Everything posted by 280z
climbing on the roof
i put my datsun in turtles tank. he enjoys it more than i do. i know when he gets hungry because he swims through the passengers door and starts biting the shift knob. then he swims out the other door. hes so cute
my beautiful turtle
Z Hubcaps restored and on my Z
ben i am so excited for you i know how much you wanted those hub caps and they look awesome i love them! congratulations ben, we must go for a drive soon so i can see them up close. i also noticed you got those s30 plates you were talking about a while ago. beautiful package!
hey, new member
its like looking into a mirror
Changing original paint color - Bad idea?
i agree with carl. if your gonna re-paint your car a different color, please please please strip that car down like you were gonna give it a cavity search. repaint under carpet, hood, door, just everything.
Left Side Back
Ta Dah!
Top/Front 3/4
Front View
- datsun_240z
- datsun
another barn car
what are you supposed to do with a car like that? can you imagine what would happen if it got dented? the only thing i could think of is putting it into a museum but wheres the fun in that..
6.5" Infinity Kappas in Doors?
he doesnt have any component systems. these are the kappas your looking for? http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php?masterid=1137174&search=Infinity+Kappa+60.5cs i dont think the will fit unless you modify the door. you might want to look for a 4" component system, or i could be completely wrong and they do fit. i would take off the door panel and measure diameter and depth before purchasing anything.
6.5" Infinity Kappas in Doors?
i guess he ships to u.s. only sorry
6.5" Infinity Kappas in Doors?
not sure about that but i got an amazing deal on some kappas from this guy on ebay. im sure you can get them from him much cheaper. he shipped them so fast, it was perfect http://motors.search.ebay.com/kappa_W0QQsofocusZbsQQsbrftogZ1QQfromZR10QQsacatZ-1QQcatrefZC6QQftrtZ1QQftrvZ1QQsellerZ1QQsassZfsd-disQQfsopZ1QQfsooZ1QQcoactionZcompareQQcopagenumZ1QQcoentrypageZsearch
First layer
Old emblems, new paint
originally yes but i got her repainted a slightely different silver about 2 years ago. the sticker under the hood was too faded to read and i didnt think about looking on the internet. after she was painted, i was going through some old documents and i found the original receipt where it had the paint code written on there but of course it was too late.
- rear
Video: what my Z would dream about
two thumbs up!
believe it or not
20k but i bet the reserve is higher than that
Uday Hussein's Ferrari 550
talk about a war crime
Mustang Mirrors
Obviously Not "1st Year"
he didnt even include the vin. that sounds fishy