Everything posted by Go240Zags
Stock cam choice?
That's the 1983 280ZX (not 1984) Turbo with the P90A Hydrolic Lifter head, have one out in my backyard under cover as we speak. I went and bought a solid lifter P90 that I'm having worked on right now, the P90A and engine are for future use (spares) or to sell some day.
Need Original Factory Left Front Fender
Jim, I see you are in Tacoma, did you order your fenders from a Spokane dealer? That would be closest for me if I go that route.
Weird Names
In my little corner of the world we have a Brick Wahl and a Rick Shaw. Brick grew up to be built somewhat like a brick wall (probably didn't have a choice w/ a name like that). We also have more than our share of Tree Beards, Whispering Pines, Star Shines, etc. Lots of the old hippies came to roost in the beautiful Okanogan Highlands.
L 24 engine
Not to burst anyone's idea of what's what in America, but getting ''laid'' into means exactly the same thing in the U.S., so maybe we should get back on track. Without pictures from the orignal poster this all is getting a little off track. Let's see the oil cooler photos. Thanks for the info from those like Alan and Carl and everyone who had something of actual value to add to our knowledge on the subject.
Rally Clock and oscillator unit For Sale
This is pretty wild, I bought one of these off eBay awhile back for about $50 bucks -- still haven't tested it to see if it works, but I have both parts. Funny, I'm missing one knob as well. Almost tempted to sell it, but not quite. Victor I'll see about taking some photos of the oscillator for you. Gary D
That could probably be arranged. The next town is about 5 miles away and they have a couple of hardware stores. Might take a trip to Penticton, BC though to find a bigger home center big box type store, I know they have a Canadian Tire (sounds like a tire store, but actually is more of a Home Depot type store). Let me do some checking on the phone first, as it snowed again today. Thanks to Homeland Security it is also getting to be more of a hassle crossing the border nowadays. It used to be almost as easy as driving to the next town. Now they want Passports or Birth Certificates, even though that isn't really the law. And that's returning to the states, they're much nicer crossing into Canada (usually). In the old days, many of the customs/immigration guys on the U.S. side were my old High School teachers picking up a few bucks working nights or after they retired from teaching.
Can't believe I read all 10 pages of those posts on the MoPar site, but it is interesting, especially if you are into DIY and don't have the facilities or skills to spray paint. I live just four miles from the Great White North too. Still would like to leave my paint to the professionals, but the thread definately got me thinking.
heart broken.
Make that 11 (or is it 21?)
240z for sale in the Bay Area
If I lived anywhere near San Fran I think it would be worth looking into, definately in a lot better shape than my 12/70 build 1971 Series I (no holes in steering wheel either).
240Z Parking Light upgrade harness's for Sale
Hey Dave, got both harnesses yesterday and they look quite professionally made. Now to just get the car done so I can install them. It might be a year or two yet, but they'll be there when I need them.
Flat top pistons .40 over going cheap
Oops, http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1,1&item=8036292522&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT
Flat top pistons .40 over going cheap
This isn't my auction, but these pistons seem to be going pretty cheap, unless there are a bunch of watchers out there. Seller says he will pull the auction if he doesn't get his starting bid of $100 w/in next 10 hours. ITM is supposed to be a pretty good brand, yes?
Is it just me or did you think the Steelers were handed the superbowl.
That should be a man in his "60s" not "50s" -- Mick was born in 1943, just three years younger than me mum. He sounded pretty weak, but at least he wasn't lip syncing (however it's spelled).
Should I mill my P90
Thanks Gary, I'll give Kim a shout. I've thought about a hotter cam, but my wallet is starting to get light pretty fast. I guess if I got off my arse and sold some of the spare parts I have I could finance some more new parts. I have a 1983 280ZX Turbo 2+2 under cover in the back yard I wouldn't mind seeing trailered off for a couple of bucks. Maybe this spring. Gary
Wiring harness questions - early '71 240Z (long)
Since my computer has decided to slow down from high speed to drunken speed, this question has probably already been answered, but here goes Radio Controlled.
