Everything posted by frank13
1978 wierd ignition switch problems
Sweetgrrl how many HP on your compressor??? AAAAIIIRRRRRRRR TOOOLLLLLSSSSS (cleaning the drool!) Hey Sweetgrrl wanna go check out the breaker yard with me???? HUh???? Please! I'll bring the gloves. No grease under the fingernails! Northern NJ Larry: A gentlemen always asks :devious: . Hey my low slung is outside just like all you guys! S30 I mean. Geez! franksinlove13. HAHA better then the last one someone said. Now you got me thinking panchovisa. How bout it sweetgrrl post a pic? Pancho your invited, but you gotta bring the card that earned you that name!!!! If it's still got a line of credit attached to it!!! Come on sblake, ignition switch, Girl likes tools, Zed's= key to my heart. ZeeZ wheres the romance gone. Your married right? Besides with your guys help she fixed her own Z. Now Zhe can come out and enjoy sunny So Cal at the MSA Nationals. Holly, I'll be the cute one!! Pancho, RENT????? Will wrench for food! Oddly enough that sign does not work on the freeway off ramps Carl what's this about chinoZ ordering up hot chicks to drop off tires? Man I need new tires too. :devious:
1978 wierd ignition switch problems
Zilly me I think i got it now. Laugh my Azz off? Yes/ no? If So, :devious:
Looking for new diggs.
Hum? Anybody? :disappoin
1978 wierd ignition switch problems
sweetgrrl, so was that good or bad? (lmao)??????? :devious:
1978 wierd ignition switch problems
O my! My heart be still. Yeah electrical sucks. It's only fun when it's on the bench. when it some intermitten on the car I start searching for the gas can and matches. :devious:
F54 turbo BLOCK for Sale
Need nice very clear pics of the pieces and block :devious:
1978 wierd ignition switch problems
Holy Cr@p, guys I think i'm in love!!! sweetgrrl do you own your own tools??? This is very cool. The post by the few female members did not (to me) seem that deep into the wrenching. Sounds like you've trouble shot electrical before. Trained Tech? :devious:
electric fan
The Starter motor doesn't even pull that! Most fan relays are rated around 30 Amps. What ever you pulled the fan outa's original relay rating will be more than the maximum that the motor will pull at any given time, and max duty cycle. :devious:
F54 Non Turbo Pistons vs F54 Turbo Pistons.
Turbo 280's get dished pistons. Non turbos have flat top pistons. The dished pistons lower compression to keep the turbo motor from self destruction. Flat top piston would increase compression, and depending on head/block combo increase performance due to increased compression ratio. If done right. What was the rest of the thread about? Sorry to who ever wrote it but they are wrong. Chech the C/R of any most OEM Turbo motor, and it will be lower than the N/A counter part. :devious:
Hey Matt wanna use my 4X5????? Frank :devious:
MSA show Caravan
Sorry John. grunt 0311 are you going to the Motorsport show? If so are you bringing any parts to sell? Maybe a nice air dam? Or the sort? :devious:
MSA show Caravan
I was also wondering about other members from around the so. cal area that were going (Victor, SER240Z, chinoZ, come to mind). To met up and actually met one another and either caravan down or met at the car show sunday. this would be way cool! I was hoping Mike's thread about the t-shirts sizes had something to do with the up coming show. I am at least planing on going for the sunday show. A group meeting of the clubs members is a good idea. Anybody else got the samr idea? :devious:
R180 or r200
O by the way if this shop in question actually did make reference to a lockup convert for your Zed, steer clear of them. Sound like A holes! Do a tranny service on your trans. Drop the pan, oil, filter. Clean all the gray, gold looking dust of the bottom(inside) of the pan. This is used/shaved metal from the inner workings of your tranny. replace the filter (this will come in a filter kit). Clean the old gasket of the pan rail real nice like. Put a couple of bolts through the pan and gasket (this will also come in the kit) at the conners to try to hold the gasket in place while you start to thread the bolts. Then start threading the rest of them. Button up all bolts even, going all around the pan. Refill if condition worsens tranny needs a rebuild. The torque converter could alos be on it's way out. Take to a GOOD Tranny shop and ask for a diagnosis. Maybe you'll get away with only having to replace the torque converter. Is the fliud level on the dip stick Where it should be? :devious:
