Everything posted by Alfadog
HybridZ.org left me confused :S
What did you do to make them ban you Marc??? Post pictures of your (GORGEOUS and UNMOLESTERED!) car?
Passing of William Wilson aka TKR514
Woops, must have just copied and pasted the links so they include the "..." Here are the correct ones: http://www.zcar.com/forums/read.php?f=4&i=172590&t=172590 http://got-z.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7527&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 This news comes as a big shock. My condolences to his family and friends.. he was one of the cool guys here.
changes in ca smog laws ... read this !!!!
OK, this is great, but do we need three copies?
They just keep going up in value!
You've got enough Z's in the US without stealing ours!!! Rack off!!! (i speak in jest, honest!)
Home-market HS30 options
Alan, I noticed that the 240ZG and Fairlady Z-L both have black painted wipers as standard, and are not an option on any other model. I find this interesting - what were they painted with do you know? I always thought any black wipers on Z's were just painted by an owner at some point in time. That's right, I doubted your car.. uh!! I am ashamed. Thanks for the new info!!
GT-R C110 flares on ebay
Nice find! The item description is a liiiiittle inaccurate though, you're going to have to do a fair bit more than "Just position, and mark holes, drill, and install with stainless steel screws, or pop-rivets"!
They just keep going up in value!
Can't say I like the front spoiler.. looks _good_ otherwise! Hard to tell with just one small pic hey? Any Victorians wanna have a look? Is it really $16,000 worth? P.S. Gee, your PM inbox is full!
Welcome!! I like your idea of a 4-cyl engine. It's very difficult to decide what to swap into a K, because of the large overhang on the front making a straight-6 kinda impractical - especially with all that power (they already are prone to understeering). This would be fine, just fit a 4 banger.... but the car is a SKYLINE! There's something about fitting anything other than a straight-6 engine that seems a bit... wrong. If you dont have that strange mental condition then go for it! Other swaps to consider are a V6 - perhaps from a 300ZX - or even a V8. Still going to sit further back than the straight-6. P.S. 3 days to go :cheeky:
Home-market S30 Factory Options
Just to add one more, here in Australia a very common thing to do is flash your highbeams at the cars coming in the opposite direction to let them know they are approaching an automotive photoshoot... (police) (P.S. My 71 had no passing light - Mike seems to be on the money. My 1973 240K does - pull the lever towards you)
Just bought a factory restored 72 240Z!
PNG's should be allowed... almost every paint program worth its socks should be able to convert though.
tail light restoration
With my Z, I simply took the lights apart and cleaned EVERYTHING. You might find after doing that they'll look like new, without any abbrasives that will end up removing the lettering on the outside of the lenses.
Celica ST J-town
Wow, lovely wheels. These old Celicas are beautiful. Just need a little more power - which it looks like this one's got! I think you're right about the 1971/1972 thing, do you remember where the fuel-filler was? They changed it in '72 to the C-pillar when they moved the fuel tank for safety reasons... BEAUTIFUL car! I'd just remove the rear-quart reflectors, the awkward (but original!) side sticker and that vinyl. Thanks for the pics Ben!
Cressida J-town
Yes, this is a Cressida. Really common Granny car in Australia! Don't think a granny drives this one though *Stunned!*
cressida J-town
It's got a Supra engine in it?? Waaaoooo!! Why didn't you enter your car into the show Ben? Was it more of a modified thing?
Vic Z Car Meeting 3 Lineup
C110 GT-R Tail Lights on Ebay- ship worldwide.
Rob, I have my old tail lights spare if that (please dont jinx me!) ever happens. At the moment unfortunately I need the money more than spares.
Home-market S30 Factory Options
Thanks for that!! So the vinyl only went up half the roof.... like those old Oldsmobiles and Caddies... No wonder it is rare.
Clean one on e-bay
I found them! 1. The price. 2. It's in America.
Home-market S30 Factory Options
I have five questions, Alan and those in the know! Firstly, the vinyl top I always thought was just a dealer addon to some cars (mainly in the US where that kind of thing was cool in the 70s), but apparently not. If my memory serves me correctly I've never seen a Z with a vinyl top. It sure wasn't a common option in Japan, was it? I could see why... Imagine one on a Z432 :dead: The racing stripe does not look like Kats' one. It's quite unique isn't it. Did the design of the stripe change over the years? Did Nissan perhaps offer the "240Z" stripe on Kats' car as an option for export-market cars? Kats, are you listening? Factory Rollbar? I think I saw a picture of this in a Z432 in one of your recent galleries, Alan... but anyway, was this a high-quality thing people would order and race with, or was it more common for aftermarket rollbars to be fitted to race-cars? Not doubting the abilities of Nissan, just wondering... Fourthly, what exactly are "option colours"? Did buyers have to pay more if they wanted a Z432-R not in orange?? And finally, what is the "FM pack"? The new, larger pictures are much clearer - thankyou!
Information about a very rare S30?
As I think Ben implied, I don't think the car was ever called a "Datsun 200Z". I'm confused - are you trying to find the car, or just information about it? The latter will be easier!! On the site there is heaps of information about the Nissan Fairlady Z and Z-L if you search through the archives. There is currently a thread going on about the options offered to home-market cars too. Perhaps from this you can work out if your car is a Z or Z-L? If on the other hand you're trying to find out the whereabouts of a long-lost love, I'm sure some UK-based members might know how you could go about finding it!
Just bought a factory restored 72 240Z!
I was wondering, did Mr. K or Matsuo or any of the original people that were involved in the design/production/marketing of the S30 have anything to do with the "240Z Restoration Program"? Not trying to bag the cars, just curious.
Just bought a factory restored 72 240Z!
Vicky, would you mind perhaps scanning a page or two of the more interesting points they make in the manual? I know I'm intrigued! Outside the US these cars are unheard of to most. It would be interesting to see just how finicky the restorations were. Reckon you could do that for us?
Home-market S30 Factory Options
Sorry, when Enrique said "I would like to post each one of the accessories on it's own post so that everyone can discuss them" I understood it as he was going to post each of them in that topic. I thought it would be better suited to a new topic rather than the "Footrest?" one. It's hard to get an idea about time on these forums... I didn't even notice it was less than 24 hours ago that the 3-page long thread was just brimming over 1 page! Anyway, sorry for starting this. Mike can delete it and let Enrique start one with a clearer scan, or we can "play-on" from here... whatever works.
Left Rear
Whew, this is a not-so-bad view. Seems that most of hte body is straight and dent-free, its just the rust that's gotten to it. Is the roof good? Congratulations mate!
Home-market S30 Factory Options
OK, a few in another thread wanted to discuss these options, but no one actually started a new thread. So here goes. Attached is a picture scanned by Alan T (I lightened it a tad) that lists the home-market options for the S30 range from 1970 (correct me if I'm wrong!). Whilst some seem pretty obvious, it is the not-so-obvious which are intriguing. I'm trying to work out how best to discuss... if you look closely next to the pictures, they are numbered. If we can use the numbers given to point to each that's probably the best way. To begin: 2. The home-market S30's had a clock as an option, yes? This may come as a surprise to some - I know it did when I heard it first. Amazing how the "feature list" of cars has come so far in the last 30 years. I'd like to know what 3, 4, 9 and 14 are! I thought the A/C was not available on early S30's... not sure where I got that from though. :sleep: