Everything posted by Alfadog
here you are skyline buffs...prince skyline
Oh, I didn't notice he said 1972! Wow, that would be worth a mint if he still had it (GTR or not).....
here you are skyline buffs...prince skyline
Imagine trying to source parts for THAT :stupid: Ben, I thought these never came in GT-R form, the 2000 GT was the hottest version... correct me if im wrong
Watanabe wheels
hehe! THey really set off your car mate, look brilliant! Good job.
Looking at 260
Yep, if you're a bit worried about something with the car then you ought to get it inspected by your equivelant of RACQ. They do VERY thorough checks and are harsh on old cars. Up here a full check on body and mechanicals costs $140. Not cheap... but might save you a lot of headaches later.
240z Power Steering?
Yeah, Cuong Nguyen.
Not a Z, but a good fish
Is that a seam?
And proves to be yet another spot which likes to rust away!
1jz Dyno
, what a loon. A moment in memory of the 300
Auto conversion; now overheating
Awesome, glad you got to the source of the problem. Ignore '280ZX Fever' - he's just jealous he doesn't get a section for HIS car
saab spg wheels meets my 260z?
I think they look better in the DUMP :classic: :classic: :classic:
W.A.Z-cars (Australia)
Some nice cars there! but....... Thumbnails next time please!!
Blue Z on ebay
I love the blue interior - its so wacky!!
That's awesome. I remember seeing a video of a G35 vs. WRX vs. S2000 vs. MX-5 vs. RX-8 vs. Integra Type-R. The G35 came second, but given 1 more lap (was only 3 laps) the G35 would have overtaken the S2000 for sure. Is your car actually Twin Turbo??? If so, let's see some pics!
polishing wheels...suggestions please
so thats how you do it?! Geez, and my arm was sore after just using metal polish on 2 wheels..... I recommend 'Autosol' in metal polish. That's all I used for the Watanabes in my gallery, but if you look closely you'll notice the pitting. Maybe thats what the sandpapers for.........
z or spouse
, Bill you seem a bit engrossed with the Z and woman thing lately.... If I HAD a spouse, there would be no question!
3 more Darwin award winners
Rest In Peace...
'75 280 - front
How Do You Finance Your Project?
A lot of those teens get their money from their parents, but a lot don't! When you dont really have many living costs, its pretty easy to save up a few G working at woolies over a few years. As a baby, my first word was "car" - I'm not exaggerating when I say I saved every cent of pocket money since I can remember for my car! That, and a bit from a part time job I had, and my parents paid half. And then after a bit more than a year I upgraded to the K! :cheeky:
3 more Darwin award winners
Hmmm, NBC doesn't seem to know their right from their left... That's terrible, what a nightmare for Fitsum - can you imagine it??? He is lucky he is alive.
My Good Find Pic 3
You people make me a saaaad panda
Oh good lord I thought the Whale Tails were bad enough, but this is unreal! Please please please please please remove it! (-2 for the wing)
Final 4
WANTED: 240z/260z
If you want to know more about the blue one you should ask "Walkingpig" - he is the PO of that one.