Everything posted by zhead240
2008 Int'l Convention Sep 28 - Oct 3
there seems to be a judge for each area of the car, interior,exterior and underhood. the handwriting is different for each sheet covering these areas. just curious, what area did u judge will.(hls30)
2008 Int'l Convention Sep 28 - Oct 3
got mine today. results exterior: 88 interior: 90 underhood: 77 mostly needs cleaning was the comment. i missed the parkinglot wash day so i just hosed down car the day of show and chamoised it.(wash and waxed before i came) lost point for front bump dent and wear on rubbers, fuel tank dirty,paint chips,dirty rad needs paint,incorrect oil cap,not stock coil,(-5) corrosion hupcaps,anntena dirty wear on carpet and driver seat. 250 out of 300 i'm feeling purdy good about it. wouldn't take much to move up 20 or 30 points i'm thinking.
Am I just paranoid??
if i'm somewhere not familiar i'll use my battery kill switch when parked. i tend to park away from other cars if possible. why people key cars is beyond me. jealousy perhaps. (or maybe fooling around with somebodys wife. )
240z Seat Strapping
what is the function of the metal wire with the hooks on each end? is it suppose to be hooked to the webbing to keep it from spreading?
Electric Car Progress
electric is not as green as people think it is. E=mc2. energy is not created or destroyed. coal,natural gas, nuclear, oil, solar, hydro or wind power is needed to produce electricity. wind, solar and hydro are considered green sources but they are a small percentage of the total. basicly more oil will be needed to meet the demand unless there is a drastic change. also the batteries will create an enviormental hazard. now we ship car batteries to tiwan for recycle because we don't want to ruin our enviroment. that's just one battery per vehicle. what will happen when we have to despose of a dozen batteries per every 100,000 miles. i think the electric car will be a major mistake if the big three put all their marbles in this basket. combustion is here to stay for quite some time.
Auto Parts supplier to be careful dealing with
report this to your credit card company. they have a time limit on when they will reimburse you. my card was 30 days from purchase.
Hi everyone
welcome aboard. post some pics when u get time.
welcome and happy new year. post some pics when u get a chance.
hello im william, from canada looking for a 240z
welcome aboard. check out this site for info http://www2.zhome.com:81/
2008 Int'l Convention Sep 28 - Oct 3
i was thinking that i would get a judges sheet on my zed telling me my point score out of 300 and where i lost points.
New member
welcome aboard. cool, a wife that can drive a stick. good thing about michigan (and ontario) winters-lots of time for restoring and fixing.
merry x-mas and....
happy new year to all my fellow z members. have a safe and happy holiday. good health and prosperity in the new year.
My 71' 240z project ... =)
verification code,oh, didn't see that. i'll try again. thanx.
My 71' 240z project ... =)
can't download. it comes up error.
Third times the charm
......... what's your vin#? mine's HLS30 50803
- Restoring chromed plastic trim on door panels
2008 Int'l Convention Sep 28 - Oct 3
haven't heard anything yet. still waiting. anyone got a pic of the 240z stock winner and the owner's name?
happy thanksgiving...
to all our fellow members in the U S. have a safe and happy turkey day. turkey,beer and football- it doesn't get any better than that.
Car Cover Recommendations.....
bought a indoor cover for my tr6 this week on sale $20. half price. it was so cheep that i bought two just incase i buy another 240z.
No, I'm not dead LOL
i've got my zed washed - oil changed- tank topped off and stablized, ready for storage and the weather for next 2 days is near 70 degrees. drat! might have to go to plan B and wait till thursday for storage.
tis harvest season
fisrt try i got 57 2nd try 80 3rd try 88!! http://www.ferryhalim.com/orisinal/g2/applegame.htm
2008 Int'l Convention Sep 28 - Oct 3
- 2008 Int'l Convention Sep 28 - Oct 3
any results yet ??- 2008 Int'l Convention Sep 28 - Oct 3
no results yet? i was disappionted that there wasn't a nissan resto program zed at the convention, but there was a gold medalion 240.- Ebay it....Part it...Etc......
parting it out might bring more $ but will also bring more headaches. maybe u only need a new clutch slave. ps- what condition is the body rust wise? - 2008 Int'l Convention Sep 28 - Oct 3
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