Everything posted by Alfadog
There were rumours about a V10 Viper engine in a Z once ... but I havent seen any pictures or information so I wouldn't believe it... Darius has his LT1 Supercharged, making some ridiculous amount of power. There are a few 240Z drag cars, with a selection of motors in there. These are tubbed though so I don't count them. There are some normal 240Z drag-set-up cars in Japan running the standard L block with carbourattors that do 10 second quarter miles.......... heavy work involved, but its amazing to think the 30 year old engine can pull times like that.
Under the rocker
I knew that !!!!!!! Oh I do feel proud. I found out what it was when I took my fuel pump off
Fog/driving lights- Rectangular or Circular?
Go for the rectangular ones mate
Z died 40km from home!
Ya, I guess I should look on the bright side, at least it didn't break 80km from home!!!
ABOUT TO BUY THIS 240Z.. What u Reckon?
i like da blueeeeeee one Post more pics when you get yours!!!
ABOUT TO BUY THIS 240Z.. What u Reckon?
Whoaaa he's got some nice mobiles there! And Townsville, my Uncle lives in Townsville! Looks like he's got a few tonnes of stuff there, and your white car is great looking. Although you seem to have one chrome mirror and one white one!
Your Home Page?
Microshaft keeps on changing mine :tapemouth Usually I put it to www.drive.com.au though, it's got some good news every now and then.
Z died 40km from home!
I'll ring tomorrow see if he has an explaination or perhaps a suggestion. Then the filter (needs replacing anyway so no loss there) and we'll go from there.
are there any japanese sources?
I suppose you could always buy those copies then get them powdercoated... but for the price you pay all up you might be better off getting some *real* ones imported from Japan...
432-R interior
are there any japanese sources?
they're better when they're black
Z died 40km from home!
Just gave it a run and it started up ok, ran perfectly for 5 or 10 minutes so decided to take it for a drive. Drove well, but going down a hill at 2000rpm started backfiring. Normally it backfires a bit if you're going down a steepish incline at about 3000, never like this. Shortly after driving around nicely, it started running roughly and coughed a bit so I pulled over. Idled like it was yesterday, and conked out. Started it up, and the idle went back to normal after about a minute or two. Drove again, now taking more notice of the engine sounds. It seems to backfire a little bit driving at a constant speed, as well as pretty bad when youre slowing down by the engine. Note : pretty bad means every second or two it burbles or splutters. No big bangs or anything. Repeated the same thing a few times, and without fail the engine started to go rough after a minute or so of driving. Did the same with the air filter off. Both carbs sucking, the back carb possibly sucking a little less air than the right. Still sounds like fuel starvation to me, but the fuel pump is bubbling away normally. Dad wants to take the carbs off and spend hours investigating. I want to ring the mechanic.
Euro Lights for 72 240Z and R200 LSD 3.7:1 ratio
Bondorific! I say form an army and take over the old guy's base.. err.. i mean house.
Z died 40km from home!
That's it, I dont *know* for sure. Like I said in my original post the mechanic fitted a new fuel pump (or so he said), adjusted the carbs a bit (to get a lower idle for me, and sprayed WD40 or something similar on the bottom of the carbs where the little pin thing comes down when the choke is on (it was not coming back up). That was all he did to the fuel system. He was not doing a service, but I had one of those done by a different mechanic a while ago. He's the one who put the chip in by bonnet so that's why I moved to this new guy, who has a rally 240Z which he takes to Targa Tasmania etc. and also a rally 1600 I think he uses at the moment for rallying in. He does work to all sorts of other rally cars (had a Mini Cooper S, Mk 1 Lotus Escort, Datsun 1600 in his garage when I picked mine up). You'd THINK he'd be good with my car. Again, I dont *know*... The fuel pump was replaced because it was spurting oil everywhere. Could this be a tell-tale sign of something other than just a worn out pump?
Z died 40km from home!
Thanks guys, sounds like it needs a new fuel filter anyway, but I just can't stop thinking that it is a very large coincidence that this happened straight after the mechanic fiddled around with stuff...
Z died 40km from home!
I looked at it yesterday and that's the first thing I will check tomorrow, just with all the bad stuff happening yesterday I felt it was best to leave it. Thanks for your help. The filter container is full to the brim and very dark, whether this means anything or not I'm not sure... I'll take it out tomorrow and get all dirty :classic: Edit: How often should your fuel filter be changed, anyway???
Z died 40km from home!
Hi guys Was up a mountain yesterday when my engine decided to cough and splutter and generally just not run well at less than about 2500rpm.. I pulled over immediately to have a listen but after about 4 seconds of idling at around 500 (usually around 700) it conked out. Fiddled around for a while, but my bonnet cable broke again that same morning so it was a bit useless! Anyway, tow truck came along and got me back home for 60 bucks AUD (not bad I thought) and he also helped me get my bonnet open (gave it a good yank and pressed down on the bonnet at the same time). The car was just in the shop last week (got it back Friday) getting $500 worth of stuff fixed up. I think this problem is something to do with the fuel line - the mechanic gave me a new fuel pump and the carbs were adjusted. Do you think this is related? I drove it about 40-50 km on Friday and it ran well despite idling a little weirdly occasionally, but I thought I was just getting used to the new lower idle setting and other things which were changed. Up the mountain it was good all day until 3pm when it died. Before this the car was running very well, no smoke (I was told from the guy behind me) and I only revved it up to 4000/4500 maximum. Any ideas?
are there any japanese sources?
Search for "Watanabe" in the old threads. You won't be happy with the price
Californians Read This...Badges wanted
yes. yes it is.
A message for ALL !!!!!
Peraps peraps ! So your distant relatives came over by boat as convicts? Do you know when?
240Z racing a Z06 Vette
So, how is he at the moment? I've seen many of his videos and he seems like a pretty ..... crazy guy. He's the kinda guy who lives for danger, from what I saw.
Parts wanted
Sounds awesome!!! Why not post some pictures up in the Gallery for us?
Euro Lights for 72 240Z and R200 LSD 3.7:1 ratio
Who knows, perhaps in a year or two they will be upward of $1000........ "It's alright honey, these tail lights are INVESTMENTS" "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight" LOL
mounting rear louvers
I've heard of people taking OFF their louvres, but putting them on?!?!?!?! If that's your car in your avatar BadDog, burn that large staircase of metal and do not think about such an uglifier again!
A message for ALL !!!!!
I am proud of my penal heritage, if you know what I mean LOL LOL No, I didn't decent from no stinkin' crooks Our family came over from Scotland by choice a good 80 years ago or so...