Everything posted by SteveJ
Help with headlights
Have you ensured you have continutity going through your high/low beam switch for your low beams? If I am reading the 78 wiring diagram correctly, you should have continutity between pin 16 (red wire with a blue stripe) to pin E.
Help with headlights
I was wondering where I downloaded it from.
Help with headlights
It turns out I have a gif of a 78 wiring diagram. I'm trying to figure out how to upload it to this site. Edit: Well, I uploaded it to my gallery as a ZIP file. Maybe it will be available for downloading from there.
Help with headlights
Find the FSM at carfiche.com.
Anyone looking for a new 280ZX Turbo?
Mike, I wasn't trying to imply that the auction was fraudulent. I just thought it was humorous that he said the dwell was checked/adjusted. Perhaps he did pay for someone to do that...
Anyone looking for a new 280ZX Turbo?
There is something strange about the description. To quote: "I JUST HAD A TOTAL SERVICE PERFORMED ON THE CAR. ALL FLUIDS & FILTERS WERE CHANGED, VALVES CHECKED, TIMING & DWELL, BELTS INSPECTED, ETC." Could someone tell me how you check the dwell on an electronic ignition?
I have a question about horsepower.
First, typing in all capital letters usually represents yelling. I am calm, and I'm not typing in all capital letters. I am trying to help you. Just feeding you an answer does not help you in the long run. Looking at your other posts (which I did before my first post in this thread) leaves me with the impression that you are a novice when it comes to Z cars if not cars in general. I posed other questions to find out your true intent and to try to get you to think about the whole process. You could shove a V8 into a Z. What transmission do you want to mate to that motor? What parts do you think you'll break after your transplant? I've owned a Z car for almost 15 years. I've learned a lot by trial and error (emphasis on error). I've also learned a lot by reading (books and websites) and asking thoughtful questions. The help you need may not be the help you ask for.
I have a question about horsepower.
Cebu, are you looking to upgrade the motor in a car you're planning on selling, or do you have a different car that you're trying to upgrade? Next, based upon some of your other inquiries on this website, several questions come to mind. 1. Why do you want a more powerful motor? 2. Did you do any research on this site, ZCar.com, or Hybridz before you started posting questions? Did you really look at Hybridz after it was suggested to you 7 months ago? 3. What is the condition of the car you want to upgrade the motor for? 4. Is the body in any shape for increased power? 5. Is the rest of the powertrain ready for an upgrade? 6. Do you have the mechanical aptitude and workshop to do your own work? 7. Have you given serious thought to the cost of doing things right/safely? There are plenty of people on this site and other Z car sites who are willing to help people who are ready for a serious effort. I don't think you're ready for a serious effort, but I would be happy if you proved me wrong. Steve
Just bought a 260Z
I put them on a Car Domain page. You can see the pictures here.
NOS Gas Tank
As a 75-76 gas tank, wouldn't it be a good choice for someone installing a turbo motor into a 240Z or 260Z?
Fuse box upgrade
Cebu has a 260Z, so unfortunately that one won't work for him. I have been tempted to do that for my 73. Cebu, always put your car info in your posts to ensure relevent replies.
Interior Repairs - Gauges & Seat Belts
Tom, Are you aware of a source for new stock belts? I haven't been searching for a while, but I never have seen a source before. The closest ones I have seen were offered at the Courtesy Nissan website, and they weren't TRULY stock as they do not retract. However, those belts are new. I know that Snake-Oyl products will replace the webbing of the belts. I do not know if they will replace the mechanical internals that can be subject to wear. I installed some aftermarket 3-point seatbelts from WESCO in my 73. I have pictures of the installation in my gallery. Steve
Interior Repairs - Gauges & Seat Belts
Filipe, What is wrong with your gauges? The clocks are known for going bad. ZClocks has a good reputation for replacing the internals of the clock with a quartz movement that will last a long time. For your other gauges, it might be a simple fix, or you might have to try to buy some used or aftermarket gauges. For your seatbelts, I have seen posts by people that Snake-Oyl Products does a good job. I do not know if either business does overseas shipping. By the way, it does help to state the year and model of your car when you post. Steve
Phantom Fuel Pump? Most frustrating!
My guess is that you're getting your power from a circuit that is only active in the start position. To get a better answer I suggest you do this: 1. State the year/model of the car. 2. State the known modifications, especially if they are related to the system giving you problems. By doing that, wonks like me can look up wiring diagrams that we've downloaded to give a solution or help you diagnose your problem better. Also here is a link to some wiring diagrams at Blue's website for the Atlantic Z Car Club. See if one works for you. If you hooked up the fuel pump to existing wires, tell us the colors and maybe we can figure out when the wires are hot. By the way, bookmark that website. It's one of the best tech tip sites out there.
