Everything posted by SteveJ
Dude! where's my headlights? and wires???
Also, if a new combo switch is in order, Rockauto carries a drop-in replacement. I bought one for my 260Z. It fit and worked perfectly.
Dude! where's my headlights? and wires???
From post #5
- Rebuild kit from Z-Therapy
No Start
Check voltage going back to the fuel pump. Verify fuel lines aren't clogged. Verify fuel filter isn't clogged. I believe the FSM will also have some trouble shooting guides. Get a copy of the fuel injection bible. I think Blue has a link to it on his site and XenonS30, too.
gauges and lights died on the way to work today
You can try Zbarn for a fusebox. Roger will pick out great parts, and his prices are reasonable. Also, since he's in East Tennessee, the parts usually get to Georgia pretty fast.
gauges and lights died on the way to work today
Too bad. That's too far for me. I only have 3 meters at my desk, too. This won't help you today, but I suggest you buy a cheap meter from Harbor Freight and keep it in your car along with a simple toolkit. However I am on the paranoid side and take tools (and at least a Haynes manual) with me even if I'm only going to Road Atlanta (about 25 miles from my house). It has minimized problems for me over the years.
gauges and lights died on the way to work today
Check my links and find a copy of the FSM on XenonS30. Yes, you have the short pigtail. Fuseboxes can melt without blowing fuses, too. Where in Atlanta do you work?
Dude! where's my headlights? and wires???
You might be thinking of Vintage Connections.
'77 280z headlights wiring diagram
Vintage connections has replacement connectors that would work for you. I have purchased from this site and was very pleased with the products.
'77 280z headlights wiring diagram
The important questions are 1. What wire melted? Can you identify the colors? 2. Why did it melt? Just replacing the wire can lead to the problem coming back, possibly worse. Electrical fires aren't fun.
Dude! where's my headlights? and wires???
I would think they would. I've never needed to find out.
$35,000 73 240z?
The only picture from the ad was captured in the 10th post. Maybe the seller was viewing this thread and decided to try other avenues.
$35,000 73 240z?
That's one of the great things about the internet. I got to latch on to what I wanted to see and completely ignore your caveats. I blame ADHD, multitasking, and the effects of raiding the Halloween candy bowl too often. As for the $35K value, maybe the current owner or previous owner was able to track down a famous previous owner and have the famous previous owner sign the dash or something. Hmm, should we ask Pete Brock if he ever owned a blue 73? I can't really come up with a name that would make me want to fork over that much money, though. Of course, considering what I posted earlier in this thread, that is to be expected from me.
$35,000 73 240z?
Carl, Things aren't adding up to me. If you are implying that the car for sale is the one on the R&T cover, it doesn't make sense, at least from what I understand about model years and magazine lead times. (Of course, that understanding is heavily influenced by my readings on the histories of the Big 3 and modern magazine lead times.) The R&T cover you attached is from Aug 72. Considering the lead time for stories, that test would have been conducted about a month or so before publication. The issue would have been published in July 72, making the test no earlier than June 72. The car for sale is listed as a 73. Did Datsun come out with the 73 several months early? Is it impossible for those to be one and the same car? Am I way off base?
Blown head gasket?
Actually it was Emily Litella who would say that after finding out that her latest rant was misdirected. Of course, I think we've all done stupid things to our cars in the process of trying to break out of our zones of ignorance. Rockauto publishes confessions in their newsletter of people brave enough to admit how they messed up. One of the big inspirations for buying the 260Z was to prove that I had learned from all of the things I did wrong on the 240Z.
Dude! where's my headlights? and wires???
Yeah, the relay upgrade is really just designed for the 240. Blackdragon has the generic one, though I would replace the relays on it with sockets. (Actually, I have one of those kits for my 260Z, and my plan is to replace the relays on that kit with sockets in order to be able to replace relays.) The high beam switch is part of the turn signal switch. It swaps the return path from the headlights. IMHO it wasn't the best design. I don't like switching paths to ground.
Dude! where's my headlights? and wires???
Dawg, First suggestion, put the year of your car in your posts. It helps others help you. Second suggestion, follow Jeff's advice. Adding on to what Jeff said... Look at the FSM to get the wire colors for the headlights from the switches to the headlights. You'd think I'd have those memorized by now with as often as I type up information on them, but my memory isn't what it used to be. Start at the point where the engine wiring harness meets the body wiring harness, and remove the wires from the connector. If you search online long enough, you can find 14 gauge wire with the same color/stripe combination as stock. It's worth your while to replicate the scheme. Crimp new connectors onto the new wires. You can find the proper connectors at Vintage Connections. I've purchased from this guy, and he is good to work with. Integrate in Dave's (Zs-ondabrain) relay upgrade. You can find it at Motorsport Auto.
Also to harp on a point I make frequently, download a copy of the FSM (our favorite TLA). It will have the specs you need to compare with the results of measurements from a reputable shop.
$35,000 73 240z?
My guess is that it was a personal car or perhaps a factory gift to him or Bondurant. His name might be on the original title or bill of sale. I don't get amped up over such collectables, so I wouldn't be able to estimate what value a collector would place on previous ownership.
$35,000 73 240z?
Okay, so I had to search on that one. I can see what you mean, Carl, for a collector who must have Nissan/Datsun history. I wonder what the seller's proof is.
'77 280z headlights wiring diagram
Here is a description of the circuit that I put on another website: This is how the schematic of the Combo Switch works: In position Off, no contacts are made. In Position 1, only contacts 1 and 2 are made. In position 2, contacts 1 & 2 are made, and contacts 19 and 20 are made. Contacts 1 & 2 are for your parking/running lights. Contacts 19 & 20 are for your headlights. 12VDC+ comes into the switch on the White wire with Red strip (W/R) at contact 19. This is regardless of key position (unswitched source). The 12VDC+ goes out the Red wire ® at contact 20. The Red wire goes to the fuse box where it is split between two fuses. The fuse with the Red wire goes out to the right headlight. The Red wire with Yellow strip (R/Y) goes out to the left headlight. There are two possible return paths for the headlights. One is a Red wire with Black strip (R/B), and the other is a Red wire with White strip (R/W). The return path is determined by the position of the high/low beam switch that is integrated into the turn signal switch. The switch will make contact with either the R/B or R/W wire. The other contact in the switch is tied to ground. This ground ties back over to the Combo Switch and goes out as a Black ( wire. Can you give more details on what you mean by "the lights not to come on at times"? Have you noticed certain conditions? What accessories are running? Can you replicate it at will? I could possibly help you if you want to drive it up to Forsyth County.
240 restoration
Eddie Radatz 770-926-6609 961 Shallowford Rd NE, Kennesaw, GA 30144 He is also a member of the Georgia Z Club. The next club meeting is November 4. Come on by if you can.
73 Auto removed
It doesn't matter where you start. Just fold a little on the edge so the clip touches the boot on either side of the lip on the console opening.
Backfiring when heated up...Why?
Did you check your dwell and timing, yet? If you have too much unburned fuel in the exhaust, the smog pump will provide enough oxygen to support combustion on decelleration. You can check this by pulling off the smog pump hose and capping the inlet to the exhaust. If the backfire goes away, you know you have too much fuel in the exhaust. A big help to eliminating that in my 73 was the installation of an electronic ignition. Better combustion eliminated the unburned fuel problem.
Interior Damage by PO
280Z center consoles are still available, and they fit 260Zs. I put a new one in mine earlier this year.