Everything posted by Alfadog
Another one to avoid
That's a pretty self-indulged attitude... Would you like to be warned if you were bidding on something described incorrectly? I know I would......... *BANG!*
Twin toys
C110 'GT-R' Tail light operation
Alan, I must be blind! :stupid: I didn't even notice! Rob, here is the wiring diagram. I can't attach an image any bigger than 1024x768, but if you want a larger one I can email it to you. The wiring shown here is slightly different because it's for the 240K tail lights, but you get the idea (black being the ground).
Zender Straight 8 - Copy Cat? or is the 350Z roadster?
Wow, it won't load up the large versions for me but from what I can see yeah the front definitely takes some inspiration from the Z. The rear end definitely DIDN'T though!! and I thought the Z was ugly at the rear..............
Beautiful Watanabe's on ebay
Ben, I think those would look really nice on your car.................. ;)
C110 'GT-R' Tail light operation
Rob, on the very first post on this thread I have given a link to a page describing how the lights are meant to work. The outer lights do not light up with braking, this is why the bulbs are a much lower voltage. If you are unhappy with them I will buy them back no problem.
C110 'GT-R' Tail light operation
The outer lights do NOT light up brighter when the brake is applied. We determined that earlier.. Might be worthwhile checking Zkid's theory...
C110 'GT-R' Tail light operation
A is amps I guess. That's usually 12 anyway so that should be fine. OK, so the outer bulbs are lighting up fine? What happens when you put the foot on the brake? Are both of the inner lights the same dimness?
C110 'GT-R' Tail light operation
I meant the old tail lights. How do you mean 'broke'? Did they get smashed or did they stop working properly? Funny, I could have sworn the lights all worked there, I replaced ones that didnt... weird. Anyway, I just went out and checked my lights - outer bulbs should be A12V8/3.4W and inner bulbs should be A12V23/8W. Which bulbs exactly aren't working? Do the indicators/reverse lights work properly?
C110 'GT-R' Tail light operation
Rob, the bulbs in there definitely worked when I tested - I made sure to replace those which didnt... I'll check the power ratings of the bulbs when I get home today. I was asking about the wiring because if it's a dodgy join then this might explain why they're only coming on very dimly. Seems that's not the problem though... which lights exactly are dim? On both sides? What was the problem you were having with the old tail lights?
C110 'GT-R' Tail light operation
It does indeed Alan. A pity they don't make the "Skyline" badge for the rear finisher anymore though (not sure about the GT-R), so it's hard to find those badges! Rob, alright, you mentioned before that the old tail lights weren't working. Can you test these lights to make sure the problem is in the new lights? Reason being when I tested them I was pretty sure they worked well. Also (you've probably done this already) you might want to check all the wiring and connections to make sure they're connected up properly.
C110 'GT-R' Tail light operation
Hi Alan As far as I know the rear finisher is just the same, with different badging. The chrome looking plastic rings are attached to the tail light units (please see attached picture), and then the finisher just is placed in front of that. Like the S30, it all sortof falls apart once you take off a few vital screws and nuts. From what I can tell in pictures, everything on the rear apart from the lights and badging is the same across models.
C110 'GT-R' Tail light operation
Hi Rob When I tried the lights out I thought they seemed fine. Did you look at them at daytime or night? They do appear pretty dull during the day... because remember when you depress the brake pedal they have to light up even more. At night they should appear fine, though.
Help me write a Ballad Please
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Two early Zed's
$16,000 510
Awesome Gav!! You're lucky. I'm sure there are more than 2 in Australia too, I can imagine a few more stored away by avid enthusiasts. I was thinking you might say they're a little larger than you thought they would be. From pictures of them next to the C110's you can see they're not all that small. Not as small as a Z anyway. Ben's right in that the KPGC10 only had overfenders on the rear. So this wasn't an error! And it's KGC10 for the GT - no P!! P is the designation for the S20 engine.
$16,000 510
What an immaculate little Bluebird! I love the styling of the rear of these coupes - vaguely reminds me of the CSP311 Silvia... It's just so aww. IIRC these models were special in that they had the nifty feature of folding down seats, which turned the interior into a large bed. I think it was this model which had that... pretty cool even if I did just make it up! Gav you mean that Skyline that has also been posted up here before? KGC10 I think the designation would be for that - it certainly looked the part didn't it? Did you get to see it??? Lucky bastard!
$20k+ Number plate
The price of personalised numberplates is silly.
Stupid Question of the Week
We call ours Z's too. :classic:
another K owner
Hi Stephen, Good to know some others here enjoy our discussions- I'm sure if you ever do come across some troubles with your (immac.) 810 you'd be able to find help here... you just gotta ignore the haters!
another K owner
Very cool feature indeed. It might also interest you that in Japan the GT-X came with electric windows! edit: looks like Michael beat me to it Humm./.. I'll also add then that even the previosu model Skyline (C10) had electric windows on the GT-X model.
Kpgc110 Gt-x
This VIN business is curious... A couple of things extra - the GTR came with fender mirrors and flares too, and a little spoiler on the back (as I'm sure you know). Also I'm under the impression they didn't have rear demisters. Bucket seats inside aswell.. and I'm sure many other little differences too! Also I think with the 'GT-R' tail lights, the inner circle is the brake light (see attachment), not the outer. My 2 cents!
How much would you pay....?
I wouldn't sell mine because it's worth more to me than it is monetarily.... but how much is it worth? I would say from what I've seen in the Trading Post at least $3000. As a guess.