Phred, Good stuff.......I am planning on a total rebuild. I think that it woud be a waste to replace gaskets and not rebuild at the same time. I am giving the block and head to my neighbor to magna-flux and measure (make sure Im solid and plumb) I will have him surface the head and block at the same time (good idea) I would like a some vendor suggestions for pistons and rods. Also someone who does a good crank (Ive heard that the L28 crank it pretty damn good to begin with. As far as the oil pressure is concerned, you are the second person I have heard say go with the turbo pump...I will most likely . Phred: The solid copper .031 ( stock .047 compressed) head gasket has nothing to do with the valve clearance. It will move the valves a little closer to the piston, but stock cams have a lot of valve to piston clearance. Yes thats what I was asking...valve to piston clearance...thanks. I was planning on replacing the chain...thats a definate. I haven't looked at the cam gears yet...are you saying that they are adjustable straight from the factory. What do you mean by #2 hole??? Yes...Oregon is beautiful. My aunt and uncle owned a horse ranch right outside of downtown bend. I was out there for a few months five years ago...thats when I picked up the Z. Poor thing made it back from Bend Or to Westford MA in 22hrs 35 minutes. Its in suprisingly good shape. :classic: