Everything posted by zhead240
Just became a z owner!!!
welcome aboard. i'm in the same boat you were in . i'm still lookin
gnose in florida
http://www.zcar.com/classifieds/index.php?method=showdetails&list=advertisement&rollid=19793&fromfromlist=classifiedscategory&fromfrommethod=showhtmllist&fromfromid=29& here you go zrush, add this to your collection. how u say- line em up baby!!!
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=7940391828&category=6762 is this the factory service manual i hear mentioned on this site? if not, is it worth owning?
patient buyer
http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=33744&item=7939201712&rd=1 d cap for sale- only one.
in my long search of ads i frequently come across-example, $7500 or b o. i've always thought this meant $7500 or best offer below asking price.the wife says noooooooooo. it means $7500 or best offer above asking price.i try to reason, why would anyone offer more than the person is asking.what's your interpretation? thankyou very much
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2489755431&rd=1 http://www.trader.ca/Search/Details.asp?mknm=702&Region=&subcategory=&CAT=1
don't know why link didn't link. i'll try to fix it
just got back from looking at thishttp://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2489755431&rd=1 which is now thishttp://www.trader.ca/Search/Details.asp?mknm=702&Region=&subcategory=&CAT=1 for no rust i found some right away under the battery and on the frame rail, although it seem to be only surface rust.all original but it had a vented hood (what year did these appear?) bare metal restore job 5 years ago and stored since had over spray on weather stripping. runs and drives exc., wouldn't run because needed carbs tuned,i drove 3 hours and he was in a hurry to go somewhere. car was in pretty good shape though but paint was 6 or 7 out of 10. minor bubbleing, driver door wouldn't shut.the kicker was the door tag or door jam i d tag.went to check vin #on dash with # on door jam and the tag had been removed and screwed back on, not even using the same rivet holes. the door #'s were illegable and obscured.( could only identify a 3) i asked about this and got no answer,just that he had all the papers for the zed from way back to origanal owner.any reason for removing this tag at all??? this puts up a red flag for me.asked if price was negotiable and he got kinda mad.this zed is more of a daily driver and i think i'll wait for something better maybe. also ,he has b o over $6500, why would anyone offer more than the asking price anyways?
Seems like a really clean and original 72'
last may bid got to $30000 with 1day 7hrs (reserve met at $25000) then suddenly auction mysteriously ended with no sale. wonder what happened to that guy who bid 30K- he's missing out on a bargin.
i'm going to look at a zed tomorrow.the guy says it has 2 miles on rebuilt engine.this guy buys and sells cars and has his own mechanic work on them.( therefore documentation suspect)is there anyway i can look in the engine bay to tell if he has done the work he claims?i know he bought the zed two months ago for $2300 (on ebay) and wants $6500.the p o claims rebuilt when he bought it and it sat in storage for 5+ years.also what to look out for in a car that's sat for 5 years? thankyou very much-zhead240
Seems like a really clean and original 72'
yea it's relisted- second time this month- first time buy now was $28000-second time buy now lowered http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=4504443135&category=6187
Seems like a really clean and original 72'
yea,if i had a choice, for a few thousand more you might be able to get the rockville 15K zed.
winter storage
ggarrard-i did exactly as u with reguards to storage. i was just in osgoode (outside of ottawa right?)looking at a 73 zed two weeks ago.it was listed on ebay but he was open to offers.got to within $1000 said i had to think about it, got home and agreed to his offer but he backed off and said he wanted to wait untill auction ended.it sold(1 bidder from ireland)i'm still kicking myself :stupid: to bad we couldn't meet.did u know the car i'm talking about- lime green-guy lived outside of kars-stuart duncan?
Selling my rotisserie
please explain how i get to ones gallery. in the old days, before the upgrade it was easy- just click on my gallery from anyone's thread or post.thankyou very much.
winter storage
my buddy bought a new mazda truck last year.he got some kind of electric charge on the truck (extra $350) that prevents rust guarantee.first i've ever heard of it.some way of telling when charge gets low to have it recharged ( not necessarily ever year either)
This could be fun.
couldn't pour wizz out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.
might be the one!
no, didn't get it> :stupid: someone from ireland bid with 35 minutes left.i called the owner after to let him know i was still interested if the deal didn't go through(dead beat bidder or nigerian scam). he says the guy from ireland is a nissan dealer so it sounds legit.sblakely wondered why i didn't pay on the spot and drive away-i only went to look to see if the zed was worth $12000 starting bid.i was caught off guard when the owner said he was open to offers.it was saturday(banks closed) and i wasn't prepared to deal that day.went home and thought it over, called to agree to his price but had to leave a message on his machine.next day he changed his mind and wanted to let the auction run out first.well live and learn.i see one near cincinati (mason)for $5900 asking(72).has 83000 orig miles.only 5 or 6 hour drive.iwhen i get time i think i'll go look at it.anyone know this zed? http://adcache.collectorcartraderonline.com/10/0/4/76564004.htm
new shoes
are these what u need for 27thZ or do u already have them?(or maybe u are going to use mags)
new shoes
remember the thread about D hub caps and outrageous $$$. http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14837&highlight=hub+caps there's a set of them on ebat now starting out low. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=4502274029&category=34209 i guess it all depends on condition, condtion, condition.
Wall Street Journal Says 240Z is a good investment!
just when i'm in the market to buy my first zed wall street comes out with this. now everyone who's selling their 240 puts this in their ad and thinks their car is worth more.(UGH) i wish wall street would mind their own business and stick to what their good at- swindleing,embezzelment and cooking the books.- you know how to make a small fortune- start with a large fortune and invest in the stock market
For Sale 72 240z
hi. i'm in the market for a zed , but not a poject car. just want to welcome you to the club.
Screen Names - Where Do They Come From?
being fishermen we're called fish heads - thus zhead which was taken plus 240= zhead240
might be the one!
he called back to say he's changed his mind and going to wait for the auction to end first. he's got 4 or 5 interested parties if he sends them pictures.( shoulda made the deal yesterday- snose you lose)well gotta hope nobody bids and i'm still in the game i hope.so none of u peckerheads bid on it.
might be the one!
well- i drove up to look at the zed over the weekend.the guy lives in a mansion that makes jed clampett's house look like a tar paper shack,placed on a 500 acre farm.( now i know what he meant by go to the south gate)he's kinda like the ted turner of canada,owns a cable company and he's only 47.we go out to the other garage and when he opens the door, inside is the zed(my knees buckle) she's gorgeous!!!!.looks better in real life. it took a while to sart because it's sat for so long.kept pumping the gas. i told him to use the choke but he says u don't need to with triple carbs.finally got it going.he says it's not legal(no insurance, maybe reason he didn't let me drive) but we'll go for a test drive anyways, it'll be ok here.( we're located in the sticks somewhere between hootersville and pixly).he winds it out to about 80 mph. to me i seems to ride like a lumber truck. u can feel every bump in the road and it's kinda noisey.he tells me it'll run smoother with the original s u carbs on.get back to the mansion and he says he's the price is negotiable.i ask what about ebay. he'll just end it since there's no bids, he says. anyways we get within $1000. i'm at $12000 he's at $13000.( mini dollars -meaning canadian) he's got the original carbs( i'm thinking flat heads- don't need another boat anchor)that go with it.put the zed away and we look at the carbs and they're round tops.he says i can switch them and get $800 for the triples. all the while i'm thinking the guy's going to change his mind and accept my offer.( what's a grand to a millionaire) i say i have to think about it and talk to the wife.i'll kick myself if i lose this over a $1000. i'll never find another in this good of condition in canada. so i call him when i got home to accept his offer but had to leave the message on his machine. now i'm waiting for the call back. what do you all think- too much $$??
MSA 10th Anniversay Show 2005
is this the show that's going to be in syracuse or rochester n y? i hope to go if possible.