Everything posted by Alfadog
back on the road preparation
pffft mate, the nationals are only going to be in Qld once every like 4 years!!! You can get married any time! I'm sure your fiancée will understand................. :stupid:
Measuring BHP has changed a lot since 1971... I think someone said in another topic the Z has the equivelant of around 130 BHP in today's standards. Not bad still, but I wouldn't be surprised if a 240SX was faster.
History Channel
So... wait... Pandas AREN'T endangered???! ..no wait, that's the national geographic channel. Phew!
What have we done to deserve this?
Thanks for the heads-up 2MZ, now I know to not watch the telly in 2-3 years time when we get fed your left-overs...
Yeah, I can't emphasize enough to ring as many insurance companies as possible for quotes. My Z differed in insurance price from $230 USD to around $1200. BIG Difference.
History Channel
Yeah it's quite an old documentary... Just keep regular checks to your guide and sooner or later it'll probably show up. It played in Australia a month or so ago and was played here about a year ago too...
back on the road preparation
hi Luke!! Welcome to the club, and kudos for resurrecting your Z! Are you coming to the Z Nationals this Fri/Sat/Sun ? It'll be an awesome weekend! Good luck with your Z refreshment,
What the hell?! I thought this was a Z forum! I am 18 and my first car was/is a 240Z. It breaks down every now and then, and it needs work done to it to be as good condition as a 1990 car, but it LOOKS good, SOUNDS good, and goes pretty good too! There are loads of Silvias and 180SX's (like your 240SX in America) around here and to be frank I dont like them. They are all good and that for a thrash, but they dont seem to have any character. Not to mention the fact that you won't be able to fix anything yourself. You say you want to tune cars yourself, well I'm no expert but IMO generally the older the easier. In the end, the SX is a compromise. More mod-cons but less raw fun. The Z won't be as forgiving and you'll probably have trouble doing it up because you're too busy fixing things that break. It's your decision though, so my suggestion is to go and drive a few of each and don't hurry things. Sooner or later you'll fall in love with one of them. Either the 4-pot ugly plastic-mobile or the gorgeous straight-6-powered classic. OH and just for the record, I pay around $230 US a year for my insurance, comprehensive. So there. You should probably move to Australia while you're at it... just bring yourself a decent Z we've run out.
Brisbane Easter Z Car Nationals
Yeah!! Who's going? I know Rick (1 Bravo 6) is and I'll be up there on Sunday. I'd love to come Saturday too but my final exams start on the Monday so I have to restrain myself!
OK, no more maple syrup either!!! Am I the only one who thinks everyone is celebrating early? I mean do you honestly think Sadam has just hidden himself away, never to be seen again? Or am I missing some vital information?
Matt, the caption explains "rb26dett" - that's the engine out of the R32-R34 Skyline GTR's... straight six yes. This one is fantastic..........
front view
Happy Birthday Ozzy Guy
Happy Birthday mate... sorry I couldn't afford 3 real strippers, or a real cake. Or even writing your real name on the cardboard cake. Just pretend you're Morgan, OK?! hopefully see you next weekend!
Thank you President Clinton
Carl, No chance am I giving up on Z's!! Just that I cannot financially afford 2 cars right now. Insurance, rego... not to mention repair costs. I would sell the 240K, but there are certain reasons why I just cant sell it. I have chosen to let my Z go to someone who can afford to keep him in tip-top shape, e.g. getting rid of the cancer (lucky for cars, there IS a cure!)... I certainly won't leave these forums dont be mistaken! You guys will keep my desire for Z alive while I go through these tough times in Uni
compe steering wheel?
Geeezaloo they do look kinda menacing! Can't imagine they would be good for kneecaps at 60 kmph....
Thank you President Clinton
Welcome cam!!! The more (australians) the merrier!
Number Plate
I think NT or somewhere can have 7. Or something. I have a couple of plates I really really want and that are available in Qld but I just dont see the point in spending $2000 on a number plate. yeah bambikiller a number plate is a license plate.
Colour Schemes
Personally... I love a dark metallic blue (think WRX blue), or a dark silver. That's my opinion anyway
WTB: 260Z 2 seater, any condition
So why not just weld a few triangles on your floorpans of the Z? Spaceframe Z mmmm
WTB: 260Z 2 seater, any condition
Youre 3rd year doing Finite Element Analysis... I did that in grade 12 at school ROFL although I bet your stuff would be 100x harder Im sure... Pity about the amount of theory in your course... you could always do an apprentiship. My brother switched to Mechantronics this year, after 3 years of a IT degree :-/
I never dreamed it would come to this
Anyone else notice the airbrushed Jesus on the first one? What the hell is he trying to do ?!?!?!
Look what I found at WalMart!
I recently got a TOMY Char-G remote control car... these dont come in the form of Z's but they do come in ...........*look at pic*
WTB: 260Z 2 seater, any condition
Ah, how is that course? I was planning on doing it combined with a Business degree, but then decided on IT & Bus instead. I am considering doing it afterwards, just because I'm so interested in all that. Is it a lot of mechanics or too much theory?
Vote on a Wheel!
sennsvsprost I love your car. :love: :love: :love: :love: You probably see it in a post I made in one of hte other threads.