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Everything posted by Go240Zags

  1. Using a chalk line, rather than a grease pencil, might work as well for the do-it-yourselfers.
  2. Good resolution to a disturbing post -- would find it hard to believe Nissan USA would just crush cars of historic significance, let alone throw away the potential to make several thousand dollars, no matter what kind of hurry they were in to move operations.
  3. I'm still waiting for an auto/air charger for my Dell Inspiron 6000. Paid my $35 (cost plus shipping) which was a good deal. Unfortunately the guy never sent my item. He had several feedbacks (100% positive) and then just wigged out. Now he has five or six negative all from the same time period. He stopped selling on ebay. That was three months back and I noticed he had a few items listed. Called him at home in Florida and he said he'd get a refund out right away. Then sent an email that he'd send my charger 2 day priority. That was two weeks ago. I give up. I understand that people can get caught up in personal things, but if he was going to start selling again, he should try to make things right with his customers. In your case w/ the laptop it just sounds like you've got a dishonest person for a buyer.
  4. Go240Zags replied to Duffman's post in a topic in Interior
    I hope he will correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Carl Beck tried some seats from an American car successfully. Maybe he can add to this post. Perhaps this post and Tommohawk's should be combined. I'd consider seats from other cars as long as they offered better comfort and support and do not sit higher than the stock ones. My head is already too close to bumping the headliner as it is. Gary D.
  5. They've changed their name to Black Dragon, at least in regards to the Z parts. Try this site: www.blackdragonauto.com/ Gary D.
  6. Go240Zags replied to Jelloman457's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome aboard - there's a wealth of information here with people that know more about the first generation, 240Z, 260Z and 280Z cars, than nearly anywhere else. Don't be afraid to ask anything, we all had to start somewhere and also don't be afraid to use the search function it can be your best friend with a storehouse of information on nearly any topic concerning the 1970-78 Zs and the L series engine. Make sure you post pictures of your Z when you get it. Oh yeah, we rarely throw stones.
  7. Go240Zags replied to 1 Bravo 6's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Happy Australia Day guys, wish I could join you to help you celebrate. Guess I'll just have to have a beer at home in your honor. Cheers!
  8. Go240Zags replied to texasz's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Tex, Here's a thread I started that might have what you're looking for. Gary D. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23422
  9. Go240Zags replied to zeiss150's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    I think if I chose to paint my car a non-original color, that would be it. I love it.
  10. Go240Zags replied to WingZr0's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Also, if it helps, my oscillator box has the letters U.P on the side where the connector plugs in and 2101 on the bottom. The back of the clock assembly has 2111 F. I think I need a new oscillator box, tried connecting it once as recommended by the Z Clock repair guy, but the clock didn't start up. Still looks cool, if I have to have an inoperable clock I prefer my lap counter w/ the separate box over the clock the car came with that doesn't work. However, I'd prefer the rally clock to work of course if I could get a working box. Edit: Put me down for number 3 clock and box since it took me so long to post
  11. Somewhere along the way I remember posting that I had a square shaped throttle knob I bought for next to nothing off eBay when it was listed as a choke knob. I was starting to think maybe I was hallucinating because it wasn't where I thought I had stored it. Well, looking for some early door hinges for a7dz I re-located it making me a happy camper. I've attached a picture (cleaned up the white a little in Photoshop because it was a little dirty. I'm going to install it on my Series I choke plate (or whatever it's called) whether I hook it up or not. I don't have the metal lever or cable, but do have the proper fitting on the accelerator pedal. I'm sure I can rig up a way of attaching it, but will probably not make it functional. Something to think about. Sorry for digging up this old post, but thought it might be the right place to write this. Just happy I didn't lose it. Gary D.
  12. Go240Zags replied to zedevan's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Don't mind the stripes, apathetic about the louvers, hate the rims. They just don't fit. Make it look like a Hotwheel, not a real car.
  13. Have you seen the carbs in person or by way of a picture. Often the owners of the 73 240Z have converted from the carbs with the flat tops to the bell or round top carbs. If they were changed to the earlier carbs it would be a pretty good deal. FI to carbs has been done, you might search around this site and see if you can find some further information before you make the change. Gary D.
  14. I'm going to have to keep a look out for one of those. The multi-post option really does work. Gary D.
  15. Go240Zags replied to 76Datsun280z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Looks like Tom did defend himself. That's what I get for taking 10 minutes or so to form my reply. Gary D.
  16. Go240Zags replied to 76Datsun280z's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I'm guessing Tomo asked after reading this: Snip - E. May have just meant the "original" meaning 240Z, I won't speak for him. I'm not saying Tom can't defend himself, but it appears some people jump on him just because he often makes himself an easy target. Not sure that was true in this case. Probably better to just keep to the topic. I'll shut up now. Gary D.
