Everything posted by Razor
GL vs. GT-R grille comparison
Engine Pinging
well the noise is actually louder when the engine is cold, when engine is under load I cant hear pinging noise.
Engine Pinging
How come there's not much of us 240K guys posting where's everyone gone? well anyway Yesterday I started my car and lifted the bonnet and I heard pinging noise, sounds like when you shake a can of spray paint. I think i can hear the noise stronger just under the rocker cover. I just only heard this noise yesterday I use unleaded and sometimes LRP but I dont use this car that much....
hmmmmm the spoiler looks weird its out of place for me... its like a shopping trolley now... too high no offence REALLY REALLY like the car and colour but two thumbs down for the spoiler
Skyline C110
Skyline C110
Red 240K
Skyline C110
Red 240K
My GF saw this car in Calamvale, Brisbane and the exterior is in great condition. A mature man was driving it at the time.
GL vs. GT-R grille comparison
Original 1972 Print 240KGT Sales Brochure
Low Octane Fuel and Knocking
Shoudt does this occur only when you're using this fuel? check your idle setting might be too high.
Oh My...
why make a beautiful car ugly and pay for it???
- Skyline C110 GTR
Another V/8
Seat Covers Arrived
posts some pics i wanna see!!!
Painting Stainless Steel
im not painting it straight away... still need 100% right answer
Painting Stainless Steel
guess.... my stock 240K grille, I just want o see how it looks cos I got another one anyway. I was thinking taking the other stock grille to car body builders or something and ask them to cut the middle part. I cant find the REAL GTR one... very frustrating...
Painting Stainless Steel
etchant primer and then the paint? cool thanks
Painting Stainless Steel
How do you paint on stainless steel? I heard its a bit tricky painting them as the paint tend not to stick on the surface. Please advise thanks
over heating
how about a simple radiator flush? get those radiator flush liquid follow instrcutions (its just draining your radiator to clean all that $^!# in there might solve the problem....)
what's happening to my engine!!!!!
Hey I had the same problem but with different car my daily driver car I installed a new carb DGV series weber and EXACTLY the same problem I checked the timing, idle, mixture, even spark plugs, checked all hoses as well in case of any leak and they are all OK I found out its the carburettor's fuel pump nozzle is pretty worn out. Bought new one and works fine now... still getting the excess fuel after engine shut off though. I havent check the timing after carb tuning might be the culprit (too advance)
lots a parts clean out! includes complete 240z
you should post the prices as well
Thinking of selling my 240K
I know! I've seen two so far in brisbane (and one is a sedan model) Its just difficult to source parts mainly (GTR stuff) I just saw this nice RX4 thats why Im having 2nd thought of this car as well... well if get some good offers then I might sell it, I got someone already who's going to have a look at it my friends friend...
Thinking of selling my 240K
oh ok good point you got there will keep that in mind