Z Car Only Track Event at Watkins Glen
Dear all, the event has been brought forward to the beginnning of May as I didn't get back to the Glen with numbers quickly enough. I have set up a mailing list for those who are interested in attending the event that will: 1: Allow you to ask and get answers to questions 2: Plan travel and accommodation together 3: Talk about the event in general and get "excited" Just drop me a line if you are interested in the event and I'll add you to the list. So far we have 29 participants interested which means the 2 day event cost is closer to $200. It should be a good one. Chris
Testing the future of transportation
that would be the end of good styling
Z Car Only Track Event at Watkins Glen
have a definitive answer in terms of numbers by next week in order to book the track time and make sure we have enough to make it cost viable. I'm not going to make any commitment without the numbers as I don't want to be lumbered with the 6k bill myself heheheh! Thanks Dave.
Z Car Only Track Event at Watkins Glen
OK.. I need drivers and cars ... here is the deal: May 15th and 16th with 3.5 hours total track time. The cost, in total is $6,000 so if I can get 20 drivers it's $300 each... This cost includes: Track Rental Garage Space Insurance Costs Flagging Detailed Classroom Instruction I need to get numbers ASAP to work out if this is viable, I need to get back to them this week. I know a lot of you want to get out on the track so drop me an email (chris@bobsharpzcarclub.org) and let's make this an east coast Z reality Chris
October 7th: Bob Sharp Z Car Club Show
Last show of the season in the North East. Check out http://www.bobsharpzcarclub.org for more details.
Bob Sharp Z Car Club Meeting, Wilton, CT
Our next meeting will be a chance to hang out on a long summer evening with a chance to see old friends, talk about cars and enjoy some Pizza! T-shirts have been printed and will be available for members to pick up at the event... if you haven't yet paid your dues now would be a good time to pay them and pick up your T-shirt. This is going to be a casual affair with the emphasis on people hanging out, enjoying the evening in the company of other enthusiasts. In addition I'm working on a few special features to keep you all amused, ideas so far include: 1. a tour of my finally "finished" Z, a discussion of the modifications work etc... this isn't vanity but a lot of people keep asking me about it.. with luck I'll be offering "joy rides" at the end of the evening!! 2. an exhaust sound off competition (thanks to Nick for the suggestion), for those of you contemplating buying an aftermarket exhaust, here's a chance to hear what they sound like (I want to try and record some for the web site as part of the tech resource) 3. a discussion on restoration, our guest will talk us through the painstaking restoration of his 240Z (THIS IS STILL TO BE CONFIRMED BUT IS LIKELY). This is a great chance to sit around and talk to people in the know or just to lend some advice to those who are just getting started. The club is a wealth of resource to the Z community and it's great we have so many people involved who are so happy to give advice... I remember one of my first meetings people were actually giving their keys to other club members to let them drive it and see if they could identify what the rattle was!!! So come one, come all and let's make this a great evening out.. We need you to RSVP so that we know how much food to get in.... the event will start at 7pm at the dealership, if you don't know how to get there by now drop me an email!! Looking forward to seeing you there. Chris
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