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Everything posted by Go240Zags

  1. I believe most places are phasing out or eliminating MTBE which was used as an oxygenate to help the gas burn more cleanly in the winter - to fight pollution. However, they found out it is polluting the ground water and will probably take a billion or more dollars to clean up. A case of the cure being worse than the disease.
  2. Go240Zags replied to Sailor Bob's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Hey James, I've been saving your emailed photos in their own special folder - you should put them on disk as a tutorial on rust repair. Makes me almost feel like trailering my car over the mountains and back to the coast to get help on my battery area repair. Almost. Just got to get my friend the welder to come out of the hills to tackle this area. Otherwise I still haven't decided whether to replace my passenger floor pan. With some minor welding and some POR15 I think it will be okay. This is a great thread because the battery tray area is one that maybe not all, but quite a few, can use help with. Gary D.
  3. So there is a big NISSAN font cover and a big, big NISSAN font cover.
  4. Was the plastic valve cover like this one Victor? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240Z-260Z-280Z-ZX-JDM-Valve-Cover-NR_W0QQitemZ250057883925QQihZ015QQcategoryZ33627QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  5. Go240Zags replied to buckterrier's post in a topic in Introductions
    Welcome and good luck -- you might ask or search for some advise on what to look for when purchasing a Z (trouble areas, etc.). There's lots of good info if you search for it. Or, after you have a look come back and ask for some of the guys opinions. Remember to post some pictures when you get a chance.
  6. Go240Zags replied to DatsunDarko's post in a topic in Introductions
    Texas maybe?
  7. Go240Zags replied to jackwarnock's post in a topic in Introductions
    Ditto for me on the headlight covers -- found one, now need one for the driver's side. Great looking car -- welcome to the club.:laugh:
  8. Five speeds were also available in other places like the UK and Australia, so they also got the stock looking 5 speed knob for the 240Z. I made one of my own by gluing a 5 speed disc that Alan T sent me on to an old 4 speed knob. Here's a 1971 (built 10/70 if I remember right) I found in Quincy, Washington when I was on my way back from Yakima a couple years back. I pulled what I could -- gas tank,battery box area, driver's side door, gas door, filler tube, etc. but it got pretty late and the guy who ran the place was giving me that "Don't you know it's beer-thirty" look. I wanted to go back to pick up the uncracked windshield (he quoted me $10) and some other parts, but haven't had the chance -- it's about a 3 1/2 hr. drive. Probably gone now. If I had the room to store it and the time I would have had the JY owner cut the rear quarters out for me to save -- they needed work, but you never know might come in handy.
  9. Go240Zags replied to Go240Zags's post in a topic in Interior
    E. I'm halfway there on the headlight covers, got a pretty nice used passenger side cover the other day from Hawaii. Now to find the driver's side.
  10. Go240Zags replied to cplus's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Snip: Emphasis Mine
  11. Go240Zags replied to Go240Zags's post in a topic in Interior
    A quick Google Search and I see Courtesy Nissan Parts lists them for $20.66: http://www.courtesyparts.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CP&Product_Code=68835-E4100. Less than half the winning bid price, of course I didn't check to see if they are actually really available. Gary D.
  12. Go240Zags replied to Go240Zags's post in a topic in Interior
    Not sure on the bidder. I figured the dash pocket was similar to the pocket I have in my 1992 K1500 pickup. I didn't go for the separate equilizer and the pocket does come in handy for garage door opener, sunglasses, etc. However, I think I will prefer a stereo of some sort in the Z and skip the dash pocket. The Zags blew it against the Cougs of Washington State last night. My two younger brothers went there and we can't have that. When I was at G.U. we were always getting beat by WSU in b-ball (although it was usually close). I don't want to return to those dark days. I usually make it to one game late in the season. I think it was just an off night and the Zags will do fine, even w/out Adam, although he is missed (except for the stache:finger: ). Thanks for asking.
  13. Go240Zags replied to cplus's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    That trick works and usually does so quickly. Better than pulling over and shutting the rig down. I had a radiator that went bad on a pickup and driving over the mountains in the summer I had to do that. No air conditioning and sweating with the windows open, but it brought the temperature right down.
