Everything posted by Alfadog
Photoshop skillz...
Looking good mate. As for shadows, try starting off with a photo of your car on flat ground - preferably concrete
I think it looks great! (for a new car) The interior however, I'm not so sure about. Pretty chintzy.
240K GT parts
Also note there are more differences between consoles - the actual angle of the bit where the radio sits is different, and the demister switch is relocated, also closer to the console box is shaped a bit differently too IIRC
240K GT parts
Please note as I posted some time ago, C210 badges will otn fit c110 - the holes and pins do not lnie up. Check my gallery for C10/C110/C210 GT badges compared
240K GT parts
It's a facelift change just like the rest of the changes. You could even keep hte centre DATSUN bit and source a late-model GT badge from the Arab states (remember they were always 240K GT) Nothing special about it I'm afraid.
Look at my z240k
Nice job mate It reminds me of an Isuzu 117 Coupe.
240K GT parts
Art, not all of those are differences between GT and GL. Some are differences between early and late model cars, and some I question are differences at all (never seen a 240K with anything other than a 5-digit odo...)? Kent, there were two "early" rear Datsun badges as far as I'm aware. One has black text (never actually seen one on a car) and the other has white. Are you sure the badge you have on this isn't just a later model badge? Got a picture of it?
240K GT parts
That's right, early cars with the MPH & KPH speedos.
My new 240K
Get the Longchamps mate, they look sensational.
2 x 240Ks on ebay
$1500? Geeeez
project update
Looks great! The strut bar will do wonders, I'm sure.
Factory Weight
^ again do a search, the weights actually changed over the years apparently
Factory Weight
Search the forums mate, there is lots of info!
C10 GTR for sale in japan
Original? It looks restored to me! Amazing/// just out of this world. I would love to see and hear a real one some day.
Hiya the newest new guy
Hi Aaron and welcome. You'll find loads of info here. Nice choice. Post pictures when you can!
lookinf for 240k
Ah yes Tasmania, the Australian county where people drive on the right and the sky is green!
kpgc110 rear quarter panel
240K video
Bold is one word for it, I guess.
OT: My new car...
Wingnut, have you seen the Australian-designed Bullet Roadster? So well engineered, but hardly an MX-5 anymore! Red_Dog, I wanted to make sure I got one of the later 1.8 litre cars. This one is a 1997 model, the last year of production. They've got a fair bit more poke. I will not be modifying the engine very much. Maybe an exhaust and CAI. I've already bought a rollbar, and suspension+wheels are next on the list. James, actually I did drive an NC last year - and on a track too! Part of a Mazda Range testing day my brother won and took me along too. Against the 3 MPS, 6 MPS, and RX-8 it was definitely the least powerful, but NOTHING felt as good as the MX-5. The way I see it, this car is as "oldschool" as you can get without actually getting an old car. It's a compromise. I don't have the time to take proper care of a real classic at this point in my life. This'll be fun, and (touch wood) won't cause me any real stress.
OT: My new car...
The Camry lasted all of about a week before I was scouring Carsales again trying to find something of interest. I have been looking for one of these for a few months now and finally found one I think I will be happy with. It's not perfect by any stretch, but it seems well cared for and it's a gorgeous colour... One of the things on my "do before I die" list was to own a convertible. I am very glad to say that I can now cross that one off!!! As a general rule I have never been a fan of convertibles as a concept but these things are so damn fun to drive. I paid a deposit on Monday, and will pick it up hopefully over the weekend. Now, I just have to resist the overwhelming urge to bolt on some flares heh heh heh
Illegal window tint
In Australia at least, it would be exempt in this case.
GT Flares (240K)
Line 'em up, cut the arches, weld in a strip on the rears, pop-rivet on the flares. Voila! I had a bodyshop do the work as I'm no welder. :knockedou
Illegal window tint
Holy crap!! Are you kidding me? 26% of light through? That's dangerous, and it would be in your best interest to fix it. IMHO.
C110 for sale in japan
p.s. http://page6.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/f60823513
C110 for sale in japan
Hi Alan - make no mistake - I am not making excuses for these guys No it's not acceptable and they should be more responsible. For what it's worth though, most of the cars that end up on the "list" they send out are actually just picked from Yahoo! Auctions Japan. This is one of them. To clarify, they are not actually selling these cars as such, rather they're just showing examples of what can be bought. So it was potentially the seller who was misrepresenting the car (it wasn't...). Again, not making excuses. Just explaining what these guys do for interest's sake. Yep, I was reminded of that story when you first posted - very unfortunate and no one deserves that.