The aforementioned diddies of my prior post were in no way a reflection on the condition of your z. RUST NEVER SLEEPS, is a oft used and famous quotation that had no malice, and YOUTH IS WASTED ON THE YOUNG is the same situation. Good luck placing your z with a deserving new owner. By the way, I have seen the z at the national convention in San Antonio and 2 other shows and I believe your selling price to be a steal...
znephew, it was brought to my attention that there is an ebay store in your city. San Pedro and Bitters rds. This place will do all the drudgery for you, if you are unable to find someone to help you. Most of us have used ebay in some capacity and i'm willing to wager that it is a painless adventure, maybe one to explore. remember rust never sleeps and youth is wasted on the young. good luck.
Have Fairlady Z and looking for the engine and drivetrain specs. Living in US without a clue about this engine ie. horsepower, torque etc. If anyone has information or where to look please lend some assistance. 70-74 L20 6cyl. Thank you
At one time there was a thread with a picture that showed the different tire heights for the 14" tires. I can no longer find it. If anyone knows of it , please let me know. (about 5 different sized 14" sidewall to sidewall to show height differences) Thanks, TMH708