Everything posted by zhead240
Washer Bottle!!
is the washer bottle for the 240 and the 260 different?
Just a question
since were on the topic what does JDM stand for?
enamal or lacquer
yea,paint is original. i talked to the original owner's wife.(husband deceased) she told me everything was original and nothing done to car except mantenance.always garaged(from cali) and the paint is still very shiney
enamal or lacquer
i'm thinking of getting a touch up spraycan of auto paint- which do i need, enamel or lacquer?
Finally Got Em, My New Fat 3 Piece 17" Wheels
here we go http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/JDM-S30-FAIRLADY-Z-OVER-FENDER-FLARE-Set-240Z-260Z-280Z_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ33644QQitemZ8013649516QQrdZ1 ta da
Finally Got Em, My New Fat 3 Piece 17" Wheels
tryin to copy and paste auction of flare on ebay but can't.
Finally Got Em, My New Fat 3 Piece 17" Wheels
my mistake i don't know what happened. i can't copy and paste.please ignore last post
Finally Got Em, My New Fat 3 Piece 17" Wheels
thought someone might be interested in this auction http://www.pirate4x4.com/forum/showthread.php?t=399203&page=1 in thialand, your part of the hemisphere.
Classic Z Tacky Contest
this isn't for the zed, but is this tackey or what? http://cgi.ebay.com/Datsun-Nissan-Z-ZX-Racing-Gloves-Size-XL_W0QQitemZ8012972057QQcategoryZ50433QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Classic Z Tacky Contest
i don't have a pic but i've seen a chrome dipstick for sale on ebay. i think they were askin $39 ( correct me if i'm wrong)
Totalled my driver. Pics
you call that totaled? looks like it will buff right out. :laugh:
check out these wheels
i(wrongly) interpeted escanlon post of the group of being highly critical as a form of censorship.i completely missed his last quote" let's discuss those items we don't care for on other vehicles, but let's not denigrate the people or their thoughts" i totaly agree with escanlon, he's right.i just want to set the record straight,and enrique u can cut back 10 lashes.
check out these wheels
i have to disagree with escanlon's veiw point( don't take this personal). to discuss another zed and express your likes and dislikes are your opionions.in no way does this make our members look bad or is it berating.as for the incident a few weeks ago, it was burt who came on here to boast my car is better the yours and he is the one who started three flame threads.hey, your can say anything you want about my zed, i don't care, it's only a car.we are not talkin about someone's mother!
240z # 2
on my zed(72) the firewall vin# is located on the driver side not the battery side.
check out these wheels
the zed ain't bad either. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4587298182&fromMakeTrack=true nice rims-drooool. all that work and he left the flat tops on.
240z # 2
i was looking at a zed and the door jam tag had been drilled out and replaced with screws instead of revits and the vin # was obscured and i could only make out two numerals. couldn't match it up with the dash vin and no reasonable explaination from the seller why. i walked away.i didn't know about the firewall # till now.
240z # 2
did a title come wdith the car?
Suggestions for license plate for my Z
how about- DATZOOM. that's what i got.
Wanted to say hello...
can't wait to see the pics. do u have the early bumpers or the late ones?
Installed a spook last weekend...
is it the poly of the fiberglass spook? how many screw holes were needed?
Have you seen the new MSA mag wheels?
how does ed post those pics without them being attached thumbs?
HS30-00379 on ebay.au for $1
if it goes cheap and someone has storage space it could be insurance for(dare i say it) future accident.
It's MINE!!!! WOOOO!!! (new z car owner)
i'll never forget the day when my zed was delivered. welcome to the club.
oil change
since the filter is mounted horizontal will you always have oil spill out of the filter when removing?first time for change and i got oil all over the deck. i guess i'll put the drain pan under the filter next time.
oil change
i used the ph8a filter recommended by fellow members. i compared the OEM filter(blue) with the ph8a and it was the same size except the ph was a half a titch shorter then the OEM. also there was no P/N # on the OEM.i see a OEM filter on ebay for $6.99 plus shipping. too expensive, i'll stick to the PH filter @ $2.99 off the shelf.