Everything posted by frank13
What I should have put was a club sponser. www.dashboardrestorations.com.au/ :devious:
Custom balance tube & heatshield
Hey panchovisa, been looking for this pic since new years night. Do you have any demensions on the heat sheild you fabricated? That is a 6 into 1 ?Si? how did you mount it?
Custom balance tube & heatshield
Custom plug wire loom, polished core support Vett rad.
HGey panchovisa, Why the distributor cap? Custom Visa piece? I say a reply be you the other day after I replied to you heatshield post. It was about you wireset. So yes panchovisa it is very trick! Very beemer. What would they cost you to pay for materials, packing, ,shipping, & then turn some sort of profit?
fiberglass dash7
Very trick looking work. But when I went to the company website there is no information regarding price or production.
fiberglass dash7
forward console panel
I have never cut any of my consuls to clear the stick shift throw in any of my 5 speed swaps. The '79 and up 280ZX has a great boot set up. It's really three pieces. The lower dust seal, the outer rubber for the shifter (very thick) and the metal trim that holds it very secure with the formentiond screws. I just got mine out of a very straight '79 280ZX at the breaker yard. This will take care of the dust seal and the rotten leather boot in my '71. As well as keep my attention on the road instead of watching my drive shaft spin round & round & round.:devious:
High Pitch whinning noise
Mr. Camouflage, Maybe the pich is so high because of her age??? J/K. :devious:
Fuel cell for street/race
O yeah fuel cell install looks very sane.:devious:
Fuel cell for street/race
Hey David, Why do her parents call you Frank (pancho)? I sorta figured that's what the visa part was about, just can't get the pancho part? When you could, sure would like to see what that exhaust looks like. Even out of the car. I've always that the Z would look good with dual exhaust. A L6 mustang my buddy owns has dual exhaust with flowmasters. Thing set of car alarms! Sounds great. I can only imagine what a real engine with that sorta set up would sound like?:devious: :devious: :devious:
N36 Intake Questions
Hey GaryZ240, do you have the part numbers for these parts? For reference when one of the other members (me), needs to replace these items we could use the exact part #'s. That way when the pimple faced kid or the old man who both hate their job doesn't want to look them up we can say "here let me have two of this NAPA part number!" If you would be so kind and post it here, if you still have the information. Thanx:devious:
Fuel cell for street/race
Like to see some pics of that exhaust. Or is it only one tip out the passenger side? It's dual right? Would post some pics of that & maybe a little info on it? Thanx panchovisa (play on words? Pancho Villa?):devious:
forward console panel
DJACEY, it is possible to use later 5 speed in the early '71's. Grab the shifter out of a later 240 that is already bent. Or one that somebody has already bent more by heating it up when they swaped thier 5 speed in. Like at a breaker yard. The bend goes from the front of the consul openning, then bends back towards the choke. Also with the '71 you have to cut 2 or so inches of the openning up foward to clear the shifter throw. Bambikiller240Z, hey Carl. I don't rember my '72 having the same cover as my '73. Every original '71 or '72 had the center consul with the ash tray on top of the fuse box. I could be wrong, i'm sure I had two '72's but can't remeber one of them? Was your center consul in the mentioned '72 original?:devious:
Brake Bleeding - Do it yourself
I do not want to step on toes here Mike. But it seems like your describing leaveing the rear brake cylinder open while you pump fluid out of the brake master to fill the catch bottle enough to cover the end of the hose. The reason you want to cover the tip of the hose in the catch bottle is to help the fluid evacuate itself from the brake system. This should be accomplished be pouring some freash brake fluid in the bottom of said receptical. By pumping out old fluid through the lines you can suck air back in through the bleeder screw. The air then being brooken down into smaller bubbles every time the pedal is pumped. Traditionaly the method for bleeding brakes was to pump the pedal 3 or more times, then crack the line under preesure. In this day and age even on none ABS cars this has been found not to be the best way. Pump once smoothly hold, break line. Close wait a bit, repeat. The wait time is to allow the air bubbles to reconstitute themselves. Bigger bubbles air easier to get rid of. On the Z like you mentioned it is farthest first. Bleed the right rear, left rear, right front, left front. Getting rid off all the old fluid in the resevoirs first and then bleeding the master is great advice. If you want to flush the system or are cleaning the master Denatured alcohol (home depo) should be used. This also holds true for the Clutch system. :devious:
forward console panel
Also the 240 here diddn't come with five speeds. The early style 4 speeds for the early 240's had a straight stick shift lever. That ran straight up throght the tranny tunnel. Later 4 speeds like the '73 had slightly different bends to the shifters, as well as the updated 4 speed, with the non adjustable clucth slave cylinder.:devious:
Motor Sport Auto (MSA) in Orange, California. www.zcarparts.com :devious:
Looking for fascia panel.
Any members in California (So Cal) have any spare Fascia panels laying around for a '71 (5/71). Heater control knobs, fan switch knob, choke knob? I can't seem to find any of these things that came off my Z. I don't know if I lost them all during my last 2-3 moves or what. But I can't find them. At a breaker yard these pieces are always completely thrashed. So I thought i'd ask you guy's. Thanx. If anybody does have any of these pieces feel free to PM me.:devious:
forward console panel
Hey guys, in my experience with my Z and the breaker yards I have not seen the stlye fuse box cover in question on anything earlier than the '73. My first Zed was this year('73), and that is exactly what went over the fuse box. The seat belt lamp was tied into some sort of pressure switch under the seat bottoms, and the seat belt buckles. The choke lamp has a pin switch under the consul at the choke lever. In California I personally have not seen this set up on the '72's.:devious:
High Pitch whinning noise
Hey smraijck, That whinning noise coild also be a bearing going out. The swap for a latter R200 diff is almost bolt in, with the right mustach bar. From the donnor car. Do a search in the forums for it. The mustach bar is what holds the rear of the diff up into the sub assembly of the rea suspension. If you can wrench there should be no ?'s. By the Z and keep it running.:devious:
My new 44's
Spark plugs
No that's information! Thank very much. For at the same time that I was wondering about using these plugs, I also got better info on the heat range and plug types. which I had been wondering about for much, much longer. Damn this place rocks!! . I only need them in there long enough to get her running right on both carbs. I not driving her on the street right now.(no plates). So I see it this way: I need to use anything from spare parts or borrrowed parts to get her ready to run with out blowing the motor. At the same time while I pay off everything that is preessing at the moment I can still work on my Z. When cash allows i'll know exactly what parts to spend one first. Or something to that effect.:devious:
Spark plugs
Anybody got any info on swapping plugs(Denso Q20PR-U11) Out of a 1986 300ZX into an L24? I found a new almost brand new set of these Denso's in my stuff and finally through deduction and autozones computer figured they are for the VG30E. The main difference looking at them is the Hex is 5/8 instead of the 13/16 of the 240. Perhaps a tad bit shorter? As for heat range and the like I have not got a clue. But if possible I would like to throw them at my poor 240Z. Not just toss them out. Being that i recently just got her running again after two years. The plugs are all mismacthed from two different engines lying around. Being the hollidays no spare money for my baby's new plugs? Any sound reply's?:devious:
"New" 73
Do you still have the air dam & half dash cover? Do you have pics of these if you do still have them?:devious:
So is those answers a good thing or bad?:devious:
L28 Triple Delortos 240Z