Everything posted by zhead240
new arrival
new arrival
yea bill, got pics of wife washing the zed but she's bent over and all you can see is her stern. not her best side
new arrival
it cost 11,500 U S plus $1,600 canadian to ship from sidney Maine.it looks mostly original, just like it came from the factory.i'll put more pics in my gallery as soon as i figure it out also.had it safety inspected today and it didn't need a thing. i got some pics while it was up an the lift.it was a california car for the first 32 years of it's life.
new arrival
as some of you may or may not know i've been searching for a 240z since moby d*** was a guppy.( 18 months to be exact)it finally came last week but it took me a this long to figure out how to upload pics.when i first started out i didn't know a flat top from a round top.i join this club to get educated about zcars and i'd like to thank all my fellow members who helped me out. now that i'm a z owner i feel more like a member.don't get me wrong, i've always felt welcome.it's a 72 with 85K, and no rust as advertised.i've been driving all week and i'm happier than a groundhog in soft dirt.(i had the wife give my baby her first bath)
ask me anything
what is engine braking?
time is running out
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=4549018682&category=6187 only 4 hours left, don't miss out.
ask me anything
how to resize file (pictures) to fit attachments?
will the manage box tell you file is too large, or will it just go blank?
i tried to put pics in my gallery and i got the same results as attachments.i'll try and resize my pics.i have picture it by microsoft, will it resize for me?
is the manage attachment not working? can't upload pics to post.
i'm trying to attach pics to my post but they won't upload.i know there's a size limit. the pics are 1600x1200 pixels(.169KB) and1224x816pixels (.478KB).i downloaded pisas2 and i tells me these are jpeg. i browse,locate file and hit upload. the manage box tells me this may take some time,i wait and suddenly the manage box goes blank, doesn't notify me that file is done or if file is too big or anything. the file i'm trying to upload has 6 or 7 pictures in it,probably too big. i tried to do 1 pic from this file and get same results.thanks in advance.
Which oil filter do you use?
in my pickup i use a graphite every third or fourth oil change. is that a waste of money or good idea?
locked out........
i've hear of a guy who put his car in the ditch and set his airbag off. on star called for police and the guy was charged for impaired. i suppose he's not a happy customer.
locked out........
hey chicken, you had me grinnin
locked out........
be careful the key doesn't poke a hole in your condom.i hate when that happens. :stupid:
Z Hubcaps restored and on my Z
hey, ccc77, what did u do with the money?
found another nissan resto for sale
i know someone on this site is trying to find as many of these restorations as possible to document them. here's another.hope this helps. http://www.zcar.com/classifieds/index.php?method=showdetails&list=advertisement&rollid=22723&fromfromlist=classifiedscategory&fromfrommethod=showhtmllist&fromfromid=29&
Noobie saying hi
terd-what a euphonious appellation.welcome to the club. warning, learn how to search.
magazine article
nice write up in sports car international may issue on z's 35th anniversary by bringing togeather a bre 240z and nissan's latest z racer.also in same issue is an artilce on the vemac's japanees gt championship racer- the rd408.
Kenny G's first car: '71 240Z
that's called p**** whipped..........that reminds me, i gotta do the dishes before the wife gets home from work.
73 rear bumper on a 71?
i prefer the bumper guards front and back
Post pic of your Z and your home
i'm not positive but i think rob's zed has a black vinyl top. i've seen a red zed like it. the chrome piece between the colors make me think this.
dash rip rock
yea i remember. the title was in reference to the character in the T V show. me and my buddy refer to some of our friends who think they're god's gift to women as dash riprock.
dash rip rock
i'll take that as a 1 dislike
dash rip rock
what's everyone's opinion on this dash? http://www.zcar.com/forums/read.php?f=4&i=210784&t=210784 like or dislike?