Should I mill my P90
Okay, there are lots of discussions on which is the best head. I've decided to go with a P90 (not P90A) on top of my L28 F54 Block that has been bored .40 over. It also has flat top pistons and the standard crank and will be running the four screw SUs, with SM needles and rebuild kits from Ztherapy. The way I read it I should get a compression ration of about 8.89:1 according to the handy engine calculator with the Felpro or HKS 1mm head gasket. What are your opinions on shaving the head for a little higher compression? I'd like to run regular pump gas, but paying a little extra for premium wouldn't kill me. With regular prices so high right now who'd notice? I guess what I am shooting for is a nice streetable engine. I'm not looking for a race car, but something I can take for a fast paced cruise with power to spare when it is needed to get out and pass, etc. Would taking .40 off do the trick? The head doesn't need a lot of work and I am pretty sure I have some cam tower shims from another one of the heads I have laying around the garage somewhere. Is milling that pricey? Should I have the P90's cam worked on while I am at it. The engine will go in my 1971 Series 1 (12/70 build date) project, that is if it ever gets beyond the basketcase stage. The shell, such as it is, is waiting spring for some major rust repair (as well as everything else). I know that's a lot to think about and I'm sure opinions will vary widely depending on people's taste. When I think of my future driving needs I think highway cruiser with some twisty mountain roads, not stoplight dragster. Any ideas? I've found your advice helpful in the past. Even though my project has gone in different directions before, the engine portion is starting to gel into something I can use. The boring has been completed, new pistons ordered and installed. Now I need to get the head work done.
Is it just me or did you think the Steelers were handed the superbowl.
I didn't care much for the officiating either, and maybe it would have made a difference. I also agree the SHawks made some strange time management decisions. Just hope we don't have to wait another 30 years before the SeaPuppies get another chance.
Wheel comparison
I like the slots as well, but maybe in 15" like are now available, I think if the libras came in 15 I'd consider a switch. Right now I have Panasports sitting in boxes waiting for the day that my car isn't an embarassment and can go on. Gary
Kind of looks like the two engine stands concept, except for the bar in the middle and the arms on each side. Think I might be able to do something similar or a little better for less than $799, but maybe not.
Floor pans tar removal question? and other stuff ...
Here's a thread that discusses removal using Dry Ice. Hope it helps. Gary http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16546&highlight=tar+removal
Global warmin, Montana and a 240z
Here at 49 Degrees North in NCW (North Central Washington) we had an unusually cold spell followed by warm whether in the 30’s and 40’s Fahrenheit. Now it's starting to get a bit nippy again. Kind of a nice winter though because I can still see snow at the top of the foothills and the North Cascades are up to about 85% of average already. It may mean we don’t have to hear dire predictions about drought this summer. If there is no Global Warming we certainly have been going thru a warm cycle in the past 5-10 years. The last real good snow year we had was 1996 – then we got to deal with flood warnings.
For you Seattle Seahawk fans...........
The guy with the Seahawks car must have gotten ahold of some of that "BC Bud" the Border Patrol and Customs are always snagging at or near the border around here. Seems the transportation of choice for the smugglers on foot is always hockey bags, wonder why? Go SeaChickens.
Well it took me 5 years .....
When I click the link I can't seem to see any pictures, just the words 'expand' but when I click that I get a seperate pop up box with nothing in it. Sorry, I tried the same link w/ Internet Explorer, rather than Firefox and the photos showed up. Very nice car -- good work!
Yes I know I don't have a Z
As in Utility SUV - Sport "Utility" Vehicle, or Ute for short, at least in Oz and NZ I'd guess.
Which cars had the radiator support painted black?
Kenz, thanks for the clarification. My car is far from original, so maybe they were replacement hinges or something. Gary