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Everything posted by Go240Zags

  1. Just about to pick up my engine from being rebuilt and I am in need of the mount from a 280ZX distributor. I put a wanted ad in the classifieds about a week ago (http://www.classiczcars.com/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=1384&cat=5), but have had no response. Need the mount so I can use this distributor on my 240Z. Anyone have one they're not using laying around? Please give me a shout. From the ad: Hi, finally got a 280ZX distributor, but it didn't have the mount attached that I need to swap to my 240Z for, you got it, mounting. See this picture: http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/distributor/1.jpg It would be the mount on the right side of the photo, that's a 77 dizzy mount on the left. Thanks for any help you can be to me. Gary Here's the swap info I'm using: http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/distributor/index.html
  2. I've recently had an L28 F54 built up that was bored .20 over with flat top pistons and rebuilt P90 (looking at 9 - 9.5 compression) plus 280ZX E12-80 dizzy and ceramic coated 3-2 headers (unsure of brand). I have Z Therepy rebuild kits with SM needles and the "Just SU Carbs" video for my 4 bolt SUs. Since I have the stock cam that was in the slightly milled P90 will my SM needles be too rich. I was told i could get the cam reground for a little more lift? for about $100. Should I do this? Not trying for a drag racer - just a quick car down the highway and in the twisties.
  3. Oh ya, rust is THE biggest problem with my Z. Cut out the passenger side floorpan to fit my Charlie O. replacement and rust kept on going up the old firewall. Very frustrating. Now I'm looking at patching the firewall. Driver's side firewall seems very solid as does the rest of the firewall. Fingers crossed anyway. Already cut out the battery box area and have good donar metal from another Z for that area. Now I have a couple really big holes in my Series I -- New donar shell still sounds good. On the other hand, my L54 build up (.20 over, flat tops, rebuilt P90 looking at 9 - 9.5 compression) is starting to take shape and I ordered a MSA header gasket for my ceramic coated 3-2 headers the other day. Now just got to get the body good enough to put the rebuilt engine in and mate it up the the 5 speed.
  4. DeeZ, I live 4 miles south of the British Columbia (U.S./Canada border) in Wash. State and it is my understanding any car over eight years old doesn't have to pay import duty as part of NAFTA. And that was when NAFTA was first agreed upon, supposedly the duty free status applies to newer and newer cars as the agreement gets older. There are several people in my town that purchased fairly new rigs in Canada, especially when the U.S. dollar was much stronger in comparison. It should be the same going both directions as far as import/export.
  5. Go240Zags replied to Mpower280z's post in a topic in Introductions
    Looks like a labor of love. Great looking car and I truly like the headlight covers.
  6. I've always liked the look on Zs and thought it would be nice if someone started making these in 15x7. Too much to hope for I guess -- but good to see you can get the slotted mags in larger sizes now. Like the Libres a lot better though.
  7. Go240Zags posted a post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    Hi, saw these on Craig's List Seattle. They're not mine, but maybe someone here would be interested. Not sure if you get both sets for the same price, but here's the listing: http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/car/187625633.html Gary
  8. The 4.3L is a V6 - Actually 2/3 of the 350 small block, according to Chevy. Pretty sure Chevy Luvs never came with small block as stock, believe they were actually Isuzu (however it's spelled) trucks badged as Chevs, could be wrong but think they at least had Japanese running gear. Edit: Found this link for some LUV history confirming they were all Isuzu with Chev rebadge - http://www.luvtruck.com/history.htm
  9. If I could just get someone to make those improvements to the 4.3L in my '92 shortbox Chevy Pickup's engine . They're reliable, have 160K on the old girl and have had very little to do but regular maintenance. Blows a little smoke when she first starts up, but would rather replace the engine when its time than spend $25K to $35K to replace her with a new truck.
  10. Go240Zags replied to Arne's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    My other love of things Japanese was Nikon Cameras. I ran an ongoing classified ad (free at the time because I worked at the newspaper) requesting anyone with old Nikon equipment to sell to see me first. Being in the boonies I never expected it but one day someone asked me what I'd give them for my then dream camera - a mint Nikon SP rangefinder. If it was all black, instead of chrome and black I probably would have given myself away, but I offered $200 for the camera, case, three mint lenses, and many more goodies and we had a deal. Unfortunately for me it was so mint and so unreasonably (to me) valuable it became nothing more than a show piece and I was afraid to use it. Last year I sold it for $3250 and really don't miss it that much. The best thing about the whole deal was the fact my ex-wife thought I was an idiot for spending $200 on a 50 year old camera. Oh well, guess I'm glad she didn't consider it community property. Although the rangefinders seem to be holding their value, my SLRs seem to be going downhill fast. I have some very nice Canon equipment you can't hardly give away and even my Nikon F2 and F3 with motorwinds are not holding their value like they should -- they're film not digital. Even though they are classics that set the standard in their day to most people they are just heavy and obsolete -- so sad. I don't even use them anymore, but can't seem to part with them for the price they'd fetch. I don't think the Z or Z parts will go that way, but overall the cars don't seem to be increasing nearly as fast as some of the parts. Now if I could find a reasonably good Series I maybe I could sell my parts collection to finance it. Unfortunately I don't have any NOS parts, just some reasonbly well cared for used ones and one really rusty Series I car.
