Everything posted by WarrenZ
Hi When I was in Japan 2 weeks ago I took a visit to the Fairlady Cafe. It is in the town of Kasama, which is about 80 minutes north of Tokyo by train. Since we had a Japan rail pass to give us the train ride for free we decided to go up there. It was not within walking distance of the train station so we had to get a taxi. It is a Cafe with a display of Z cars downstairs. There is a workshop on the side with a hoist and tools but that is not used as a daily mechanical workshop. Perhaps the owners workshop. They do not sell any parts, but sell some Z merchandise. The guy that owns the cafe owns most of the cars in the showroom but not all of them. There is the beautiful 2000 Sports, 280ZX, 240ZG, 300ZX (first series) and a convertible 300ZX (Z32). All cars are in immaculate condition. We were there for about 2 hours and had lunch at the cafe. The 2 cafe staff were very friendly and gave us some of the stuff they were selling. They gave me a calender produced by the Fairlady Owners club of Tokyo called the "Z Project". OK it is for 2006 and maybe would not have sold it but some great cars on it. The calender is the same format the the 2007 one being sold by MSA, I wonder who copied who? They also gave me a copy of a the 10th Anniversary Album produced by the same club and some Fairlady matches. I bought a Fairlady Cafe bumper sticker, a Z car lanyard and a Fairlady T shirt. We had some difficulty in communication over the lunch order and the girl suddenly disappeared and came back with her laptop with Wi-Fi card and connected to Google translator. She typed in Japanese and hit the translate to english button and I did the reverse. Very effective. Photos of my 2 Z's are now on their photo board with the web address for Vic Zcars on the back. All in all a nice relaxing 3/4 day ride into the country side. Cheers Warren
240Z prices are dropping.
I agree with 1973Z. There have been some $10K + sales in Melbourne in recent months and one was just sold for $23k. http://www.viczcar.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=719 Then again if you have a lazy $45k to spend then check out this 260Z http://www.viczcar.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=707 Warren
attaching rear spoiler
Unfortunately my car had one of those spoilers on when i bought it. It has self tapping screws up through the hatch. 3 at eiter end and 4 across the centre and was also sealed with some sort of butyl putty. It was very difficult to remove so I doubt it would have come loose in normal driving. See the pics for the before and after. You can see where the screws went and the damage to my paint job. Welding holes in the hatch is not easy either. Warren
Other cars you own, or drive?
2004 350Z touring as a daily driver and the wife drives a Peugeot 307. 31 years on and a lot of progress, the power is brutal and the handling great, but love getting back in the 73 240Z. Warren
Going to Japan, need things to do.
Here is the link to the magazine article, looks like an interesting place. http://www.turbomagazine.com/features/0405tur_jdm_crystal_auto_parts/ Anyone know if they have a website as I have not been able to find one. Cheers Warren
Going to Japan, need things to do.
Not sure where they are but Rocky Auto's would be an interesting place to visit. You will have to use the Google web page translator but you might get some info from here. http://www.rockyauto.co.jp/ I am possibly going to Japan in October this year so I am interested in what this thread turns up. Cheers Warren
Prince Skyline GT in Aussie Classic Car Magazine
Hi Here is the web site for the magazine. http://www.ccar.com.au/ Which issue are you talking about as the Prince is not in the March or April edition. Are you talking about the 2006 Year Book ? Warren
Inner shifter boot
Have you tried AllZparts in Sydney, (03 9476 0111) they had brand new Nissan North America packaging ones for around $55AUD when I got mine a while back. Their web site seems to have gone off air. Cheers Warren
hey all you aussies !!!
Hi, From the figures I have seen there were less than 2000 240's, less than a 1000 260 2 seaters and about 3000 260 2+2's. That was in a time when the total Australian car market was about 500K annual sales, it is now almost 1M in 2005. Warren
Where to buy new 240z frame rails in Australia?
Hi You could try Sydney - http://www.allzparts.com.au/ I have found them to give very good service. or Melbourne - http://www.zspares.com/catalog/ Cheers Warren
Felt to slide against the windows - how to replace?
Try Scotts Old Auto Rubber in Melbourne. The stuff he sells for the Z is a very good fit. http://www.scottsoldautorubber.com.au/Datsun%201969-78%20240Z-260Z.htm Cheers Warren
Advice on fixing shift boot
You could try the good old duct tape but it is never 100% . My advice is don't waste your time trying, buy a new one which I assume are readily available in the US for less than $30US, as the one I purchased here in Australia for $50AUD was genuine Nissan North America. There is also a metal ring that screws to the transmission tunnel and clamps the boot in place. The boots and metal ring are different between early and late model cars. It is also amazing the road noise that a properly sealed boot cuts out. Cheers Warren
Wheels that will fit Zeds
Hey Aussie 260, You say ..... Then you list Koenig Rewinds - Can you tell me where you can purchase them in Australia as I have not been able to find a local dealer. Cheers WarrenZ
Oil pressure Sender Q's
No Shameless plugs here Carl, you joined the wrong dots. I will say though that Warren from All Z Parts is good guy to deal with, must be in the name. Now that's a shameless plug Cheers WarrenZ
Oil pressure Sender Q's
Sounds to me like the one you purchased is designed to work with an oil pressure light and not a guage. Light comes on when ignition turned on ie no oil pressure and when pressure builds up the light goes out. Take the advice offered above and by the one from All Z-Parts. Warren
Wireing on a '73 Z I need some help
Hi, This info is from a Aussie RHD 5/73 with intermittant mode on wipers, I assume the LHD version is same but on the other side. Just above the hood release lever is a plate with 2 relays mounted, a round one in a clear case and a metal can above it. To the rear of that plate is (I think from the feel of it) the wiper relay, it has 2 plugs on it. One plug has 3 wires, Y, Y-G, B and the other has 4 wires and it looks like has L-W, L-R, L, L-Y. (could be 2 x L-W) The number on the relay is 3 0313. Sorry, my wife is out and has the digital camera Hope that helps and if you need more info let me know Cheers Warren
- 73 240 Rear4
- 72 240 Interior3
- 72 240 Interior2
- 72 240 Dash
- 73 240 Interior1
- 73 240 Hatch
- 73 240 Rear2
73 240 Rear1
- Factory alloys