Everything posted by allknowingbald1
Brake Lights
I thought about jumping the wires last night while i was at work, but haven't gotten to it yet. I ended up ordering one from pep boys for bout $10. So i'll end up replacing it anywho... $10 for another 33 years of brake light action! I will have to take some pictures of my ghetto fab brake light setup that i whipped up for about $10-15 so i wouldn't get pulled over! Thanks for all the help everyone!
Brake Lights
gave it a try and didn't seem to work. I'm guessing its that stop light switch. If anyone knows the Nissan part number or the method to get it please let me know. I would appreciate it. Until then it's pepboys ghetto lights!
Stick Shifter Length
excellent. i will go ahead and do that. i need to wait till it warms up a little outside so i can get the console off and take a look-see.
Brake Lights
Thank ya thank ya. I shall give it a try. Now would anyone happen to have the nissan part numbers for the hazard relay and the stop light switch? Just in case. I know the switch is relatively inexpensive so I may just replace to have replaced it.
Brake Lights
The parking lights all come on, but when I press the pedal my stop lights won't come on. All the fuses are good and the filaments on the bulbs are good... does it sound like the stop light switch that butts up against the pedal shaft?
Stick Shifter Length
hmmmm... i wanted to replace the shaft due to fact that when i tighten the nob all the way i'll i can still spin it.... right along with the shaft.
Injection system
Seem to be fresh out at the moment... buyin the Z nixed all of it! :bandit:
Stick Shifter Length
Does the MSA work on the 70-71 models?
Injection system
Well yahtzee! Thanks for the clarification.
Injection system
:stupid: gee... only $2k difference. Mere pocket change! :bandit:
Injection system
It's understood that it's from Nick's gallery but where did the components come from? Or did he wittle them out of some aircraft aluminum? Sorry, tend to get a little slappy when I get off work at 8 a.m. And I must implore everyone's patience with the information I may ask about.... I bought my first Z on the 7th. And so far I'm lovin the sh*t out of it. I'll get some pics up as soon as I get my digi-cam back from repairs.
Injection system
Any of the EFI manufactures do something for the L24? All I seem to find any info about is the L28.