Everything posted by Alfadog
How much for a GT-R Front grille?
I was watching a Yahoo Auction in Japan that ended just yesterday... This grille started at 20,000, and ended yesterday at 100,000 yen. That's approx. $1,262 AUD. I've attached a pic. The link is http://page6.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/f27000495 Just in case you thought your GT-R replica was gunna be easy :dead: Note this is genuine not repro, and steel (that's what I've been told they were made of anyway). I have a front grille on mine that cost a fair bit less than that, but it's FRP. It will have to do!!!!! FWIW
New 350Z!?!
even cars get rhinoplasty these days..
Wtf - 350z
I think I scared him off... he didn't reply, so I asked him if my friend in Paris could come and have a look? He then said "sorry but I sold it... sorry".
removing bumper-mounted indicators
I think that's one modification no man here will object to!! Post pics when youre done
Finally, my Twice Pipes exhuast system is installed.. but problems.. Pics inside
Wow, sounds like you guys had lots of problems... I guess I shouldn't have taken my system for granted! 2.25" header back with a Lukey muffler (I have not heard a better muffler on a Z yet) for $240 Aussie and never had any problems with speed bumps. My suspension was at the stock ride height, though.
If you have ZG flares and 15" RS watanabes...
That's not Eric B's car, this is Eric B's car!! http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=2408&size=big&sort=1&cat=all (Why is somebody WRITING on the roof :tapemouth )
240K / 260Z engine mounts
Good information to know! Sorry we're not of more help... this is unexplored territory for all of the regulars here. Keep up the great work
wanted ideas on graphics for hood -non flames
Check it out: http://www.fpv.com.au/index.asp?link_id=2.192&parent_id=166# They HAVE done it.
Wtf - 350z
I got an email from the 350Z guy. You'd think they'd try to be a bit more original... Then I emailed him back: And a reply (he's quite good isn't he!): My response (unanswered so far...):
Point of interest
It sounds easy enough, but finding a spare penny might be tricky these days!!
Power balance test
It sounds like a very interesting test. I'm jealous you have someone that THOROUGH over there. I'd really like my carbs to be all tuned up perfectly. Excuse my ignorance for a moment but....... with a SOHC straight 6... are you sure all 6 cylinders are meant to contribute equally? :stupid:
1965 Silvia for sale in the UK
ROFL Congratulations Symon, don't collect all these DREAM-CARS at once though!! You are making some of us very, very jealous :paranoid:
wanted ideas on graphics for hood -non flames
What look DO you want though? There are an infinite amount of things you can do to your paint to make it look different.... what are you trying to achieve? P.S. I think Rob's idea could work. Just make sure it's not too pansy
are gs31 and s30 body pannels swappable
I dont think this is all correct... but now I am interested in getting my story straight! Can anyone (Alan, Kats) clarify with full certainty?
are gs31 and s30 body pannels swappable
I think he means the later Zs - but still before the 280ZX. I think the model changed from S30 to S31 when they changed a few things (when the 260Z came in?). And G stands for 2+2? Geez, with trying to learn all about the C110's I've forgotten all the Z stuff :stupid:
- Wtf - 350z
Finally, my Twice Pipes exhuast system is installed.. but problems.. Pics inside
Downloading the video now! Awesome speed... Looks like you only have 2 resonators (one for each pipe) on your system... I'm sure that would be very LOUD. I had a single lukey muffler and it was very loud... ! Awesome sound though
Rockhampton Car Show 2004
SO SELFISH!! Keeping them all to yourself!
Natural Japan Car
For All 240K GT & GL
Unfortunately I sucked up the last of his bandwidth it seems... "Site Temporarily Unavailable"
Wtf - 350z
8000 for a 350 without an engine is still cheap......
For All 240K GT & GL
The site has gone over it's allowed bandwidth But I can say - you have one of the best C110 picture collections there is. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing!
Side Stripe Sticker Kit for 240z
Good idea. One look at Kats' car is enough to persuade anyone to agree!!!
P-plate restrictions discussed
The thing is, your V8 Z or blown RX still has to be registered and the conversion engineered. I think that's the beauty of the plan - no registered car can get past. It also kinda contradicts the governments push for carpooling. I dont think it's an effective, enforceable or consistent method. Well seriously, we dont have to live in one extreme or the other. There is a happy medium. We can live with Z's AND safe driving, surely? Easier said than done eh?
P-plate restrictions discussed
Good onya Gav. That reminds me - it was funny when I did mine because there was this older guy (about 30, most of us were near 20) who wore sunnies the entire time and just thought he was all that (e.g. while waiting in line, he would do a burnout in his - you guessed it - Holden). In EVERY event, he either spun out, lost control or didn't listen well enough to know what to do. By the end of the day he wasn't so smug.