Everything posted by Alfadog
Copper/Brass vs Aluminum rad
Yes, cost is also a factor of course. I should have said their better efficiency was one of the reasons Automobile Manufacturers tend to use aluminium radiators these days.
NISMO grill install in a post 7-72 240
I am curious as to what a "Nismo grille" is?
Copper/Brass vs Aluminum rad
I looked into this a bit when I was replacing my radiator. I ended up having it reconditioned to standard spec, mainly because it was the cheapest alternative and as my engine is relatively stock it doesn't need anything else. I toyed with the Al radiator idea but in the end the realist in me prevailed and I had to ask - could the extra money be better spent elsewhere? Surprisingly (well for me it was) now that the car is manual it runs a lot cooler. Anyway, thats completely beside the point. The aluminium radiators are superior - that's why almost all new quality cars use them. That said, does your car need better cooling? If so, I feel getting an extra core or two is fine - no need for the Al. If I were you, I'd go the MSA 4-core and it will probably be fine. Take note that this is just my own subjective opinion on the matter - I welcome anybody else who disagrees with what I've said.
240K Coupe Spare Parts
Not sure if you wanted to go this full-on, but there is what I think looks like the right thing to do when restoring the inside of a gas tank here: http://classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19514 There is another approach here: http://classiczcars.com/forums/showthread.php?t=963 Make sure to read the replies too, good info there
Trivia : How many?
Maybe I'm missing something here, but couldn't your friend just count the holes for rivets?
Stretching my wife's patience...
Bah, you guys act all tough but in reality you've all been severely whipped! Just kidding, you always have to keep it in balance. The car is very nice and all that but in the end... it's just a car. As fun as driving is, nothing beats holding the one you love close to you.
Oldest car to wear GT-R badge
Miles - think it's just a coincidence I think I have seen red, orange, white and yellow...? Maybe silver too. Orange definitely seems to be the "hero" colour though.
Oldest car to wear GT-R badge
Thanks for the input guys, I must be mistaken Alan - thanks for the correction - when all your information comes from the INTERNET the facts can get a little murky as you would be aware! ... Chris, if you want to see more Belletts check out this website - it's very good ( http://www.users.bigpond.com/glennpp/index.htm ). This one is in Japanese but has loads of pictures ( http://sapporo.cool.ne.jp/bellett/ ). If you could read Japanese I'm sure this one ( http://www.tochigi-isuzu.co.jp/tokusyu/beret/beret.htm ) would have a lot of interesting information! As for specs, it had a DOHC 1.6 4-cyl producing 120 BHP in a 970kg shell - good for a 16 second quarter mile - this is what I'm lead to believe anyway... In Australia we got the 2-door and 4-door but no GTR (it also had a slightly different bodyshell). The car was later replaced by the Gemini.
Oldest car to wear GT-R badge
For personal research fun, I was wondering what the first car (Japanese or otherwise) to wear "GTR" was. Nowadays those 3 letters are synonomous with the Nissan Skyline - but I believe Isuzu beat them to the punch with their Isuzu Bellett GTR. Does anybody know of any car ealier than this (1967) that wore the GTR badge?
Seriously man, my neck!! hahaha, great shoot - you would be very hard pressed to get that number of S30's together at the same place at the same time here... Good work!
This must be a new restoration?? Not seen it before ... unless it's the same one that has been posted in the gallery before? With 300ZX wheels? The colour is very ... unique
finaly im in
Welcome! The 240K population here is growing quite large so you will not feel out of place at all. PM me with the bits you want as I have a 240K parts car that will be "disposed of" shortly. So yeah, where are you and what are your plans for your car?
240K Coupe Spare Parts
Wow, I had a stanley knife that looked just like that in the boot of my parts car! And wow, they were ALL 1973 cars. Very interesting. Loving the camber on the rear of the green thing! haha. You're crazy - you do know that don't you????
HShow Car mods for handicapped Driver
Now THAT is cool! Just what Enrique was talking about in regards to modifications (I assume it is a modification?). Tomohawk, is the Pininfarina badge a joke to poke fun at the "higher class" cars??
Son of DAT
My mistake 26th-Z - but it still may be of interest to some. It would sure be hard to put a value on such a car and I certainly do not feel I could make any comment on the price or what "experts" say it's worth... I was mainly just astonished at the claim "no earlier such automobile has been located by us anywhere". Mustn't have been looking very hard!
Son of DAT
1937 Datsun currently for sale! http://cgi.liveauctions.ebay.com/3111-1937-DATSUN-OLDEST-JAPANESE-CAR-made-by_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ28193QQitemZ6594846909QQrdZ1
My Dad's new toy with my Z
White Guage Face Opinions? Ricey?
Yup, gage is just an Americanism (izm?) of gauge. Chavs aren't exactly like ricers, but damn pretty close!! haha, they make me laugh. I don't even know what they are supposed to be looking up to? Ali G???
240K Handling
OK, I can now confirm 163 is the correct colour code for the GT-R red. The GT-Rs didn't get unique colours, just restricted, according to this information I found. Attached is a picture (poor quality, sorry, my good camera has run out of batteries) from a reproduction of the KPGC110 service manual (thanks to Alan Thomas). I added some clearer text of the actual numbers for readability! Cross referencing with the scan Jim posted (thanks Jim!) we can see that 258 is silver and 024 is white. So there we go!
Auto to Manual Conversion Guide
Another point to remember when gearbox swap - make sure you account for all four of the small bush-looking things that go inside the hole of the pedals to space them out a bit so they are sturdy on the fulcrum shaft. These little things are NLA from Nissan and quite fragile! Without them, pedal will be wobbly.
Auto to Manual Conversion Guide
Just wanted to add this information for reference. The GT-R was fitted with FS5C71B transmission with the following ratios: FS5C71B 1st 2.906 2nd 1.902 3rd 1.308 4th 1.000 5th 0.864 Rev 3.382 It was fitted with the R192 diff with a ratio of 1:4.444 (This is so high - could be an option part?)
My new set of Fender Mirrors
These ones are better http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h33061118