Just bought a 260Z
Yep, that's the one. I never thought a distributor cap and 6 spark plugs could be worth $700. The seller was a great guy to deal with. He had plenty of patience to wait for me to diagnose the car. Now I need to put it up on jackstands to inspect the suspension more. I also want to drain and re-fill the differential and transmission.
Just bought a 260Z
I saw a 260Z on Craigslist that wasn't too far from me. The seller said he couldn't get it to start, but I asked if I could look at it and perhaps get it running. I looked at it on Friday and started my diagnosis. I finally found that the distributor cap was damaged. I told the seller I would go buy one and try to get the car fired up. The weather was bad on Saturday, so while I got the money from the bank for the car, I didn't try to do anything on that day. I called the seller and arranged a time to see the car today. So, I went to see the car. I replaced the distributor cap, but it still wouldn't start. I checked the fuel flow. I had a battery charger to help the car battery. I was thinking it was possibly the ignition module since a previous owner did the 280ZX distributor swap. Finding a ball bearing loose in the distributor didn't have me feeling too good, either. I was about to drop back 10 and punt, but I thought of one last thing. I checked the spark plugs. Sure enough, they were fouled. My wonderful wife did a parts run for me and brought back 6 new plugs. That was it. The car started. Here's the kicker. The guy was going to come down $700 on the price since the car didn't run. He was so happy that I was willing to put the time into getting the car to run that he still only asked for $2,500 down from the $3,200 he advertised it for. I'll try to put up some pictures later. It's in better shape than my 240Z, but it still has the boat anchors. That's easy enough to change out. (At least that's what I want to think.) The car needs plenty of work, but that's part of the fun of owning these cars. Plus, I don't have to make the same mistakes I did on my 73.
Electrical Pleague
Too bad you're not still in Chattanooga. I'm only about two hours away. I'm pretty familiar with 240Z wiring, having done many repairs to my own car.
Hitachi Flat Tops
If you're talking about having vapor lock this time of year, I would be suspicious. Questions: 1. Do you have the heat shield between the exhaust manifold and intake manifold? 2. Do you have both the electrical and mechanical fuel pumps? 3. Have you verified fuel flow? 4. Have you verified a hot spark? I suspect you are getting excess heat from somewhere that is affecting your carbs/ignition or you have crap in your gas tank/fuel lines that is restricting flow.
Instrument Light Bulb
BA9 bulbs are the proper replacement. (At least I think they are.) I am thinking of trying these LED bulbs. Look for the wide angle bulbs. They appear to be low profile, too, only 6 mm above the socket.
Eletrical issues on my ride, lights and distributor
For your distributor swap: http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/distributor/index.html http://www.geocities.com/zgarage2001/z.html (Look for the section on electronic ignitions.) Are you in Chattanooga or Santa Cruz?
Stay away from...
E, you captured my sentiments precisely and eloquently. Jason, I would not be surprised if both you and the person you talked with about the seatbelts experienced some selective listening. It's all too easy to do that over the phone. Frankly, would I do business with this company? Probably not. The fact that they offer oxygen sensors for a 240Z indicates to me that they know almost nothing about specific models. Keep in mind that for a place like MSA, you're not just paying for the part. You're also paying for some of the knowledge they have acquired about the specific models. IMHO that does add value to the product. I suggest that you just write off your loss on this one and vow never to go back to that vendor. If you want advice/input on seat belts, you might want to start a separate thread, too. I've tried several different options, myself.
Stay away from...
Okay, let's try to fill in some of the missing data. There are two seatbelts listed at that website. One is a 3 point belt for $93.56, and the other is clearly labeled as a two point belt for $16.95. On the listings for both, it says "OEM No: NA". Did you order the 3 point belt and receive the 2 point belt? Did you order the 2 point belt because it was so cheap? Did you expect to receive a set of genuine Nissan seat belts? Did they not fit properly in the car? Why would you want 2 point belts when 3 point belts are available? (By the way, the 131 inch belts they advertise might be a tad short.) Were you just trying to go the cheap way out for your safety? FWIW I bought the 3 point belts from WESCO after someone else on the forum mentioned them. I am satisfied with the installation. You can find pictures of them in my gallery. I did make a mistake and ordered the shorter belts available. However, the company exchanged them no problem with me having to pay for shipping back to them.
Need help im lost in a loop.....
FYI: I saw an ad on Craigslist in Atlanta for a 73 240 for $1500. It might be a place to start for a shell.
How to Convert 240Z to Internally Regulated Alternator
Stacy, are you looking for the plug-and-play adapter, or are you just looking for information on converting to the ZX alternator?
How can you pass these up?
Does anybody in the Southeast need a project? How about the rare '75 280ZX? It even features the classic inline V-6. I think that block was made from forged unobtainium.