  11. Here is where I got mine for a whole lot less then you say MSA has them for. Courtesey is a good place to shop as well. Gary http://www.courtesyparts.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CP&Product_Code=999M1-S30ZR
  12. Not my auction, but here are a pair. Myself, I need the drip pan/guard or whatever you call it as I have a later 280Z hood missing that piece on my Series I with the vents. Seems kind of pricey to me based on past auctions, but maybe they're getting pretty rare. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240z-280z-plastic-hood-vents-vg-condition_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34204QQihZ001QQitemZ110007368766QQrdZ1
  13. Around here many people swear by them. I have them on my truck and have been lucky enough not to hit one in 14 years w/ that truck. Had none on my parent's cars and hit two in less than a month last August. I take lots of photos and if you stop and whistle at a deer it will usually just look up and stare at you in a curious way. I've seen hunters do the same. Do the deer whistles work -- can't hurt and they can be had for pretty cheap. Best bet is to keep your eyes open, but that doesn't help if they leap from above on a hillside along the road or if there are a dozen standing all over the highway on the other side of a curve. Then there's the debate over slam on the brakes or speed up and hit them hard enough to fly them over the car. I've found the brake method has worked best for me in the past.
  14. I wish that I could have met him -- he was just too young to die. I lost my father in April and an 8 year-old nephew last August. It can be very hard on family and friends, even when you know it is coming. Lately I've missed his valuable information and the fact he was always willing to jump in to a good debate on a wide range of topics, not just Zs. I had high hopes he was going to become a regular on this site again. I'll also miss sharing a good laugh with him off-site via e-mail on matters political (many of them aimed at a well-known world leader). My deepest sympathies to all his family and friends. Gary
  15. Go240Zags replied to Duffman's post in a topic in Interior
    I bought mine for about $50 off eBay a couple years back. It wasn't perfect, but by gluing a small washer on one end I was able to fix it where the pin attaches lid to the main body of the ashtray. No spring, but I don't really care, will be a nice place to store my change I guess. I found a lid in a junker, but it had a corner broken off. No sign of the ashtray though. The search goes on for back ups and trade parts.
  16. Go240Zags replied to =Enigma='s post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Here's a good site for reviews as well. I've gone there for info on DSLRs and photo printers. http://www.steves-digicams.com/
  17. Go240Zags replied to =Enigma='s post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I've always been a Nikon man as well, I've had or have an SP, F, F2 and an F3. When the newspaper I work for got me a digital camera it was a 10D and it is very nice, I've heard the difference between it and the 20D isn't that great -- more megapixals. Haven't much knowledge of the 30D, guess I'll have to do some reading up. The Canon camera is very well made. The LCD size would make the 30D nicer to use, but $300 nicer? I'd save my money for lenses -- kinda like speakers for your stereo -- get the best you can afford.
  18. Arne, I think Libra-type wheels look great on a first gen Z, just wish they came in 15x7. Not fugly at all. Gary
  19. Go240Zags commented on Go240Zags's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  20. Go240Zags replied to samzhot240's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    The '71-'72 240Z bumpers look better than the '73 which sticks out farther. If you don't care about absolute stock originality I'd go with one of the earlier bumpers, but you'll probably have to find the mounts as they are different if I remember correctly.
  21. Go240Zags replied to Z fun car's post in a topic in Introductions
    Jim, Welcome from a neighbor just across the border in Oroville, WA. (what, four miles south?) You are the first member I've found that lives so close. Hopefully Bruce (Gator) will let those in the American Okanogan join up when he gets the Okanagan/Okanogan Valley Club going. Funny that in Canada you're in the South Okanagan while in the States we're in the Northern Okanogan. Just shows what kind of confusion that border can make. PM me if you'd like to get together and talk Z cars sometime. I'm no expert, but I'm learning right here and hands on. My car is in pieces and a major work in progress. Only drove it a few times before I started pulling it apart, but the body and mechanicals need so much work it wasn't safe to drive very far. It is a 1971 Series I built in 12/70. Gary
  22. Someone is listing a car on eBay that is supposed to be one from the Nissan America restoration program -- you know the one with the "F" word. Anyway it was supposed to be in the program, before it ended and wasn't completed. Comes with lots of new parts. Might be worth a look to someone with the money for a partially completed project. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-Z-Series-1972-Datsun-240z-FACTORY-PROJECT-CAR-WOW_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6187QQitemZ4623876995QQrdZ1
  23. Go240Zags replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Of course our favorites down here are "Sore E (Sorry) & Ut (out) and Aboot (about) in a boat" and of course the ever popular Eh? International Boy Scout Camps were always full of good natured ribbing between the Yanks and Canucks when I was a lad.
  24. Go240Zags replied to Zedrally's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    In the U.S. I've always heard Datsun - "Dot" "Sun" and Nissan "Knee" "Saun," but living near the Canadian border as I do the Canadians I know seemed to prefer "Dat" "Sun" and "Niss" "On" or something like that. Gary D.
  25. Go240Zags replied to Ed's post in a topic in Interior
    It looks like the link in the first post goes to a universal door/trunk/hatch seal, while the part number you give goes to Push On Weatherstrip. Which is right? I might as well order this while I get some new weatherstripping for my pickup. Also do you have the channel felt PN? Thanks, Gary, Gary D.

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