  17. Go240Zags replied to onuthin's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Case in point -- my avatar. The photo was taken by the P.O. and is one of several I've included in my gallery. From the photo my project doesn't look too bad (it's small and at an angle that makes the paint look pretty good). However, if you look in the gallery you see there are lots of problems. The P.O. sold me a fairly solid shell as advertised and at a more than fair price. He took pictures of all the rust spots and problem areas. We all know that it is easy to make something look better in pictures than it is in person if that's our intent -- and on eBay that's often the case. I appreciate our members' efforts to judge a car based on their knowledge of the subject. However, we need to keep things more clinical than critical shall we say. Even if it is highly over-exaggerated as to condition. Keep to the facts, take photos if you can of the problem areas and let the potential buyers be the judge. We all know it can be enjoyable to poke fun at some of the things we see on eBay, the case of a highly modified car that was on there a few times comes to mind. But often the car being sold is someone's baby and no one wants to hear their baby is ugly - even if it's obvious to the rest of us. Just my 2 cents.
  18. Go240Zags replied to Arne's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Pictures of engine, etc. on this site. http://www.specialtysales.com/inventory_detailed.php?id=4004&nhs=60&make=&model=&ext_color=&stockno=&eyear=2006&syear=1900&eprice=&sprice=&keywords=&location=&type=used&specials=&rtd=&solds=&replica=&ob=mk&desc=&t=1971+Datsun+240Z It is strange that it is listed on both sides of the country. G
  19. Go240Zags replied to TomoHawk's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Never tried to sleep in a Z, however my buddy and I were on a road trip to Montana for a canoe trip near the Butte area. We were going to college in Spokane and set out in his his '74 VW Beetle. By the time we hit Missoula he was starting to snooze at the wheel. Asked me if I could drive, but I was in no better shape. Pulled over at a park and tried to sleep with the seats reclined. I'm 6'6" tall and his car had the knee prints in his glovebox door to prove it. After trying that I said the heck with this and we tried to sleep in sleeping bags in a park, but the grass was wet. So we headed for a concrete slab where the picnic tables were. That was worse, even though it was summer it was d--- cold. After tossing and turning for about four hours I got up around 6 a.m. and told (not asked) him we were going to hit the road. Spent the morning in the Sheraton lobby drinking coffee and reading the newspapers, grabbed some breakfast and were on our way. I don't mind camping, but a tent would have helped as would have a nice dry spot to pitch it. (A night with a co-ed at MSU would have been even better). On our canoe trip we camped by the river. 1Bravo6 you're right, I think my sleeping bag still smells like campfire smoke from that trip 20+ years ago. Anyway, there's a company that manufactures those motorcycle tent-trailers just across the border in Osoyoos, BC, Canada - LeesureLite and they have some nice models for pulling behind compact cars. http://www.leesurelite.com Wrote an article about them a few years back. They'd be perfect for pulling behind a Z and they have models big enough for my stretched frame. I tested a few of course there a couple grand $Cndn. When you find your spot, just sent up camp, disconnect and enjoy your Z and see the sites. Come back and you have a place to sleep.
  20. Go240Zags replied to dannys240z's post in a topic in Introductions
    Danny, Welcome fellow Washingtonian. I'm from the deep north in Oroville, Washington, just shy of the Canadian border on the dry side of the state. Glad to see another Z'er from the Evergreen State. Gary
  21. Greenmonster80, I was wondering if you had. From reading your posts and some of the info on ZDriver (I admit it, I ran out of new posts to read here the other day) it seemed that someone had bought three cars from him. Offers over $3000 seems kind of high, even if it is a '69 as it appears to be missing the engine and in need of a lot of work. I saw where he was asking for offers over $3000 somewhere, but haven't been able to get back to that page to link it. Gary
  22. http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/car/246877141.html. Looks like they want to hear offers over $3000. http://www.imagestation.com/7549468/3953976993 And some photos posted in an album by a ZDriver member. It's one of the gold ones several clicks in. I don't see it on the ZHome registry, so I thought I'd mention it. http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2098258011&code=25666880&mode=invite&DCMP=isc-email-AlbumInvite
  23. There's two sides to that coin. The higher gas prices go up the sooner you'll pay for the covers. A hidden benefit to gas price increases maybe? . Edit: Guess I should have read Carl's response first.
  24. Not sure Enrique's fix would work because I believe he is talking about the Rally-type clock with the separate oscillator box.
  25. I've made PDFs of this article in both Word and one that looks just like the web page using Acrobat. I'm not great at this, otherwise I'd have eliminated some of the extraneous stuff, but both are very legible. The Word one has the photos already enlarged and the Acrobat one of the webpage retains the clickable photos for enlarging. At least it did on my computer. Both are way too large to upload using the manage attachments feature. Anyway if someone knows how to get the files to whomever adds things in the articles section I can supply them such as they are. Gary D. P.S. If someone wants to make a PDF for Will that looks better no worries, I just thought I'd give it a shot.

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