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Everything posted by Go240Zags

  1. Go240Zags replied to deadflo's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    Thought I'd give posting the link a shot, as well as a couple pics. Nice looking car, wish I had the funds to buy it. "D" wheel covers, cracked dash, but doesn't look like there is any visible rust. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=2487690891&category=6187
  2. This car with a vinyl top has been listed by KSLS94 several times on this site. You can see it at http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=8039&sort=1&cat=500&page=1 Didn't like vinyl tops in the 1970s and they really don't belong on a Z IMHO. But thought those who have never seen one would like to see a few pictures. Gary
  3. My first car was a 1964 Chevy Chevelle SS w/ the 283 (biggest they offered until later in the year to stand up to the GTO). It had a factory four speed, competition clutch, four barrel carb and semi-metalic brake pads. It was a fast little car that got about 20 mpg and didn't burn any oil. Had it at the end of high school and throughout college. Sorry I sold it, but the kid that bought it was the son of the guy I bought it from and he said one day he'd own it, and I guess he was right. I was the 7th owner, he was the 8th and he's sold it since. Gary
  4. Was cruising around eBay and noticed the seller who often lists these repair parts now has them up for $150, Yikes. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7917412976&category=33656 This site is so helpful at finding the best prices. Before I order I think I will see if there are any other options, but I'll probably go with Banzai or Courtesy, depending who has the best shipping price or who takes AmEx. I owe, I owe, it's off to work I go. Gary
  5. I probably should have done a search first, but I've seen this part described under various names Courtesyparts calls it a 1970-1973 240Z Rear Hatch Patch Panel. http://www.courtesyparts.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CP&Product_Code=999M1-S30ZR. They sell them for $113 and I see them listed on eBay quite regularly at $135 (now $140 I beleive). Is the Courtesy price the best out there? And what about using a good piece cut from a parts car? Mine looks horrible and really needs to be replaced. http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=8617&sort=1&cat=500&page=1 Just checking to see what you folks have tried and what seems to work best. Gary
  6. I am the managing editor of a weekly community newspaper in the town I grew up in. I guess I could have checked senior management too, but that sounded a little high profile for what I do. When you work at a small weekly you wear many hats -- editor, reporter, photographer, ad salesman, the guy our readers complain to when the picture of their giant pumpkin didn't get in this week's edition. Now if I could just keep my classmates from high school out of the police stats. Oh well, that's another story or two. Gary
  7. Just tell me where to send the money. This is soooo great! Now I won't have to beat myself up for timid bidding on the originals that pop up on eBay every once in awhile. Looks like you're halfway there already. I asked about repros some time ago, glad there is someone out there up to the challenge. Gary
  8. Go240Zags replied to lonetreesteve's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I'm already sorry that I've been sucked into this debate, but Bill you should care who gets elected. King George II and his ilk have been batting around the idea of the draft and if memory serves me right, you're getting close to draft age. We'd rather see you at home driving around in your Z than slogging thru the desert. Not to say that Kerry has voiced much of a plan for getting us out of Iraq, but G.W. didn't even have a plan for what to do there after he declared victory and the end of hostilities aboard the U.S.S. Lincoln. At least he got a chance to make up for some of the flying time he didn't log in the Air National Guard when he pulled his Amelia Eerhart trick in Alabama. What's good for Halliburton may be good for our d*** of a Vice-president, but ain't necessarily good for America. :sick: I'll take America during the Clinton years over now any day. So Clinton got some oral :eek: gratification. Lucky guy. Funny how the Bushies are blaming the bad economy on Clinton and the good economy when Bubba was in office on Reagan. They leave poor King George I out of the equation all together.
  9. Go240Zags replied to zhead240's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    Congrats. Of course everything is worth what you're willing to pay for it, or what you're willing to sacrifice to obtain it. I'm glad you are reuniting the twins. Looks like a lot of hard work, but someone has to save these early cars or too many will end up being crushed. Gary
  10. Go240Zags replied to Bambikiller240's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    I miss the girls on the home page, but mostly I was surprised by just how much I missed this site. Can't believe how many times I kept checking back in hope. Seems like it's been a month. Thanks for all the work Mike. Gary
  11. Go240Zags replied to moreyrj's post in a topic in Old For Sale Ads
    I don't need the hood hinges, but thanks wal280z for the web link to bad dog site, I might want a pair of those seat brackets. Gary
  12. Go240Zags replied to MikeW's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    A question. Does the sunroof cut down on headroom, it seems I've read that somewhere. I know asthetically it detracts from the original factory look. Gary
  13. Go240Zags replied to MikeW's post in a topic in Internet Finds
    Doesn't sound like he bought new door panels, but had them re-"upholstered." He says, "Seats, carpeting, headliner and door panels have been re-upholstered by professionals." When they re-upolstered the old panels, they might have already had holes in them for the speakers. Who knows? Otherwise I wish my project looked that good and not like the basketcase it is. Looks like a good place to start. Good Luck Stephan.
