Everything posted by 280z
rainex works really well and doesnt leave those annoying wiper marks
- Crud
looking for the owner of this car
if you take a look at this very original 240z with with original 918 paint which won 2 awards at the same car show, i think you would find it to look way more like the paint code you are looking for than of the car in the smaller picture.
front speakers
anyways i kinda solved my problem. i moved the 6x9's from the back of the car to between the strut towers and the seats. they are facing straight up in their boxes and they sound much better. actually they sound awesome! i can hear them great from both of my ears, if you mount them any other way it gets annoying because your right ear gets more than the other. i ordered 2 amps that will mount perfectly right behind my seats and i will order some more powerful speakers with a fuller range, maybe 6 1/2" speakers, and custom make the enclosures to fit snuggly. then maybe if i still have enough christmas $, i will order a 6" bazooka tube sub-woofer with the built in amp which also fits perfectly between the strut tower and rear panel on the drivers side. the best part of this project is that i dont have to cut or mess with anything in my car. it all stays original. and to think i almost cut my door panels! for sure ill post some pics when this project is complete, prolly in 1 or 2 weeks
FRENCH 1972 240Z
FRENCH 1972 240Z
awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome etc...
FRENCH 1972 240Z
whatZ DidZ You GetZ for CriZtmaZ?
i also got money which i used to by nos windshield wipers. im also getting new tires and a few more little things.
- butts
- another one
front speakers
i dont blast the music so listening to whats outside wont be a problem but when im on the highway, i cant hear anything so i have to trun it up hella loud then i get a headache. i just want some clear midrange speakers to be able to listen to some music with clear sound. i thought about the quarter panels but i think i would prefer the sound coming from infront of me. im interested in what the above poster was talking about (memoryz) because that wouldnt involve having to cut or replace my door panels.
- poor mans e and rich mans z
- nose
the detail is crazy, the leather glove boot looks so real, and the dash with the round silver air condition thing
- interior1
- z and jag
new toy
- jag and z
front speakers
i have a panasonic unit 4x50 watts. i want something simple but nice sounding. i dont have any specific speaker size in mind, it all depends on what can conveniently be installed.
front speakers
id like more info, what model are they, any pictures?
front speakers
i was thinking about getting some door panels, i found some from a 78, will they fit a 75?
front speakers
the two 6x9's in the rear just dont do it for me. i would never cut my door panels or do anything permanent to install front speakers, any other suggestions?