Everything posted by Alfadog
Parts Swapping 240K Sedan to Coupe
I'm pretty sure they are.
what about the new z's?
Ah true, but S11's are more puke than S12's anyway!!!
what about the new z's?
Ah, you picked that up Michael! I put the RX7 thing in to see if anyone would pick up on the 'X'.. Nothing wrong with rotary engines as long as youre somewhat anal retentive. And there is no questioning it - they were a bloody good handling car... as I understand it they were sometimes referred to as "the 240Z of the 80s"... until they got fat, too, that is. As for buying an S12 over an RX7? Err, no thanks! I'd take an RX7 over a 280ZX, too. I'm not too blinded by Nissan loyalty to recognise a good car when I see one! That's my taste, anyway... not trying to say youre ignorant, its just different tastes. To be honest if I were in the position to buy a new car in 1980 I would probably buy a second hand 240Z ROFL
hakosuka or zeto
You might want to explain that a Hakusuka is a C10 Skyline and a "zeto" is a Fairlady Z (or at least that's what I'm guessing since zeto is japanese for zed (zee)) since a lot of people here might not know what you mean... I don't think there are any C10 owners here (it's a classic Z site afterall) but there are a couple of Fairlady Z owners and a few C110 KenMeri owners myself included, and I can guarantee most of the members here will love your addition to the club! Have you got any pictures of your new baby yet??? I for one would love to see them, the Hakusuka is a gorgeous car IMO... Welcome!
what about the new z's?
The 280ZX was the most expensive Japanese car sold to Australia when it came outin 1978 - digital dash and T-tops and big sofa chairs, electric windows and all that sure do constitute luxury for that era. Sure Mercedes from the same era had the same kind of 'luxury' features... but they're luxury cars too!!! There is no question that the 280ZX was a luxurious grand tourer, not a sports car. If you wanted a sports car, you'd buy an RX7!!! I don't know how you can compare it with modern cars to try to prove it as not luxurious... The 300ZX was luxury as well, hence the 'X' tacked on hte end. There is no argument there...
Terry's 1971 Datsun 240Z No: 840
what about the new z's?
The X in ZX stands for experimental? I always thought it was luxury...
My Sr 240sx swap is done hehehehe pics inside!!
Yeah, we had this conversation about the weird versions of the S13 you yanks got earlier. Quite odd - the real name for the cut'n'shut versions is a one-via.
All right you lot, let's have you.
Yea well you're tellin me! Fixed the home computer with the virus antidote (patch) so it's all good.............. Drumroll please!!!!!!!!! :stupid::stupid::stupid: :stupid::stupid::stupid: (can ya hear it? ) me looking stupid as usual, with my catch when we went up to noosa recently - I caught this little fella with my bare hands !!!!!!! I thought it was quite a feat . . . . . :stupid: without further ado..
My BEST Datsun Day.
My 71 had no repeaters. Alan, I heard a story where the first batch of cars imported to the UK were just redirected to Australia... just a story, is what you said what really happened? Whatever the case, I think they look a hell of a lot better without the repeaters! .... in my opinion.
I am now Z less
Extremely happy to hear that Victor - it made my day! Have fun and get an alarm!
All right you lot, let's have you.
I know off-by-heart how to get technical support from telstra now - dial 133 933, then option 2, option 2 again and then wait 12 minutes until someone answers, then you give them your problem, and they tell you they'll send out a technician in a week. My computer has been inoperable for the last 2 months or so, so far its been to Brisbane-Sydney-Brisbane-Melbourne-Brisbane-Melbourne-Brisbane and finally came back last monday. Alas, it was still broken, even though they replaced the motherboard, Hard Drive, and heaps of other crap. So it was sent somewhere or other and had the RAM replaced, now it came back and finally worked, but by then the Internet had broken and we need a new cable modem. So I signed up for temporary dial-up Internet access only to find out I had some worm virus (Who knows where THAT came from) on there so I can't connect for more than 2 minutes at a time before the computer crashes. SO I am at uni now and I've got a few things which will hopefully get rid of the worm when I get home this afternoon. And yes, my uni has started already - we do an accelerated course with 3 semesters a year instead of 2. Now shh!
My BEST Datsun Day.
hehe! What a nice Z, no mirrors - looks sleek! Must sure be a rarity in NZ to see one - hope you enjoy/ed your afternoon!
All right you lot, let's have you.
You don't wanna know about my computer problems!!! I *will* post my mug as soon as I *can*. Just our computers seem to be the most unreliable things in the world. I'm posting this from Uni, btw, the home Internet connection is kaput now, as fate would have it. *puts on the 'waiting for telstra' hat*
R-Factory GT-R
Other Datsuns Section
I think Michael raises a very important point in that if we have a "Other Datsun" forum then we might end up with a whole load of 120Y owners asking why their ash tray doesnt open properly. If Mike ends up thinking another section is appropriate it might be best if it were entitled "S30 Sister Cars" or something - but it depends if Mike wants this area to expand...
All right you lot, let's have you.
Geez Carl, give us a break! It's coming already eesh Talk about anticlimatic...
All right you lot, let's have you.
I was actually subtley hinting at your sheep/cow dilemma you seemed to have this morning, but thats ok! I don't see the point in hunting unless you're going to eat it!
All right you lot, let's have you.
Sean I hear the hunting season for waterfoul and surface ducks is almost over??? They bring a new meaning to the phrase "playing hard-to-get".
All right you lot, let's have you.
What the ?!?!?!?!
All right you lot, let's have you.
Yes, please, Lachlina! (picture coming ASAP as I'd hate for a RUMOUR to start!!! )
All right you lot, let's have you.
Stephen, those words are from Madonna's famous song "What it feels like"... or something... not that I'd know, cos I dont listen to her. Not at all.:cheeky:
I am now Z less
Erm, you havent given up hope yet I hope Victor! It better turn up. It never ceases to amaze me the bloody gall of some people. I mean, if you're gunna steal something, steal a new car - they're replaceable. I'm still hoping it will turn up, Lachlan
Opinions Wanted: Iron Cross Style Wheels
Yea, black in hte centre like you posted would look great, although Stephen's all-polished look also looks AMAZING. Very nice wheels
260Z Truth
awwwwwww thanks :classic: