Everything posted by Go240Zags
Gas for $1.98 a gallon here!
MikeW, I think that's their plan, to make it seem so much cheaper by comparison. Wouldn't suprise me if it settled in at $2.50 and everyone thought that was great. That's what it is here now, beats the high we had of $3.19 (I know others paid more), but still too pricey. We're not known for our cheap gas in my part of the state, but I'd be happy at a straight $2 a gallon.
Opinion time: How would I have fared?
In our WA (Washington State, USA) you could say you get to choose, but only if you choose not to buckle up you get a $200+ fine. If you have children that are not buckled up you get to pay for each instance as well. If another adult in the car chooses not to buckle up it is my understanding they get the fine, not the driver. I believe most U.S. states have the same or similar laws with varying fine amounts. I'm sure there are countries and some U.S. states out there with the right to choose, but Washington State isn't one of them. Not that very long ago the coppers couldn't pull you over for no seat belt in my state, but even that has changed. Just north of the border from me in British Columbia, Canada buckling up is the law as well. How about the rest of you U.S. Z'ers and those from other countries?
240Z power antenna
I did a quick check of some auctions like: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Power-ANTENNA-Datsun-Nissan-240z-260z-280z-72-73-75-76_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33639QQitemZ8016131337QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW The all seem to say they go up and down with the power on/off switch however, but do say they will provide with the correct connectors which would save some soldering or other jury rigging. Here's a bit from their description:
240Z power antenna
The Harada antenna looks like it is very close to the original Z antenna, altho the motor housing is somewhat more modern -- plastic rather than metal IIRC. I could be wrong, but I thought they were the OEM supplier. I'll have to look at the ones I've pulled in various states of disrepair from junkyards . There always seems to be automatic Maxima antennas listed on eBay, you might try searching there. Gary
repro tail lights for early Z
I agree, not for me, altho I do have a pair of the clear front turnsignal lights (used from Oz) I may install one day. Haven't decided yet.
would anyone be interested in a used 3.0L stroker
PrOxLaMuS©, Dreco, I kinda oops'd by bringing this thread back from the dead, I should have sent Dreco a private message, rather than resurrecting it but it looks like there's lots of interest in the engine if he hasn't sold it already. I was just curious if Dreco sold the engine and for how much. Gary
would anyone be interested in a used 3.0L stroker
Long Gone?
What is this little pipe?
I think Victor was referring to the little present 26th found when he bought 27th. Check out this thread and sroll down 'til you see the photo of the "crack pipe." http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14070&page=5&pp=15&highlight=crack+pipe
Engine keeps running after shutoff.
I've always heard it referred to as dieseling: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dieseling
do you know of any zcars in a simular color?
Try this link: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13368&highlight=sunset+orange+240z http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=5039 http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=5040
Metal headlight bucket?
How much are they available for? I have one FRP and one metal. Want to go back to FRP for both I think.
Hi CR, I'm a lot closer than Nebraska. I have a short block L28 you can have for $100 if you want. I might be able to get it as close as Seattle, but not for awhile. If you could pick it up you could have it sooner.
hello learning lots here, from wood1 aka woodblock
Hello from the dry side of the state (well, in the summer anyway), good to see another Washingtonian with the Z bug.
Rally Clock on Ebay
And here's another one, this one from a fellow member (see previous post) -- http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-280Z-Rally-Clock_W0QQitemZ8012699581QQcategoryZ33673QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Rally Clock on Ebay
26th, Just asked Ron about the same question -- but first wanted to know how to test my clock. My Rally looks nearly the same, but the second knob (the conical shaped knurled part) is missing. Want to test it first so I can decide whether I need to send it in to be worked on. The clock face on mine is in nice shape. Gary
Evel Knievel's 1971 240Z
Tried posting this under eBay ads, but it ketp saying it was my ad. Think this car has been on eBay before. There's a 240Z (EDIT: a "Z") in there somewhere! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Authentic-Evel-Knievel-1971-Nissan-Datsun-240Z-Car_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6737QQitemZ4587522871QQrdZ1 Item number: 4587522871
Howdy All
Welcome, your in the right place w/ the right car. Everyone here very helpful. Congrats on your "new" Z.
Purchasing 1970 240Z
I believe only the first 500 U.S. cars were built in 1969. See this page for more information: http://zhome.com/History/69ZArticle.html
check out these wheels
Gotta admit I'm not much into the wagon wheel look, but the paint is shiney, the interior seems nice and the seats look comfortable, but have to agree the engine bay is a mess.
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
By the way, if I haven't explained lately my handle is a combination of my Alma Mater, Gonzaga University, and my 240Z. Students and graduates of Gonzaga in Spokane are known as "Zags" as are the sports teams, thus Go 240 Zags or something like that. It seemed to make sense at the time and was a bit more imaginative than GARYZ240 which I had been using. Gary
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
That's the Albrecht von Goertz designed Beemer if I recall correctly. He's not exactly loved on this site, but it's a beautiful car. http://www.bmwworld.com/models/vintage/507.htm Gary
gnose 240Z
If there is a better looking Zcar, please show me.
Looks kind of cool, but it will need a chopped driver. At 6' 6" I'd have to have the seats so far reclined I'd need a periscope or video camera or something to drive the thing. Just barely fit in Zs with the normal roof line. But... it's a very interesting project.
Door panel plastic retainers
Don't know if you found what you need but their are couple "Buy-It-Now" Auctions for clips and retainers on eBay right now: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-510-240-Z-280-Z-DOOR-PANEL-CUPS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34204QQitemZ4584151200QQrdZ1 and http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-510-240-Z-280-Z-ROADSTER-DOOR-PANEL-CLIPS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34204QQitemZ4584151210QQrdZ1 No experience or connection with this seller. Good luck
P90A and P90A head info needed... Lifter size?
ZSaint I have a P90A as well that I wouldn't mind converting if it didn't cost too much. I've been watching the P90 solid lifters on eBay and they are too pricey for me. Keep us informed of how it's going.