R180 or r200
Torque Converter Control. Or Lockup Convert. Electrical Lockup converter, such as those used on 80's and above As far as I know the Z 3 speed is a strieght 3speed auto like the Turbo Hydromatic 350, no Electrical lock up converter. Lockup converters come on OBD I compliant car or trucks. Does your Tranny have any electrical connectors into the Tranny? :devious:
15" US Wheels
On the center cap that is made out of black plastic it only reads U S MAGS around the edge. That I could make out. It also seems to fit in through the rear and snap in place. I could not take any pics, being that the digi cam is not on the tool list to take along to the breakers. Just really hoping some one out there had experience with these rims so I could be better informed as to thier fitment. I am thinking of maybe getting them. But not all that sure about the lug situation. :devious:
15" US Wheels
Spoke wheels. Look like Revolutions, but the center area is not as clean. The spokesare black, with the lip polished. :devious:
15" US Wheels
Sorry folks, the rims are made by US MAGS. They look like Revolution wheels. But the bolts circl is not nearly as clean lookibg as the Revolution wheels. I tried fitting them on a 4 bolt 300ZX and the fit. But with no real room for shank type lug nuts. By the marking of the lug area it looks like regular open wheel lugs would by used. So with the right NAME, now has any one used these wheels? Anybody? I am pertty sure I have ssen these on 280ZX's and early 300's. Any relavent info is much welcomed. :devious:
72 Z car
15" US Wheels
Any of you cats got US Wheels on your Zed's? I searched in the gallery for pics of these rims. Nothing. I was looking to see if anyone was running these? There are five spoke (black) with polished lip. Four bolt. I think I remeber seeing 280's run these somewhere, so if these are the same type rims could some one who has them post a pic or other info on them. Thanx :devious:
Revolution RFX
Looking for new diggs.
Hey all, I whould like to now if any members have or know of any one who is renting a house in the LA area. I need a new home for me and my father. I have been looking, but the rents around here are really high. So I would very much appreciate any and all help in this matter. I would just like a decent 2+1 or such house to care for my father and babysit my children (yard) when I can. Of course a little space to work on my Zed (drive/garage) for a somewhat reasonable rent. If anyone has anything to offer or know someone that does please feel free to PM me. Thanx I know that this has nothing to do with Z's, but my Z is with my and she needs a home too!:devious:
240Z 260Z 280Z front air dam
Never noticed you were from LA fightyourself! Where abouts in LA? :devious:
I am asking for help for my daughter
Very glad too hear beandip! Send her our best wishes & let her know she is in our thoughts. Hope you are all doing well during this time. More the a thousand well wishes!!!!!!!! Frank
1970 (11/70) 240Z for sale (and Weber carbs)
So who got the Z from MI?? 27th-Z??? how much did this cat want for it? Come on now somebody give us the skinny! :devious:
Bubbles in oil
It means you've had one too many drinks with Don Ho! It might also mean that you've overfilled the sump with oil. This foaming bubble affect is called Airreation. Were there is too much oil and the extra oil works in reverse of helping out it screws the preasure and delivery up because the rotating assembly is pumping through so much oil it starts to much in air which also leads to cavitation through the oil pump, more bubbles. And all this air and bubbles leads to the seperation of the protective layer of oil from the metal parts that need it. O yeah less cooling going on as well. If you check the oil dipstick or filler cap and got the Hershey squirts (intermix) your leaking either oil out into the cooling sytem through the head or block and back or leaking coolant into the block and or head and back. If neither you could be venting combustion gases either through oil passeges or check you radiator while the car is running (cap off). If there is also bubbles in there your gasing into the coolant system through coolant passeges. Do a compression test. Hey what's up zeiss150. Don't have a 40 or 30 Wide Angle laying around that you don't want do you? !!! :devious: