Everything posted by Go240Zags
I have to find these!!!
Check out this thread: http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24786&highlight=show+wheels There are several examples of wheels for our cars, including some Western wheels of this type on the first page. I didn't review the whole thread but I remember more "turbine" - style wheels are pictured. I have similar wheels on my parts car, but they'd need to be cleaned up. I'll try and get some photos tomorrow. Gary D.
Road & Track Jan 1970 240Z
I was just reading the classifieds in that R&T issue, you could have bought four Mercedes 300SL Gullwings in great shape for under $25,000 total. If only I had a time machine. Of course coming up with even $250 would have been a stretch when I was nine years-old.
What the hell is this???
I think having both, a hard top and a drop top, would be great. But the convertible would need to be well done and not just some hack job. Would need the proper reinforcement to stiffen the body and a roll bar. Nissan did some modeling of convertibles when designing the original Z. I think the first gen Z looks unique as a convertible, but to each his own. It sounds like a good way to get rid of those leaky, rusty old sunroofs.
Gas Tank
You can refurb your tank with the Por-15, but I'd first have it boiled out at a radiator shop and pressure tested for leaks before doing so. Lots of information on gas tanks, trying doing a quick search.
This is really nuts!
I don't think anyone ever said he was selling the Z in the auction. I let the squirels have the walnuts from my trees. Although I do get tired of hitting them with the lawn mower - the nuts that is. If I had a chance I'd go back and change the title of this thread to: "This is NutZ" or some such.
This is really nuts!
All right, couldn't resist: http://cgi.ebay.com/All-the-Black-Walnuts-in-my-73-Datsun-240Z_W0QQitemZ300152744785QQihZ020QQcategoryZ25460QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting
2007 Z National Convention (ZCON) Info
That sucks! Glad everyone is okay. I'd like to know what happened too. Seems like I heard about some bad weather in Florida or Texas, but nothing in Georgia
For us novices
Here's the Wiki on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engine_knocking
E85 Ethanol
I, for one, would rather see the small family farmer profit - not necessarily the big corporate farms. One thing to keep in mind is higher food costs - everything from cereal (all types of grains as subsidized farmers switch to growing corn only for E85) and higher meat costs (as cattle and other animal feed prices start to skyrocket) because all the profit will be for corn production. I have higher hopes for things like switchgrass. Bio-diesel, bio-mass and other technologies need to be further developed. After watching "Who killed the electric car" it looks like hydrogen may be more of a dead-end than we are being led to believe.
MSA "Bullet" mirror installed
Heres a 'green dot' Talbot bullet mirror for sale on eBay. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Talbot-green-dot-chrome-bullet-racing-mirror_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33649QQihZ001QQitemZ110169797674QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW#ebayphotohosting
AritaSpeed S130 / S30 Gnose kits.
Isn't there already a thread about this? Why is another being started?
nissan commercial
Bummer, we used to get one or two Canadian channels on the cable, but they took them off years ago to put on another shopping channel or some such dribble. I'll have to ask my Canadian friends across the border if they've seen it.
Any 5-speeds in the NW?
Rockr69 is that the same pick and pull next to Spaldings? I know Spaldings only has cars that are newer than our first gen Zs, but they might have some 280ZXs in the pull and save yard next door. For $50 I might pick up a spare next time I'm in Spo-Cane.
lookin for 240z Socal
Wow, sometimes I wish I would have waited for a car that looks that nice to start with, that is if it is as advertised. Sounds like just needs some detailing and maybe a new 5 speed. Looks like a great base to begin with. I know I have passed the $3500 point and still have welding, paint and reassembly to look forward to. G
lookin for 240z Socal
Where I live on the east side of the state it's pretty rural. Live in the biggest county in Wash. -- one of the biggest in the country, but the population is sparce. Everything is a long ways from here. Plus, Zs weren't big in cow & apple country like pickup trucks and muscle cars back in the 70s. There were a few, but not like California. Forty miles is just a casual drive around here.
Is someone manufacturing new 240Z radio face plates?
From what I can see in the photo it looks good. Now if we can get someone to reproduce the heater control panel (at a nice price that is). Oh yeah, that and Series I ashtrays, throttle levers, the list goes on.
Is someone manufacturing new 240Z radio face plates?
Can you post a link or photo, or both?
Zacs Z stirred up my curiosity- What's too much for a parts car?
I bought two for $400 once, only one had an engine, made enough selling parts to more than pay for the cars. One was going to be my project -- but the rust scared me. Now it too is a parts car for my current Z project.
lookin for 240z Socal
Washington State too, at least North Central Washington. Every wrecking yard that was reasonably close to me had a first gen Z or two just two years ago. The crushers came by last Summer and took them all. I'll have to check the yards further south of me from Wenatchee to Yakima, as well as the Canadian yards to the north and see whether the same thing is happening in Southern BC.
Found a new Z-toy at Wal-Mart.
Love the wheels. These cars and others by Jada seem to be popping up on eBay a lot - usually for a lot more than $3.92 Canadian. Who sells things for prices ending in .92 anyway? I'll have to see if they have any of the "for sale" cars at our local Wal-Mart, if not the one 40 miles south of here in Omak, Wash., USA I can go 50 miles north to the one in Penticton, B.C., Canada and see if they have them.
Should I use an early hatch on a '72?
Zac, I'd trade you straight across for a '72 hatch from one of my old parts cars - no vents, horizontal defrost lines. Unfortunately, although I live just four miles from Canada I'm all the way west near B.C. and shipping would probably kill us both. Heck, I'd give you the hatch if you want to pay for shipping. Although I wouldn't mind having a spare Series I hatch. Let me know if you want the 72. Not sure what one weights and then it would need some protective packaging, but it's yours if you can't find anything closer. Figure shipping from Oroville, Wash. USA 98844.
Should I use an early hatch on a '72?
I think it would be a shame to fill in the vents on a Series I hatch, but using one with maybe blocked off rear vents from the inside with the grills would be okay. I saw someone had used the early "winged" 240Z badges on a Series II and had hallowed out the black portions to allow the air vents underneath to remain functional. I always figured if I had a Series II candidate I couldn't pass up I'd use the early badges in this manner because I like the look. It's your car, but if I had a vote it would be to sell the early hatch to someone who needs one (they're worth more usually) and buy a nice replacement with the Series II features. My 2 cents.
Video needs more car, less girls and singing? What the heck at least they're singing about a great car, at least I think so. No red X problem on my browser.
300ZX twin turbo or Chevy 350
If I was to do a swap to something other than the L28, an RB26DETT sounds like a great way to go. I've seen pictures of some well done swaps at the RB26DETT looks quite at home. Of your other choices the 350 swap seems to be a tired and true way to go for many people. However, http://www.hybridz.org is the best place for advice on swaps and how well they have worked for others. I've no plans to swap for my current project, but a RB26DETT in a highly modified second project might be a future possibility.
Cleaning Transmission/Tranny case
Double Post - Website seemed to be having problems and I hit it twice. My bad.