  14. Yes, you should! If the Red 1970 is fairly rust free it would be my first choice. They are the most collectible. However, if one of the others is in better shape and ready to drive, by all means buy it. Ask any questions you need answers to before buying right here. These guys will steer you straight and are good judges on how much these cars are worth. And once you've got your car, remember to post some pictures. Enjoy the Ride!
  15. My daughter and probably future son-in-law took me out to breakfast (and they even paid). That's two years in a row now, so I guess we've got a tradition going. Then the probably future son-in-law and I worked on getting my little vintage 5 hp Sea King outboard going. After smoking out the neighborhood for an hour we took the old fishing boat for a spin up and down the Okanogan River. Didn't fish, but it was a nice day to be on the water. Nice Father's Day all around. Hang in there TexasZ, we'll be praying for you and your family.
  16. Where I'm really torn is that the Z looks mighty nice in black, but that wasn't an original color for several years after it's introduction. However, I think your car is a reflection of yourself, so paint it what you think looks good, as long as it's done tastefully, of course.
  17. Go240Zags replied to jodus's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Yes, that would make it the earlier one. I believe these were made of fiberglass, rather than the plastic of the later type. They are getting rare and can be pricey to replace even if you can find a nice one on e-bay. I've started a collection and up to three in various shape. My car has a 12/70 build date with all the bells and whistles from the Series I before they changed to the Series II (vents in the pillar, rather than the rear hatch; holes punched in the steering wheel; different console, etc.) Welcome to the world of Z. Gary
  18. Go240Zags replied to jodus's post in a topic in Old Want Ads
    Early console the ashtray is in front of the gearshift, the whole unit acts as a fuse box cover and has a cigarette lighter incorporated into it. The later console has the slide cover ashtray which is situated behind the gear shift lever. Hope this helps.
  19. Go240Zags replied to dfr867's post in a topic in Wheels & Brakes
    That's a common answer around here. You'll find many topics have been discussed numerous times. However, Gema's answer wasn't very helpful since the search function (at least on my home and work computer) haven't worked since the upgrade on this site a few weeks back. Hopefully it will indeed be the right swap soon, so you can find info on the brake swap. Good luck. Gary
  20. The 3 piece spoilers show up on eBay fairly often. But they command a pretty high price depending on condition. Gary
  21. Go240Zags replied to Splice's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    No Chris, just the tranny. I may be crazy, but I'm not insane. :stupid: My days of deadlifting anything even near half the weight of the L28 are long gone, if they even ever existed.
  22. Go240Zags replied to Splice's post in a topic in Engine & Drivetrain
    I recently lifted a 280Z engine with tranny attached with my 1 ton chain hoist with no problems. Since the entire car isn't that much over a ton (the early 240Z) I don't think anything larger would be necessary. 500 pounds should be about right -- maybe a little on the high side. After taking the auto tranny off I lifted it w/out hoist into a wheelbarrow, but don't recommend it. Just didn't want to unhook the engine from the hoist at that time. Gary
  23. Deadflo, I have a Series I that has a 5 speed that was installed by a PO. Altho you can't tell by just looking with the console and shift boot on, the tranny tunnel has been modified I believe by removing a little bit of metal (looks like about 3/4") on the dash side of where the shifter comes through the floor. There was also some of the early Series I console cut out, but I didn't realize this until I took it out. This is done so the shifter can do its full foward throw. The modification is entirely hidden by the shift boot and does not show. My 5 speed has the bent, rather than straight shifter. I prefer the five speed and have considered a swap to a T5, which is discussed here: http://www.geocities.com/zgarage2001/borg.html Much work to go before the car will be roadworthy, but should be well worth the work. I could probably post a picture of how they cut the plastic/fiberglass away to make room for the shift if you need one. Gary
  24. She's a beauty -- looks factory fresh, even if it isn't one of the factory restored cars. Gary
  25. Ditto: Edit. Previous sympathy message no longer warranted. Gary

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