Everything posted by Alfadog
buying a z car
Another good thing about tehse cars is that everyone has an opinion on which one they think is the best................. strangely enough most people prefer the one they own. I wonder which comes first, the love or the car??? "The original and the best" 240z :love: :love:
buying a z car
First of all, where do you live? Different regions have different spec level Z's and the value of them are also quite different. Generally, 240Z's are more expensive, rarer (in America I think teh 260Z may be rarer?) and because it was the first one it's highly regarded - not to mention it's the lightest and least molestered (with no crash-protection huge bumpers or smog crap). Once you work out what model you want, generally all the early ones havve teh same sort of thing to look out for.. rust... floorpans, frame rails and under battery are the dangerous rust-prone areas, and tehre are a heap of other areas which won't really make your car unsafe but certainly won't make it look pretty... if you searchthe forums for "rust areas" or something you'll find HEAPS and I mean HEAPS of posts about teh subject. With parts availability it depends again where you're located....... All the talk about the engines being indestructable may be true (I've never owned any other engine) but that doesn't mean a lot of the other parts on the car can't go wrong. Generally they're cheap to fix though - compared to other classics such as MG's and Triumphs...
Who's real a "gear-head"?
Ah yes I've seen that book, but at $27 USD I'll be damned if I'm going to buy it any time soon!!! it's much easier to spend $5 for each old magazine one buy one, and then at the end realising how much you've actually spent!!!!!! :stupid: :stupid:
Who's real a "gear-head"?
We didn't get R&D in Australia (I think - I probably wasn't alive when you read that article) so unfortunately I dont have that article - if I did I would send you it for sure! I have a soft spot for 914s... maybe it's because I've never seen one in real life??? ROFL They weren't sold in Australia I think!?
Noisy Tappets?
I await an answer to this question too
Creative Honda add.
hehe yeah I already saw it via another forum - fantastic ad!
Who's real a "gear-head"?
I don't have a subsciption to any but my dad gets MOTOR and occasionally when I see something of interest I'll buy teh UK Car magazine (great mag, just a little pricey). There are a whole lot of other magazines but I rarely buy any. Spending money to read seems silly to me, but then I suppose I shouldn't say that because I have spent quite a pretty penny over the last couple of months buying old (30 years) magazines on Ebay. You can guess what cars these ones have in them................................
A Warning To All Zcar.com Users
Agreed. As much as I commend you for your investigation (and what you have in store for him!!) it's probably not a good idea to post such things here.
- Hah
calling a bonnet a hood?? What's up in da hood bruda? Da 3 weber brudas are suckin us up !
South Oz '73 Zed
That's disgusting. Do these people have no conscience? What item was it? Might save some of us if she/he ever tries teh same thing again...
Vote on a Wheel!
240K... those little wood pieces between the spokes actually activate teh horn too. Nice wheel
South Oz '73 Zed
Yeah, 240K... looks like a piece of junk.......... wonder how rusty it is? running a car without an air filter is one thing, but advertising it like that?? Automatic though?? Looks like a 240K Auto shifter, but what's that clutch pedal doing? But I mean, FINALLY there's a Z on ebay Australia. Compared to the dozens that go for sale every week in America... they dont know what they've got
Production date question...
Black interior panels are black on both sides. The back of the panel should be fairly glossy black (no texture), if mine are the right panels........
"yeah, that's easy for you to say, you drive a...
I think that's a bit harsh... I mean they're not THAT $^!# Maybe if you lived in Australia where we only got the 2+2 Non-Turbo model you could say that though
Brisbane Easter Z Car Nationals
Good idea Joseph, I will do so!
Brisbane Easter Z Car Nationals
I will take rolls and rolls of film in anticipation for a good show
Brisbane Easter Z Car Nationals
I just downloaded the itinery and it reads: "...start at about 10am" It's going to be held at the Calamvale Hotel car park.......... so I dont know how big it will be!??!?! http://www.zcarclubq.org.au/Attachments/Nationals%20The%20Event1.pdf?PHPSESSID=6670ae2a006d5c3c4c596570672f0245 for the itinery
History Channel
I love Z's and all, but my Albert is definitely no Prince Oh well, I guess I'll have to go and find another generous doorman so I can have 2
History Channel
If anyone takes offence I can just blame it on my Australian-ness. That usually works ROFL Funny you mention the "earring" thing, as when I went to the 350Z launch the guy at the front door was wearing a Z pin. I asked where can I get one, so he gave it to me! Now that I think about it, it *could* double as an earring. Mmmm now I just need to get my ear pierced. Which ear is the straight ear again???
History Channel
The guy who sold my Z to me insisted on the fact that it was really a "German Design" by Goertz... I tried to set it straight but it was obvious he wasn't going to listen to a 17 year old. Oh well, his loss... I liked the video (probably because it was the first Z documentary I ever saw) but yeah it definitely left me a bit disappointed. Too much American Z fans saying "It's nawwt jast a carrr, it's a larrfstarrl"................ I wanted to see Fairlady Z's racing around with bolt on flares and watanabes What I got was 4-speed hick-Zee's with big air dams and a mind-numbing voice in the background telling me what I was looking at. I enjoyed the bit about early Datsun's and the troubles they had getting a market share in America though. Great footage of the tiny Datto driving down a highway in the US among all those huge tanks.
Sliced bread??? Who needs damn sliced bread, Z is better than sliced bread!
Brisbane Easter Z Car Nationals
0402506902 is me http://www.zcarclubq.org.au/html/main_page.php?AreaID=9 has all the info about it. CALAMVALE HOTEL-MOTEL Compton Rd Calamvale 4116 It's just south of Brisbane. Their phone number is (07) 3273 4777.
350Z - nice write up..
That guy did like the car, didn't he... But one question - he states that a Boxster is $47,000+ and an M3 is $45,000+.... your M3's are cheaper than Boxsters??? Also, $45,000 for an M3 seems astoundingly cheap. Here they retail for almost DOUBLE that figure!! What's up? :stupid: