Everything posted by Go240Zags
Tranny Swap. How to get the speedo correct?
Check out this website and scroll down to where it says How to keep the speedometer correct and talks about the various speedo cogs. http://datsunzgarage.com/engine/
$30,000 Datsun 240z's....Get yours before it's too late
When did she write that, my youngest brother was born in 1965 and he is 43 -- that's a little past her age 17 to 32 range. I've always heard Gen X started after 1964 -- making myself 1961 and my middle brother 1963 toward the end of the boomer generation. Now aren't we in Gen Y and what about Gen Z? That would be more appropriate to the forum perhaps.
Borg-Warner 5-spd
Hybridz.com would be the best place to find out this information. However, my understanding is that there was only one type of BW T-5 used in the 280ZX Turbos and they were not the same as the Mustangs. I believe there might have been a different type of T-5 that was not interchangeable in the earlier Zs that was used in some of the 300ZX. I don't know the last part as fact, you'll have to do your own research. Again, Hybridz would be your best bet for this information.
Electric / hybrid 240z
If I could go 200 miles on a charge while maintaining highway/freeway speeds -- with a little extra for passing etc. I think I would seriously consider finding a good shell to do this to, especially if it took only an hour to recharge. That would mean adding an hour to a five hour, 250 or so trip for me to Seattle. I'd just have to plan my recharge around lunch/dinner so we could both fuel up at the same time. If the conversion cost was the same as say a used Prius it would be well worth it. Right now whenever I drive to Seattle and back I know I'm looking at about 100 bucks just for gas.
Electric / hybrid 240z
If the original #s matching engine is trashed I think it's a great idea. The car would be the lightest in the first gen Z series so a good choice for the electric motor, considering the weight of the batteries alone. If gives me hope that my non-numbers matching Z could live on if gas just gets too much to afford. If it's a case of it being a Series I, maybe someone has a Series II or later 240Z in equal shape they could swap him (it would be a little heavier, but might calm some nerves about using a Series I). My questions are: How loud is that diesel generator going to be? What do you think the top speed and total range will be? Probably depend on the type of driving. I applaud all who are looking into alternatives to burning gasoline. The more gas we save the more will be available to drive our classics.
I found #1678 with 2400 OHC Valve Cover
Out here in rural Eastern Washington the junkyards are usually spread out a good distance from town to town. There used to be two or three first gen Zs in each that I had visited -- usually pretty well picked over. But last summer a company with a crusher came through and got most of them because the price of scrap steel had made them worth more to the yards for their metal than for potential parts sales. It's enough to make you want to cry.
SEM Rust Shield
check out Bruce's signature, especially the second email address.
WTB lug nuts
Wow, they were like $2.50 when I posted the auction here. Maybe I should have just PM'd soundmasterg (that is if he's getting challenged by another member). The price of new ones is looking better all the time. Currently the auction is at $45
Hi from Colorado Springs!
Not looking to buy, but those "D" hubcaps are worth a pretty penny depending on condition if you're looking for money to help finance your refurb. The "D" hubcaps are usually associated with the earlier Series I cars. Nice looking car overall and a good start -- wish I was that far along in my project.
WTB lug nuts
<html> <head> </head> <body style="visibility: visible;"> Hey guys, Is this the right lug nut. Right now priced very reasonably on eBay: <a title="Click Here" target="_blank" href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-280zx-6-spoke-wheels-rims-lug-nuts-240z-280z-S30_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ42609QQihZ015QQitemZ250231604446QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW">Auction Item</a> <br /> </body> </html>
Splash Pan for 240Z (or 260Z, or 280Z)
That was my second guess.
Splash Pan for 240Z (or 260Z, or 280Z)
Just curious, is this your auction? It looks like some of the same photos in the auction as you have in the link. But the auction says it is for a 240Z.Both have the same Lamborghini box. Gary D.
Splash Pan for 240Z (or 260Z, or 280Z)
From past threads I'm pretty sure its from a 280Z. I have one for my 240Z and one for a 280Z and there are quite a few differences -- most obvious is the big hole for the radiator drain (I believe). They are not supposed to be interchangeable between models. I've seen many claims on eBay that they fit all models, but that's not what was said in the old threads here.
A bargain in Seattle?
I keep getting "flagged" notice when I click the link.
How to get better fuel economy?
Unfortunately, higher fuel prices are going to hit us in a lot more ways than at the pump. Everything that is shipped is going to increase - food, goods, everything. I think we are just at the beginning of feeling the pain. We need an alternative energy policy starting yesterday. Then, those that want to drive their classics may have to pay a little more for the privalege, but for commuting to work and on vacation I'll drive whatever reasonable alternative they come up with -- as long as I can fit my 6'6" frame inside (and the dog of course). Maybe if we all drive electro/hydrogen/flux capacitor or whatever cars, then the demand and the price of oil will go down and we can afford to do our pleasure driving in our Zs. I'm lucky enough to live in a county in Wash. State with like the second or third lowest electricity costs in the nation. If I could plug in a car that got 150 miles or so on a charge, I think I could do nearly all my daily driving. If it wasn't so far between my town and the county seat I wouldn't even need that much. Most of the times I drive about a quarter of that per day. Anyway I'm preaching now. We also have some of the highest gas prices in the state. We were a bit lower than most towns in our county because the stations were competing for Canadian customers just north of us. However, with their dollar's increase and the fact that their gas is so high in price, the stations don't even try to compete with each other anymore and we have higher prices than the rest of the county. The west side of the state still has the lowest prices, but the difference between what they pay there and we pay here just can't be justified. Another benefit of living in 'God's Country' at 'the end of the world' I guess.
burnout tips
Bill, you better bust out your warning sign.
Hatch threshold panel...
I sold the new genuine Nissan repair panel I had, it must have been one of the last that Courtesy Nissan sold. I had it for over two years for my abandoned old project (now parts car), but the new project doesn't need one. I made a comment that they had increased in price considerably if you can find them and someone flamed me for the price I thought they were now. The person who bought it from me made me an offer of $200 without any reservations. He had searched for a long time without luck in finding one. Needless to say I sold that piece and was able to buy a nice slightly used three core radiator (with a few bucks left over) which looks great with my original metal fan shroud. I think all parties made out well with the deal. Anyway sorry to rant, just have a slight resentment about being jumped on one time. I wish I would have taken the time to cut a few of these out of cars I know have since gone to the crusher, since I know they are a hard piece to find new now. Good luck and I'll keep an eye out I live just south of B.C., about five miles from Osoyoos in the Okanogan (Okanagan) Valley.
how many 1979 gold 280zx's were made
Here's some info from Z Home: http://zhome.com/History/10thAnniv.htm
Z Car History!
<html> <head> </head> <body> <p> A few weeks back I posted that the History Channel had these on sale for $10. It took awhile for me to get mine, I think they have a place record these to DVDR when they get enough orders. I had recorded (on tape) the episode off History International a couple years back, but am trying to get all my VHS stuff on DVD. I enjoyed watching the Zs driving around and can hardly wait to get mine back on the road. The disco black gold commercial with the guy with the Boogie Nights mustache always cracks me up. <br /> </p> <p>I've enjoyed the Voyages series on cars - Zs (mostly the 240Z), Jag E-Type, Porche 911, Volvo, Saab, VW Bug, BMW, Mercedes 300SL. I'm sure I forgot something. They also have Voyages on trains and ships. Not sure if the Z episode is still on sale, at the time they were selling some of the other episodes for like $12 each if you bought two or more I think. <br /> </p> <p>That reminds me I might have to list my ZTherapy "Just SUs" VHS in the classifieds now that I've bought the DVD for it as well. </p> </body> </html>
Flat top pistons
I've heard of several P90As with solid lifters, see them on eBay every once in awhile. In the U.S. I think they are the exception, not the rule -- but they do exist.
another low vin for sale
I talked to him as well -- no pressure from me -- in fact I said I was probably not even going to be in the running at this time. I had looked him up on the Z Car Home Page and noticed he was in Cali when he registered the car and just asked how he happened to be in Eastern Washington. He told me about being a pilot and being originally from Montana and wanting to move back closer and Spokane area offered him the airport he needed. He seemed surprised at all the interest and I just said I'd like to see the photos and if I was in the area some time I'd like to drop by and see it -- it being such an early example and all. Gary D.
So my road to my finished Z
Buying the video is a must -- especially if you're like me and don't have a lot of experience with SUs. I think you'll find it very easy to follow. I did and feel confident that when my car is back together I'll be able to rebuild and tune my carbs. After watching it I had a whole new level of confidence.
My $100 Craigslist Series I Earliest Automatic
Good score, glad you were able to jump on it. There is no such thing as Too Many Zs, or is there? .
Japan Grand Prix Grille Badge
My guess is its a number like "45" just looks like a Swastika from the photo's angle.
sweet music for a change
BuDavid I like the energy - maybe you can translate the lyrics for us some day. Gary D.