rear of my car with 2.25" exsaust
I think they grip well, but my only complaint is they don't scream untill they are lost. I would like to find some tires that will give you more warning when they are about to loose grip. these tires make a scrubing sound and its kinda hard to hear even when your window is down. I dunno. are there any other tires that have the same or better grip that give you more warning that is about the same or cheaper price than these? So 240ZX, how well did the a520 handle? I like to push my car to the limit on mountain passes.
MSA twice pipes :)
It's not designed to do so, it is welded together, but if there is a will there is a way. Well also, if you look under the car, the gas tank is on the passenger side, and there is not enough room. Hmmmm, but you could maybe run it under the tank with a heat shield. Some of the 70's rally zcars had dual exaust, spaced out, side by side. If you want somthing like that, just get a custom job done with 2 small glass packs. I wouldn't buy the 2wice pipes unless you plan on using it the way it was designed for, by the way, it was a pain in the arse for the exaust shop to install it, it had clearance problems, and mine wasn't aluminised. but cool nuntheless..... anywayz
BRE front airdam
MSA twice pipes :)
This exaust system was load as hell, and was free flowing. Very good high RPM performance, lost low end torque tho. I miss it so.. But I am regaining some of my lost hearing My new system is 2.25" with a baffled muffler(flowmaster) and it is tuned the direct opposite, lots of low end. BUT, I don't think the higher reving l24 likes it as much.
MSA twice pipes :)
rear of my car with 2.25" exsaust
2.25" with MSA 6to2 jet coated headers. I think I got a bad muffler tho It rattles when I let off the gas at about 3k rpm is that normal?
rear of my car with 2.25" exsaust
rear hatch
BRE front airdam
Much higher quality, stronger, and has more secure mounting. uses stock radiator support holes, and 6 more holes need to be drilled. I got this at classic Datsun Motorsports in Vista, CA www.classicdatsun.com
BRE front airdam
- front end after paint job
Bumper help!!!
Hey dude, I haven't done what you are going to do but i do have a 73 240z, and i want to do it soon. But i have taken off the bumper to remove the 2 guards. I noticed that once you remove the bumper you need to take off the rubber spacers between the bumper and the body, under the headlights, and possibly the black metal piece that is on the bumper in front of the grill. Not sure but, you might have to check the clearance of the 2 guards with the hood when you change the mounts. but anyways........ the best way to do it is to check it out yourself. I wouln't think the mounts would cost that much from a bone yard. Does anybody know if you can use any year REAR 240z bumper on a 73?
NEW MSA aluminum Radiator
Has anybody tried it? i just want some feedback before i buy it. i'm planning on installing a radiator in my 73 240z, but it has to use the stock hoses and filler cap. Also, it must bolt on without any modifications. thanx:ermm:
Too Rich when hot
Is your fuel pump ok? check the pressure. also, is your fan clutch working? if all else fails, get an electric fuel pump. that will keep the pressure high so the fuel won't boil in the rail or carb. also try taking off the blower from a 280zx and mount it so it keeps the hot air away from the carbs. just some more suggestions
Z's race through a park