Everything posted by zhead240
need help with some pics of front end...
Inspection Lids
one of our sponsers, motorsport has them for $66.95 a pair with exchange basis only.
Bumper Q?
i saw a 280 ( not sure of the year) on ebay last week with the 240 front bumper on it. it looked sharp.soory , no technical help.
lots of parts for sale
hope u pull through O K. give us an update.
What are your favorite Quotes?
money not spent is money wasted. -shakey
What are your favorite Quotes?
the best way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket- will rogers
oil change
in my daily driver i use a teflon filter about once every 4th change. any reason not to use them on my zed?
Car Covers?
should of said- they claim covers will hold in moisture- meaning the compatition, not their product.
Car Covers?
tyvek makes a car cover, it's the same company that makes the house wrap.keeps the moistre out but lets air in.the problem with a cover is that the under side of the car is exposed to the elements
oil change
i'm told if i use a certain brand of oil to stick to that brand and not to switch to something else. these people are very adamant about this.any harm if i use a different oil next year?
Car Covers?
how about this http://www.carcoon.com/about.html
Car Covers?
google classic car cocoon and check out their ad.they claim cover will hold in moisture and cause rust but then they're trying to sell their product.
I found "The One" for me! - Pictures
XLNT- one ? does it have a sunroof?
oil change
before i put my zed away for the winter i'll change the oil.the P O used 10w30.i bought pennzoil on sale($6 for 3.7 liters). is all oil basicaly the same? when i go to the auto part department they show me a filter that's only half as tall as the one i got on.i found a site on the web http://catalog.eautopartscatalog.com/ipb/wizard.jsp?partner=ipb&clientid=alleurasianautoparts&baseurl=http://www.alleurasianautoparts.com/&cookieid=1MQ1EHIF41MQ1EHIEU&year=1972&make=NI&model=240-Z-001&category=A&part=Oil+Filter is this the right filter? thanks in advance.
Sort of, but not really a newb.......
great story. the ride looks pretty good too. gotta have those thin bumpers on a 260.
Finally got it
don't forget your camera so u can post some pics
filters-oil & air
i'm going to change my oil before i put her away for the winter and i'd like to get an original oil filter. the one i have now is blue and has japanees writing on it.( also english) how much are they and where can i get one?( in canada) if the cost is too much i'll settle for any after market oil filter.same with the air filter, where and how much? right now on ebay i see one for $2.85 + shipping. thankyou very much in advance.
Budget research - how much to pay?
here are some items on ebay now http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/datsun-240z-71-73-steering-wheel-pad_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ34206QQitemZ4578360356QQrdZ1 also http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-240Z-NOS-center-console-complete-SEE-PICS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ10076QQitemZ4578352631QQrdZ1 console might be high $ but it's new and has everything u want- i see an ash tray lid on ebay starting at $50(it's new still in wrapper)of course the $ of the steering wheel can only be known near the end.
Budget research - how much to pay?
there was a 70- 71 dash for $1500 in our classifies also a 72 dash for$1000 by the same person( plus shipping) oh yea, no cracks. the rest of the stuff can be had on ebay for reasonable $ if your patient.
My 260z is hurt
your a brave man to teach a woman how to drive a stick!! i know- i've tried.
i hope coastguardZ doesn't see that one. :sick:
NOS Key for a 1972 240z
NOS Key for a 1972 240z
not sure, but i think my keys are like that. i'll take a pic of them and try and post it tomorrow.
NOS Key for a 1972 240z
how about these maybe? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-240Z-260Z-280Z-KEYS-Key-Blanks-2-Cut-Option_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ40016QQitemZ8002324462QQrdZ1
NOS Key for a 1972 240z
does this help you out any? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DATSUN-240Z-260Z-280Z-1970-78-KEYS-Key-Blanks-Deluxe_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ40016QQitemZ8002321690QQrdZ1