the FSM will help you in diagnosing the electrical system. If you are already adept in electrical matters, then the advanced advice is to get an oscilloscope. You can buy one for less than $200 that uses your computer as a monitor. That can help you with diagnosing issues with your fuel injection. Also in support of Step #1, look on eBay often. FSMs pop up from time-to-time.
240z headlights/wiper control combo......
You may need to disassemble and clean the combo switch. If you don't feel like doing it yourself, contact Dave, aka Zs-ondabrain. He will do it for a reasonable fee.
280Z fuses
Be sure your fuse contacts are clean. Your combo switch may be dirty, too. Dave, aka Zs-ondabrain, will take apart and clean your combo switch (and turn signal switch). He's got plenty of experience and a good reputation for it, too. Look for Caig Deoxit at Radio Shack. Lots of people swear by it for cleaning electrical contacts. As for the dash lights, dim lights are a common complaint. Search on this site for plenty of threads about replacing the bulbs or taking off the green covers.
280Z fuses
Check your running lights. I believe they are on the same fuse, too, at least from what I can tell from a cursory look at the 78 wiring diagram. If your running lights are good, but your dash lights are out, you need to check the rheostat for the dash lights. A quick test is to unplug the rheostat and jumper the black wire to the red wire with blue stripe. If your dash lights come on, it's your rheostat. I have no idea about whether or not the rheostat can be cleaned or repaired.
Mummified Z
For a collector, it could be worth $20K. I'd just hate having a car that I'd be afraid to drive. On the other hand, there's a $5K 78 near me that would tempt me if I could convince She Who Must Be Obeyed...
Mummified Z
Sweet, but not $20K sweet to me. I'm too tight-fisted with my money.
- 280Z Doors
What engine have I bought?
This thread may help with the identification: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20774
What engine have I bought?
The diesel is easy to spot. It won't have spark plugs. Oops, I missed "short block". My bad... Must...get...more...sleep...
- Arrc 2010
Large mouth gas cap
It links to the inside of the filler tube. I can't recall exactly where the loop is for it, but I think it's toward the bottom of the opening.
Master Brake hose for Series 1 Needed!
True, I thought about that a few minutes after I posted...
Master Brake hose for Series 1 Needed!
Please send me a PM for when you have those hoses available. It will be on my list.
Speeding Up My Windshield Wiper Motor
Yes, there are many posts on here. Some are about Honda wiper motors. Others are about cleaning the linkages on the arm mechanism. I took the latter route and was very pleased with the results.
electrical problems
Thursdays at TJ's Bar & Grill on Holcomb Bridge Road. Go to the Georgia Z Club website (link in signature) for the details.
electrical problems
Cool. Now that you've taken care of that issue, if you live near Atlanta, come on out to the Georgia Z Club meetings.
73 Auto removed
I can try to remember to take pictures of the linkages on my car, but they aren't pretty.
73 Auto removed
Is that the first time you mentioned the new engine? I don't recall reading that before. The linkages could be different, especially if you had the flat-top carburetors before the swap. I'm not sure how to adapt the linkages, though. You might try searching at hybridz.org (emphasis on search since they understandably don't like constantly repeating answers). I would be surprised if they didn't have information on swapping out flat-tops for round-tops.
electrical problems
I just realized I had a typo in my previous post. What is the voltage at the battery with the car on? As Mitchell suggested, it looks like the voltage regulator might not be functioning properly.
electrical problems
Where did you get your alternator from? Are you sure it is externally regulated? Did you take voltage measurements at the battery with the car off?
Dude! where's my headlights? and wires???
Also, if a new combo switch is in order, Rockauto carries a drop-in replacement. I bought one for my 260Z. It fit and worked perfectly.