  14. Go240Zags posted a post in a topic in Interior
    Dash pocket? Okay, what is this? Was it to replace the radio if you don't want one or didn't get that option? Maybe I'm missing something. Not a glove box I don't think. Here's the listing: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/70-71-EARLY-240Z-CENTER-FACE-DASH-POCKET-NEW_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ40017QQihZ018QQitemZ280055247644QQrdZ1
  15. I emailed to ask if he has the numbers matching L24, no response yet.
  16. Always nice to find someone selling parts, especially here, rather than eBay. He's moved them to the classifieds -- it's all good. Bushie, it's not too hard to edit your ads and there is an option to move them out of cars for sale to parts for sale. Gary D.
  17. Go240Zags replied to 240ZGL's post in a topic in Suspension & Steering
    Or http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/70-75-Nissan-240Z-Rear-KONI-Red-Special-Shocks-Shock_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33590QQihZ019QQitemZ7972908123QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWD1V Edit: A little more money, sold as a pair but no shipping charges. I've an ad in the wanted section, I'd like to find used usable or rebuildable Koni's for all four corners. Just bought some slightly used Euro Springs and want oil-filled, rather than gas charged struts, because of the ride height issue discussed here in other threads. Gary
  18. Go240Zags replied to MAX's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Gary, Do you have a part number for the RX-7 pump, which years this pump came on? Gary D
  19. Go240Zags replied to cremmenga's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    How about some more details like the year and maybe some photos, where you're located and how much you're looking to get for the car.
  20. Go240Zags replied to 76Datsun280z's post in a topic in Open Discussions
    Dave, I know they got plenty of snow in Marysville, my bro sent me photos of my nephew playing in it the other day. We had a lot of snow up here 4 miles south of the Great White North. That is until it got too cold to snow any more. It was 8 degrees F. last time I checked the outside temperature. Now we just have bitter wind and drifting snow. (Got to love that windchill) I'll take a photo of my poor old 71 that I moved out of the garage when the 70 took her place of honor. I keep having to pull the car cover back over her as the wind is trying to pull it off. Makes me a little sad, she looks kind of embarrassed half covered. She just needed too much cosmetic surgery, not to mention floorpans, framerail repairs, etc.
  21. I think he shows that part in the picture on the right in post #9. I know when I got my ZX dizzy I had to go begging to find this part, finally found one someone would sell me for $10.
  22. Go240Zags posted a post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Did a quick search and didn't see a related topic so I thought I'd start one. To all my fellow Yanks and everyone on Classic Z Car, Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for all my family and friends, including all the friends and like-minded Z people I've met on this site. Hope everyone that partakes in Thanksgiving tomorrow gets their fill of turkey and all the fixings. It's been a rough year - I lost my young nephew just before he turned eight and then my father a short time later in March. I just need to keep reminding myself to be thankful for all the good times we shared and to learn to better appreciate those I have left and draw them ever closer. And thank you guys for being here and being so giving with your advice, whether it be about Z cars or whatever. Gary D.
  23. I'll drive it when it's done -- right now I sometime sit in it, shift and make vrrroom vrrrroom sounds. Of course since the seats aren't bolted down it's easy to get carried away.
  24. Few do! 8,9,10
  25. Go240Zags replied to Mat M's post in a topic in Open Chit Chat
    Somehow I just knew this list had to be from someone from the Seattle area -- that's the one thing I've never missed since moving back to the eastern side of the state. Although drivers in Spokane can be worse when I visit there -- most haven't a clue about signaling before a lane change and most think they're Racer X. Always felt Cali drivers were more courteous than Wash. drivers about letting people in, knowing how to merge, etc. My favorite Seattle gripe is when you let someone in to your lane that failed to merge when they knew a mile back their lane was ending, then ten others who ignored the merge sign try to ram their way in front of you too. I don't mind taking turns, letting one in, then you go, then the next one in the correct lane lets one in and goes, etc. But when you're doing a favor letting this guy in who knew his lane was ending a mile back and then everyone wants in, that's too much (Damn cell-phone gabbing Beemer and SUV drivers usually). Some "Coastie" drivers can be just rude. Funny thing is many can't even drive in the rain even though they live with it more than without. And should it snow look out. Sorry, just whining. I love the Seattle area, the traffic, bad drivers and rain just get me down. Great place to visit....

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