Everything posted by frank13
Identifing engine type
TTDRIVER, You were looking right at the head casting stamping (which is which head you have). The block casting stamp is on the flat boss to the left (of red circle below #5 spark plug.) and just below the block deck. These are L24, L26, L28, followed by serial numbers. TT it looks like you have the original motor/head, if the block is stamped L24. the head is a rare (now) early head.
well im wondering
"Don't take the car, you'll kill yourself!!!!!!!!!!!!! . :devious:
R32 R200 diff center -> 260Z R200?
Hey Auxilary, wasn't the LSD outa' the Z31's also a VLSD assembly? The SS (Showroom Stock) White 300ZX's that came with the LSD? Or i'm I thinking or otherwise confussing model/year? I believed these to be the VLSD from the factory. :devious:
Lightened flywheel
Hey Landmizzle, What did you end up Doing? Did you check out TEP's flywheels? How or what ended up happening to your ride? If you checked out TEP's site under the Datsun link to the lightened flywheel section they list the stock small flywheel and larger (friction area) of the 280ZX T/2+2 to the wieght they cut them down to. Just wondering how your ride came out. :devious:
L14 Rods
Hey Nick, What are you using those rods on? What did the L14 come out in? :devious:
improved suspension
Is the kit that you are refering to the coil over upgrade kit? All four conners for I think it used to be around $800 +? I have been to TEP, and they are very much into the high performance engineering for our Z cars. :devious:
Wadaya think?
Just for that crack now i'm not! . :devious:
R33 skyline rear end
Smelly exaust!
Just means it running! . What does it smell like? Does it burn your eyes and throat. Or just sorta make you wanna throw up? You state that you rebuilt the engine and head and all that, but no mention about you induction, tune up parts or the like. What year/model? Like the senior members would say the more info given the better the chances someone will respond with help! :devious:
Limited Slip
I agree the LSD is IMO the best for the street. Acks like A locker in the straights or under heavy loads (ride nasty launches!). But leaves the diff open for going around corners. Which is what the open diff was developed for. Back in the olden days there wasn't open diff and the solid axles would not last long. Any way $250 in AUD's is a bit less in USD's, so it would seem like a deal for the ring gear set. :devious:
"Hump, Death? Hump, Death? It's good to be the king!" :devious:
Limited Slip
As this thread started with the mention of LSD's and not full out locked diffs, my reply was directed at what would seem to be a street driven Zed. Gav? Not a full out road race car. HKSZ Mentioned a friends 1600 circuit car? Regardless of it's "fairly common in road racing" Zvoiture, it is not for the street. If me and my friends are using them for the 1/4 mile on cars that either get trailered there or not driven in the tight twisties then that means lockers are not for the street. 2ManyZ's, thank you for the quick break down on the suspension. Gav is that $250 in AUD's? :devious:
Help, 280 dies for a sec. under a load
Warped Head causes blown gasket and vice-a-versa. But you said by head gasket? Not much point in tuning her right if she won't tune. You also said that it idles fine. Would not be true if you had a blown head gasket or warped head problem. The part in your question looks like a "Thermo Time" switch. Usually use in the EFI system for cold start warm up through either the Pressure regulator or the cold start injector, or both. I do not have the Shop book for your model so I am only refering to the basic Bosch J system. It also sound like Ignition misfire at a certain RPM. like stated earlier check plugs. And the wires & coil. Good luck. :devious:
Limited Slip
Don't do it Gav! sorry HKSZ, but lockers are for DRAG RACING! Not Cornering. Gav You will not like the results. Lockers can be made by different companys. Under different types of methods to LOCK both axles. Spools, Detroit lockers, etc. etc. YOU WILL NOT GET THE expected results going in to or coming out of a corner that you might be thinking of Gav. Lockers are good for going STRIGHT! No wear and tear on LSD clutch plates and the such for high horsepower trips DOWN THE STRIP @ a 1/4 or 1/8th at a time! HKSZ I have never heard of any one using a locker for Racing in any thing other than Drag racing. What other modification and how did you set up your sway bars to counter the effects of a LOCKED DIFF coming out of a corner at speed? :devious:
Which one you like better?
Bottom, NO tail. :devious:
Saturday :devious: .
injector test??
Ohm out the solenoid of the injector with a DVOM or A very good cheap(?) Ohm meter. compare to factory specs. Grap an injector and a 9 volt battery. Connect one side of the battery to one injector terminal. And while holding the injector connector the other side. You should feel a click. Pull them out and have them flow tested. Very expensive. That's the three quick ways I can think of off the top of my head. A 6 injectors don't just go bad a once. It's proably something else. Unless there is a factory recall for bad parts like the Z31 injectors. Toasty! :devious:
Wadaya think?
Gunnerrob how did you get them balanced ON THE CAR?? The only method I am aware of to balance A tire on the car is a very old method to balance Bias ply tires. It required a drum and motor to spin the rim/tire while a very sharp blade "trimmed" the tread somewhats round. This was called "Speed Balancing". The end result was a larger more even contact patch. But this was for Bias ply tires. What are you refering to? A yeah you asked. Those rims are IMO ugly! Sorry. :devious:
is the KETCHUP dripping from my burger while I shop! :devious:
Hey Carl It seems nobody elde will reply to that ?. About the number of plugs in the rear cargo area of the '73. Yes I know which grommets you are refering to. There is also the grommets for the tail light wires that come out of the bottom. The plugs that I was speaking of I have never seen. Like I said I was refering to an other members post here. Like you Bambi killer I will wait for a younger more flexable member to find them and report on their existance! :devious:
- New rear end Pic 2
To strange not to be true
Actually Daniel you could fry a cars computer with electrostatic shock from your hand. When entering a car and the conditions are right, grabbingm the ECM with out grounding yourself is a big . If you can hear/feel a spark if I remeber right it is like 5 to 10 thousand volts. When you start to see them it like 20. A nature made pocket of EMP. The owner of that Jeep must have normal bad luck!! . :devious:
To strange not to be true
This also works for your picture tube. After you've left an unshielded speaker to near. . :devious:
Rear bearing repack
Hey Ed, yes there is an old timmers way of cleaning bearing. If you don not have a solvent tank or a can of real sovlent, what you would use is a can of gas. Like a big coffe can half full of gas. Using the same kind of plastic solvent tank brush to scrube the piece clean. Then blow out carefully with compressed air/ shop air. Or let air dry. Not EPA approved but works real good! :devious:
Rear bearing repack
Hey Ed, If you've cleaned the bearings and you looked them over for discoloration or gauling/metal transfer, and they are ok from the visual once over. the next step is to actually spin them. If they make any sounds other than quite smooth spinning sounds they are shot! This method of checking bearings is an old timmers "rule of thumb". :devious: