Everything posted by 280z
$70 Polished Valve Cover(s) on ebay
damn, i was inches from submitting the ebay buying confirmation but now that you already spent the dollar, i dont know...
you guys remember the BEST BLONDE JOKE EVER??
back 9 or 10 months ago everytime you looked at whose online about 80% of them were viewing the best blonde joke ever thread.. but no one ever really posted the joke, or at least i dont remember if it was ever found.
$70 Polished Valve Cover(s) on ebay
is the dollar and post it note included?
Thanks for Votes!
hey are the polls closed? i woulda voted if i had seen the last thread earlier. sorry!
Close Call this Weekend
At least he was driving a small civic and not a big fat hummer that woulda smashed through both of the cars.
This Z was stored in a chicken coop since 1987
sell what?? i dont really have it.
This Z was stored in a chicken coop since 1987
yeah but i dont know what to do if he agrees to pay me 100 bucks to check out my car..
Tired of being called names?
75, i had a 76 but sold it to my buddy.
Tired of being called names?
oh yeah thats pretty old before i took off the fender emblems and put the sidestrips. i didnt mean to post with that username. i signed on it just because i wanted to see if it still worked. i would still be using it but after i scrolled through the list of registered users and noticed no one had 280z, i jumped on it. thanks for the compliment.
This Z was stored in a chicken coop since 1987
yeah i know... so how bout them yankees
This Z was stored in a chicken coop since 1987
haha, it smells like the start of a new debate
This Z was stored in a chicken coop since 1987
it doesnt look like they will buy it. o well it was worth a try
This Z was stored in a chicken coop since 1987
revenge is sweet
Just bought a factory restored 72 240Z!
ohh ok, thanks carl. bill said "By Wills name to."
Just bought a factory restored 72 240Z!
ben why does it always say "+v12horse" on the whose online section. it doesnt have the + when anyone else is online
Just bought a factory restored 72 240Z!
guys i dont think he was trying to mislead you. cool dave, be sure to post those pictures when you get it!
This Z was stored in a chicken coop since 1987
carl are you always on like invisble mode or something. i never see you one the whose online section but your posts just keep popping up.
Is This For Real?
what the hell i thought this thread was deleted.. anyways kmack, take a chill pill. carl was kidding. plus he could kick your arse and he should becuase your an idiot. and dont tell mike mike how to run this site, if you dont like it then take your own advice and "Go get your own site"
Tired of being called names?
only one time a girl told me my car was "cute"
This Z was stored in a chicken coop since 1987
why couldnt one of you guys have found this car instead? right now, i feel like this car is being taken hostage and tortured. unless the ransom is paid, it will be killed. i almosted started to cry while reading this thread till i heard he was going to sell it. how much you set the reserve for anyways mr. ls1240z
Tired of being called names?
all the guys i meet love my datsun. all the girls think its "too old" whats up with that?
Is This For Real?
you wanna break? well im not done with you yet, that statement about banning the fbi and cia from collaborating with each other is completely false. you would make a good foxs news anchor one day. it is true that the intelligence agencies weren't working with eachother but it had nothing to do with clinton. in fact 911 most likely would NOT have occured if the supreme court would have given democracy a chance and let gore hold his place in office. read this report published in TIME magazine 2 years ago. please actually read it before calling it bullshit. bill, the $^!# has hit the fan. WAKE UP! and much more has been revealed since that report, like clarke's testimony infront of the commission and powell reporting that 911 and iraq had no connection though cheney still likes to believe so, and that report telling w that bin laden was eager to attack inside the u.s. while w was on vacation. and whats that about kerry pissing his pants? w didnt even serve. AWOL.. no DESERTER. let me remind you that the taliban was funded by the u.s. to fight the soviets. you cant blame clinton for that. and what do you mean by "Hell Its a bad thing for us to defend ourselves nowadays." are you saying that attacking iraq was for defense? are you kidding? did you know that for the first time in history the shi'ites and sunnis (two groups in iraq that hate eachother and have been destroying eachother) have united to fight against the enemy invaders? that might not mean anything to an average person but anyone who knows the history of that country and the middle east see it as a horrible sign. and where did bush get all of his prewar intelligence? chalabi, yes the man who is now going to be arrested on fraud charges in iraq. that shows you to do business with americans. dont insult my intelligence, you give ME a break
Is This For Real?
oh yeah and then when sen leahy asks cheney about the haliiburton involvement he tells him to go **** himself then talks about compassionate conservatism and values... meanwhile teresa heinz tells a reporter to shove it and its blasted all over the media.. whats does that tell you about the so called liberal media"
Is This For Real?
hmm yeah lets take a look at his record. a national debt, turned clintons record surplus into a record deficit thats only still piling up as he continues to lavishly hand out tax breaks to the wealthy, claims to be ruling under divine intervention, uses his faith for political gain (what about seperation of church and state moron) then lies to the world every single day while slaughtering thousands of innocent people who have only been starving because of u.n. and u.s. sanctions for the last decade, appointed a vp who belongs in prison because of his illegal corporate dealing with azerbaijan, iraq, kuwait and many other nations while ceo at halliburton then selling all his stock only months before it devaluated leaving thousands of shareholders broke, (inside trading is ok if your a vice president but you go to jail if your a home decorator and you do it on a much smaller scale) w mocked all our neighbors and turned the united states from being a country most admired to the most hated, (ask the australians they will tell you) he has been the most openly anti-gay/ anti-rights president probably ever, has let the israeli palestinian conflict get severly worse, did NOTHING when rachel corrie was run over the israeli bulldozer after the isarli's claimed they didnt see her, ignited north korea to start building arms after including them in the "axis of evil"... i can go on forever naming this $^!# off the top of my head. yea your right how could gore have done any better than that! i really dont know. kerry sure has some big shoes to fill. good thing this nightmare will soon be over...
Is This For Real?
i was only kidding. its an inside joke, you have to be one of my friends because we had this phsyco math teacher from texas. just absolutely crazy. no offense