Everything posted by Alfadog
KPGC110 Godzilla
One of our own in bad accident
That's so relieving to hear you're OK and on your way to a full recovery.
Ford XY tear drops (mirrors)
I like how you refer to your other Z as if you still own it ROFL
Ford XY tear drops (mirrors)
Mmm... now that you mention it... I can't remember that last time I used my side mirrors! LMAO I still prefer mine :tapemouth :cheeky:
Project ive been working on........
I'm afraid the pictures don't show up over here...
Z having a purge
From the album: Misc
Jimminy Jellickers, not sure about where this car is or the specs on the engine, but by the looks of that purge and the size of the rear wheels I expect it to be a little bit quicker than stock... -
dash needed 70 rhd
Those guys are great and will refinish your dash for $300-400 AUD, then you have to pay for shipping there and back. Might turn out an expensive excercise so I recommend trying to find someone who does the same thing in the states first. There's bound to be someone! If not... put on your entrepreneur hat
Ford XY tear drops (mirrors)
Yeah, the bullet style mirrors are fantastic. So THOSE were the mirrors I saw a few cars at the show with... look pretty decent, but aren't wide enough for my liking personally. Pic of my mirror, apparantly Escort Mk. 2 mirror according to Cuong. I think it's great can't say the same for the quality of the digital camera................................
Samuri Conversions - FFA 196L
Wow, this car seems to have certainly been pretty successful in its class, but what/who came 1st??? Still, it all seems a bit much to hail the Samuri as the definitive Z car, since when it comes down to it they were all really "only" tricked up Z's. Like it was mentioned in another thread, int he UK there has always been a stock Z section and a Samuri Z section, but no modified section??? That's absurd. Spike knew how to engineer the car to gain some more horses out of the fantastic L engine, that's for sure! It's just a pity his business ethics weren't as good as his mechanical expertise...
'70 Fairlady Z
This is a great shot - do you perchance have a larger version I could have? Please email me at alfadog@bigpond.net.au if you do. I really love this shot!
One of our own in bad accident
oh goodness. My prayers are out to him. This is terrible news indeed... I've never met him but anyone who is a regular here on the boards still is like family to me. I truly do wish you a speedy recovery...
Strange black windshield wipers, straight grille (did any J-spec cars have this?) and weird looking seats! Make sure you post pics when you get it finished!
Bowling For Columbine
To quote a certain "Ali G", why dont they just make the gun barrels all too big for the bullets? Or better yet make the bullets too big to fit in the guns!? Sure it's not guns who kill people, it's the "A-holes"... but it astonishes me how many "A-holes" America produces compared to other countries.......... what other country can claim as many school shootings as America? There is some certain factor about the society in America which seems to produce a hell of a lot of A-holes. Surely you cannot argue that? Removing guns from the equation will work, but it's a bit like the road deaths problem with governments trying to implement as many speed cameras as possible to totally eliminate speeding from the equation. No speeding = no deaths. Similar thing with no guns = no deaths... not entirely true is it. I'm sure many of you agree that speeding is NOT the cause of many road-related deaths ...It helps though. Guns are not the cause of murders and very confused teenagers killing others at school... but it helps... I'm not trying to be a part of this argument either, I just thought my speeding/guns analogy was kinda nifty I don't know much when it comes to gun laws and gun-related death numbers etc.
Z cars in movies
Mmm... he drives it until he gets powerful and then gets that hunk of saleen iron... so he drives it when he a loser... :tapemouth i dont like the looks of where this is heading...
Bowling For Columbine
No I dont think it still is at the cinemas... pity as I never got to see it either.
- Can't get the hood OPEN!
Engine swap.
There was one for sale in Australia recently - "PhilUK" bought it and is importing it to England! So yeah, it is possible. Oh and check out the yellow car in this gallery: http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showgallery.php?thumb=1&stype=2&si=Joe-Z&cat=500&sort=1&ppuser=2466 if you try hard enough, anything will fit... (see: http://www.classiczcars.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=1482&papass=&sort=1&thecat=998)
Series 1 rear hatch glass
My (Australian) Z has no demister strips either. I believe they changed the design of the demister strips from verticle to horizontal mainly because horizontal demister strips will be more effective at demisting than the verticle strips, because of the air flow direction. Makes sense doesn't it? Oh and from a design perspective, verticle lines make things look tall, horizontal lines make things look wide... I'm not sure if they thought about it THAT much though
260z Samuri Conversion in Australia For Sale
Ah, great to see another view Trex! Personally, I always appreciate a conflict of beliefs as it gives the rest of us who don't know as much about the topic both sides of the story. I would like to hear what you have to say about the Samuri name. But like Alan said I dont think the car he owns has anything to do with the topic. Oh and st. stephen, do yourself a favour and spend the extra 15,000 pounds and get a Miura! Like you, my dream car is a Miura. :love: I bet you watched the intro to 'The Italian Job' as many times as I did too
Can't get the hood OPEN!
Yep - try what Chris said!!!!! Pull the cable HARD, you can't be gentle I've had this happen to me ..... oooh three times now! First I tried jacking it up, and I never got it that way. I think Enrique suggested to remove the bonnet to me also, but I really didn't want to do all that fiddling! So... I mentioned it to the mechanic when I took it in to get an engine tune up unfortunately they decided a screwdriver was teh best way to open it. Hmph. Next time it happened in the morning when I was going for a bit of a cruise up a mountain. Good old Datsun won't fail me, so it should be alright! Murphy's Law........................ I broke down up the mountain (clogged up fuel line) and couldn't even look at the engine to even try to find out what the problem was!! Got it towed home and the tow truck driver showed me what Chris suggested - popped open easily. Third time :cheeky: it was just last Tuesday. And as fate would have it, I was having a report made up on Thursday for someone who wanted one because he's interested in the car. They might have trouble checking the condition of the engine if they can't SEE the engine................. so I tried yanking the cable as hard as I could while having dad pushing hte bonnet... didn't work! So I took it to my new mechanic on Wednesday (the same day as the 240K was going in to get its water pump replaced (was leaky) and he did it and fixed it too so I dont think it will happen again. You say your bonnet cable is snapped - are you sure? Mine was not snapped but the outer tube came unattached from a little clip just next to the latch, so when you pull the cable it pulled everything, instead of just the inner cable. I forgot to ask how my 2nd mechanic openned the bonnet, I'll give him a ring next week and maybe he has a new way that might work for you? Good luck!
Monte Carlo Historic rally
Fantastic photos - and the other cars aren't too shabby either!!!!!!!!
260z Samuri Conversion in Australia For Sale
Hmmph... well I'm getting pictures sent to me frmo the owner of this car next week, I'll post some pictures for those who are interested. I knew you didn't really approve of the Samuris Alan, but now I know why doesn't sound too great - but you have to admit it's a pretty cool name. Does anyone have a different view of the Samuris?
Castle Combe circuit
260z Samuri Conversion in Australia For Sale
My take on this is that this is a very old photo Sorry for my ignorance but what exactly was so special about the samuris? (i know, i know, shame on me)